Friday Afternoon Reads: Whispering Tweet Nothings to Terrorists and Crazies

Good Afternoon Sky Dancers!

The world is a dangerous place and international relations are challenging to even the most skilled world leaders. Then, there is Kremlin Caligula. Tweeting all things ‘unhelpful’ at all times. This time it was about a terrorist attack in London.

An “improvised explosive device” was detonated on a Tube train in south-west London during Friday’s morning rush hour, injuring 29 people.

The blast, at Parsons Green station on a District Line train from Wimbledon, is being treated as terrorism.

So-called Islamic State says it carried out the attack, which Prime Minister Theresa May condemned as “cowardly”.,

A hunt is under way for the person who placed the device and the area around the station has been evacuated.

Speciralist officers there securing the remains 0f the improvised device and ensuring it is stable.

Chris Britt / Illinois Times

Trump never offers condolences or the proverbial thoughts and prayers. Instead, he tweets verbal bombs.

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday said speculation about those behind the terror attack at London’s Parsons Green subway station was unhelpful, a clear reference to a tweet by U.S. President Donald Trump.

“I never think it is helpful for anyone to speculate on what is an ongoing investigation,” May told the BBC, without naming Trump. “The police and security services are working to discover the full circumstances of this cowardly attack and to identify all those responsible.”

Earlier Friday, Trump implied authorities were monitoring those responsible for setting off explosives.

“Another attack in London by a loser terrorist. These are sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard. Must be proactive!” Trump tweeted.

He added in a second tweet that “loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner. The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better!”

The explosion in southwest London, which authorities are calling a “terrorist incident,” left 29 people wounded. None of the injuries are thought to be life-threatening. Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley told reporters that most of the injuries appeared to be flash burns.

Rowley said police believe the explosion, at about 8:20 a.m. local time, was caused by an improvised explosive device.

Pictures of the alleged explosive device — a white bucket inside a plastic bag in an underground train carriage — circulated on social media but the blast did not seem to have caused major damage, according to the BBC.

“Londoners particularly can expect to see an enhanced police presence, particularly across the transport system across the day,” Rowley said

Meanwhile, North Korea has fired another ballistic missile over Japan. This came after a flurry of threats from its rogue leader that sounded like a big ol’ return fire to Trump. Thursday saw NK threaten to “sink Japan and turn America to ashes” which sounds similar to “fire and fury” to me.

North Korea has fired a ballistic missile across Japan, creating new tension in the region after its nuclear bomb test less than two weeks ago.

The missile reached an altitude of about 770km (478 miles), travelling 3,700km before landing in the sea off Hokkaido, South Korea’s military says.

It flew higher and further than one fired over Japan late last month.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said his country would “never tolerate” such “dangerous provocative action”.

South Korea responded within minutes by firing two ballistic missiles into the sea in a simulated strike on the North.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also condemned the launch and the UN Security Council will meet later on Friday in New York at the request of the United States and Japan.

Guess who did have substantive comments on North Korea?

Now read the twitter responses to that!

Hillary Clinton may have lost the 2016 presidential election, but MSNBC host Rachel Maddow declared she “is not a retired politician” after an hour long interview with her Thursday.

Her assessment was echoed by many on Twitter as well, with many users agreeing with Clinton’s take on last year’s election, the Donald Trump presidency and current political situation around issues such as the Russia Investigation, North Korea, and DACA.

The interview with Maddow was a part of a book tour for Clinton’s “What Happened,” which follows her journey during the 2016 election.

Speaking about the situation in North Korea, Clinton said it was important for the country to work with allies like South Korea, which she thought the Trump administration was alienating; she also said Trump was failing to braing in experts to deal with the situation.

“We have decimated our state department. I don’t believe that people who have decades of experience with North Korean diplomacy are being brought to the table, even though they should be,” she said.

Speaking on the contentious Russian meddling in the presidential election, she summed up what Trump aspired toward. “I do believe Trump admires authoritarians. He doesn’t just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin. He wants to have that kind of power that is largely unaccountable,” she said.

Following Clinton’s interview, many users on Twitter commented how different the country would have been if Clinton had been elected the president of the U.S.

A Twitter user by the name Joy Reid was quick to draw comparisons between Trump and Clinton. “Excellent @HillaryClinton interview by #Maddow, and what a reminder of the contrast between the president we have and the one we could have,” she tweeted.

Bob Cesca from the Stephanie Miller Show called Clinton an exceptional woman. “Watching HRC on @Maddow and growing furious (again) at whoever first said presidents should be like us. They should be exceptional like her,” he tweeted.

There were many other tweets which hailed Clinton’s clear headedness and articulateness, with many users asserting she should have been the president of the U.S. instead of Trump.

There is no joy in MAGAville today. “‘You will never make America great again!‘: Watch angry Trump fans burn their MAGA hats over DACA deal.”

Supporters of President Donald Trump are still furious about his decision to work with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on helping to shield undocumented immigrants who were brought into the United States as children from being deported.

 Now some Trump fans have taken their displeasure a step further and have started setting their “Make America Great Again” hats on fire to protest Trump seemingly going soft on his signature campaign issue.

Angry Trump fan Luis Withrow posted a video of himself on Twitter angrily telling Trump that he will “never make America great again” if he didn’t “drain the swamp” in Washington, DC. He then set his MAGA hat ablaze.

Burn baby burn!

Last night was another reminder that we should have had a President Hillary! What’s on your reading and blogging list today?

 and if you liked Cat Stevens you may want to read ‘The Unlikely Return of Cat Stevens’ by Howard Fishman at The New Yorker.

Wednesday Reads: Vaisefude? Schadenfreude?


My glorious friend Jessie sent me that image…she knows my partiality to the phrase, “Fuck you!”

(Maybe it would help if I told you, Jessie is from Brazil?)

Working the Google:


The Orange Dumb Scary Shithead was making words last night. Second night in a row, right? I won’t listen to it speak anymore. If I can stand the aftermath of tweets from the peanut gallery once it has stopped spewing the verbal diarrhea, I will take a look at my Twitter feed. Otherwise, I will wait until Dak or Boston Boomer puts up their post to find out what the hell the shitwad said.

This is a problem today, because I am the one writing the post. So this means I have to go and make myself dig in, and here it goes.

Clinton says her ‘skin crawled’ from Trump’s looming behavior at debate – POLITICO

In an excerpt from her forthcoming book on the 2016 race, Clinton recalled Trump’s uncomfortably close positioning on stage during the town hall-style debate at Washington University in St. Louis. The event took place just days after an audio recording from a years-old “Access Hollywood” interview surfaced of the president bragging in vulgar terms about how his celebrity status allowed him to sexually assault women without consequence.

“This is not OK, I thought. It was the second presidential debate and Donald Trump was looming behind me. Two days before, the world heard him brag about groping women. Now we were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces,” Clinton wrote in her book “What Happened,” an excerpt of which was broadcast Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“It was incredibly uncomfortable,” she wrote. “He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled. It was one of those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone watching, well, what would you do? Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren’t repeatedly invading your space? Or do you turn, look him in the eye and say loudly and clearly, ‘back up you creep, get away from me. I know you love to intimidate women but you can’t intimidate me, so back up.’”

Oh wait…that wasn’t Hillary’s take of last night’s performance….it was an excerpt of her book.

‘back up you creep, get away from me.’

Fuck yeah? I see another meme or tattoo in the future, don’t you?

But back to last night. (See how I am avoiding covering this Phoenix rally thing…)

‘Sh*tshow of the highest order’: Internet loses it after Trump’s ‘insane, absurd, off-the-rails’ speech

Donald Trump on Tuesday night spoke at a campaign-style rally in Phoenix, Arizona. After spending 45 minutes maligning the “fake news” and re-litigating his reaction to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia (while leaving out his “both sides” remark), Trump hinted he will pardon Sheriff Joe Arpaio, argued anti-Confederate protestors are trying to take away “our history” and complained—live on TV—that the mainstream media is too scared to show him live on TV.

The entire event was vintage Trump and ought to dispel and notion of a “pivot,” which was an idea floated Monday night after the president stayed on-script during a speech on Afghanistan.

It was a free-wheeling, decidedly “off-the-rails” speech that no-doubt satisfied Trump’s cracking base.

Here are some stellar reactions to the president’s doozy of a campaign rally (who’s he running against, exactly?), if you lack the time or will to react yourself:

You can click on the link to see those reactions…here are a couple of the good ones:

Trump Goes Off-Script in Hour-Long Public Meltdown | Vanity Fair

After walking on stage at the Phoenix Convention Center to “God Bless the U.S.A.” for what was, effectively, a 2020 campaign rally, Donald Trumprepeatedly ditched his teleprompter and went off-script as he ranted about being mistreated by the media in the wake of Charlottesville, relentlessly attacked an array of enemies including both of Arizona’s Republican senators, and portrayed himself as the true victim of a violent clash between white supremacists and counter-protesters that left one woman dead. Journalists and other social-media commentators watched, stunned, as he proceeded to spend the rest of his hour-long speech unloading on the mainstream press, praising a CNN pundit who was fired for tweeting a Nazi slogan, and re-litigating his entire response to Charlottesville, line by line, in what has become a hallmark of the Trump presidency: a full-on public meltdown.

With a captive, cheering audience of thousands before him, Trump reveled in the opportunity to vent, after a long summer of political crises, and to set the record straight. “What happened in Charlottesville strikes at the core of America,” he said, blaming the “thugs” and the “dishonest media” for the violence in Virginia. This statement drew nearly a minute of boos from the rabid crowd. “I strongly condemned the white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the K.K.K. They know it because they were all there,” he said, referring to the media. “I thought I’d take just a second and do this, because you know where my heart is, to show how damn dishonest these people are.”

He proceeded to reread the statement he initially gave in response to the protest, conveniently leaving out the part where he blamed “many sides”—both white supremacists and the anti-racist counter-protesters—for the violence. He mocked the media: “It took a day! Why didn’t he say it fast enough!” He berated The New York Times,The Washington Post, and CNN in one breath, and flatly defended himself against charges of racism. “And then they say, is he a racist? And then I did a second one,” he said, referring to another statement he gave. “And then I said, racism is evil. Did they report that I said racism was evil? They all say what a bad guy I am. And then you wonder why CNN is doing relatively poorly in the ratings. They put seven people, all anti-Trump, and then they fired Jeffrey Lord!” he added, referring to the pundit who was fired after tweeting “Seig Heil” at a critic. “Poor Jeffrey.”

This is disgusting. But then…tRump used the two words that no longer signal dog whistles to me…

“The words were perfect,” Trump said of his own words about Charlottesville. “They only take out anything they think of, and all they do is complain. The media can attack me, but where I draw the line is when they attack you, the decency of our supporters. You are honest, hard-working, tax-paying—and you’re over-taxed, but we’re going to get your taxes down—Americans. It’s time to expose the crooked media deceptions and to challenge the media for their role in fomenting divisions. They are trying to take away our history and our heritage.”

Here are a few tweets highlighted from the Vanity Fair post:

Trump on removing Confederate statues: ‘They’re trying to take away our culture’ | TheHill

That is a little review article from The Hill going over what the tRump has been saying about this culture and heritage.

A few other links:

Trump Hints That He’ll Pardon Sheriff Joe Arpaio: ‘I Think He’s Going To Be Just Fine’ | Mediaite

Five Reasons Racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio Should Not Receive a Presidential Pardon | American Civil Liberties Union

‘What do you say to that?’: Stunned Don Lemon rips Trump’s ‘unhinged, embarrassing’ speech Raw Story

From Sarah Kendzior, published two days ago…The Trump ship may finally be sinking – The Globe and Mail


One tweet that was highlighted and seemed to pop up in many of these articles that reviewed the rally from last night, asked a question we all know the answer to already…

In other news…Via Reuters, the admiral in charge of the Seventh Fleet is gone:   U.S. Navy relieves Seventh Fleet commander in wake of collisions in Asia

Let’s just get to the fucking cartoons already:

08/23/2017 Cartoon by Nick Anderson

Cartoon by Nick Anderson -

08/22/2017 Cartoon by Charlie Daniel

Cartoon by Charlie Daniel -

Cartoonist Gary Varvel: The Afghanistan trap: 08/23/2017 Cartoon by Gary Varvel

Cartoon by Gary Varvel - Cartoonist Gary Varvel: The Afghanistan trap

Cartoonist Gary Varvel: America’s future: 08/22/2017 Cartoon by Gary Varvel

Cartoon by Gary Varvel - Cartoonist Gary Varvel: America's future

Cartoonist Gary Varvel: Trump’s total eclipse: 08/21/2017 Cartoon by Gary Varvel

Cartoon by Gary Varvel - Cartoonist Gary Varvel: Trump's total eclipse

Teddy Roosevelt Trump: 08/23/2017 Cartoon by J.D. Crowe

Cartoon by J.D. Crowe - Teddy Roosevelt Trump

Clay Bennett editorial cartoon: 08/23/2017 Cartoon by Clay Bennett

Cartoon by Clay Bennett - Clay Bennett editorial cartoon

Clay Bennett editorial cartoon: 08/22/2017 Cartoon by Clay Bennett

Cartoon by Clay Bennett - Clay Bennett editorial cartoon

08/22/2017 Cartoon by MStreeter

Cartoon by MStreeter -

Exit Strategy: 08/23/2017 Cartoon by Tim Campbell

Cartoon by Tim Campbell - Exit Strategy

First One Down: 08/20/2017 Cartoon by Tim Campbell

Cartoon by Tim Campbell - First One Down

08/23/2017 Cartoon by Kevin Siers

Cartoon by Kevin Siers -

08/20/2017 Cartoon by Kevin Siers

Cartoon by Kevin Siers -

08/23/2017 Cartoon by Joel Pett

Cartoon by Joel Pett -

Finally seeing the (torch) light: 08/23/2017 Cartoon by Jen Sorensen

Cartoon by Jen Sorensen - Finally seeing the (torch) light

08/23/2017 Cartoon by David Cohen

Cartoon by David Cohen -

Democratic Backsliding: 08/23/2017 Cartoon by Angelo Lopez

Cartoon by Angelo Lopez - Democratic Backsliding

Afghanistan WAR: 08/22/2017 Cartoon by Deb Milbrath

Cartoon by Deb Milbrath - Afghanistan WAR

08/22/2017 Cartoon by David Horsey

Cartoon by David Horsey -

Solar Eclipse: 08/21/2017 Cartoon by Deb Milbrath

Cartoon by Deb Milbrath - Solar Eclipse

08/17/2017 Cartoon by David Horsey

Cartoon by David Horsey -











And with that…I leave you with a lingering image…this is an open thread:

Wednesday Reads: Nothing else to say. Oh, and cartoons…of course.





Image above from tweet   Aug 13

Remember…about those statues: Robert E. Lee opposed Confederate monuments | PBS NewsHour

“I think it wiser,” the retired military leader wrote about a proposed Gettysburg memorial in 1869, “…not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

Now, about the Orange Asshole…

There is absolutely nothing I can say that would add to the discussion over yesterday’s White Supremacist in Chief press conference…everyone of us who voted for Hillary knew exactly what that asshole stood for…and where this country was going if he was elected. Fucking hell, did she not predict word for word…this shit a year ago?

*Video from Occupied Democrats…but it is the one place to see it edited succinctly.


And…I am so fucking sick of the phrase Alt-Right…

Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language – The New York Times

President Trump angrily denounced the so-called alt-left at a news conference on Tuesday, claiming that the group attacked followers of the so-called alt-right at a white supremacist rally that exploded into deadly violence in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday.

“What about the ‘alt-left’ that came charging at the, as you say, the ‘alt-right’? Do they have any semblance of guilt?” he asked. There was “blame on both sides,” he said. “I have no doubt about it.”

Both phrases are part of a broad lexicon of far-right terminology that has become important to understanding American politics during the Trump administration. Many of these terms have their roots in movements that are racist, anti-Semitic and sexist.

Here is a brief guide to the meaning of those expressions and others used by white supremacists and far-right extremists.

Look, even the creator of Godwin’s Law is calling it what it is…



Check out this Facebook post from the Alt National Park Service…and see the comment about calling the Alt-Right out for who they are:


So Fuck the “Alt-Right” and call them what they are…Alt-Right=White Supremacists!

Okay, real quick, before we get to the cartoons…Banjoville is in the news again. This time it is for a teacher and sexual assault…which happened to a student back when my daughter was in Middle school. Both she and my son know the victim and from what I understand…this arrest did not come as a surprise to them.

Ex-Ga. teacher arrested for having sex with 15-year-old student – NY Daily News

What makes me so disgusted, is how FoxNews presented the case:

“Sex Romp.” Oh give me a break…this is a predator…committing a crime against a child.

What also is disgusting is the amount of people in the community who are actually supporting the alleged criminal in this situation. The prayers being called for this teacher…how she just made a mistake. Reading them is just as gross as the comments on that FoxNews thread. Yes, you can imagine the remarks.

A couple more links for you:

Trump’s manufacturing council includes Elon Musk, Michael Dell and Mark Fields | TechCrunch

Here’s the full list of members on the new manufacturing council:

  • Andrew Liveris, The Dow Chemical Company
  • Bill Brown, Harris Corporation
  • Michael Dell, Dell Technologies
  • John Ferriola, Nucor Corporation
  • Jeff Fettig, Whirlpool Corporation
  • Mark Fields, Ford Motor Company
  • Ken Frazier, Merck & Co., Inc.
  • Alex Gorsky, Johnson & Johnson
  • Greg Hayes, United Technologies Corp.
  • Marillyn Hewson, Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • Jeff Immelt, General Electric
  • Jim Kamsickas, Dana Inc.
  • Klaus Kleinfleld, Arconic
  • Brian Krzanich, Intel Corporation
  • Rich Kyle, The Timken Company
  • Thea Lee, AFL-CIO
  • Mario Longhi, U.S. Steel
  • Denise Morrison, Campbell Soup Company
  • Dennis Muilenburg, Boeing
  • Elon Musk, Tesla
  • Doug Oberhelman, Caterpillar
  • Scott Paul, Alliance for American Manufacturing
  • Kevin Plank, Under Armour
  • Michael Polk, Newell Brands
  • Mark Sutton, International Paper
  • Inge Thulin, 3M
  • Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO
  • Wendel Weeks, Corning


Now for the cartoons:






08/16/2017 Cartoon by Kevin Siers

Cartoon by Kevin Siers -

08/16/2017 Cartoon by John Branch

Cartoon by John Branch -

08/15/2017 Cartoon by John Branch

Cartoon by John Branch -

08/12/2017 Cartoon by John Branch

Cartoon by John Branch -

Oh yeah…forgot about that?

Setting the stage for Charlottesville: 08/16/2017 Cartoon by Jen Sorensen

Cartoon by Jen Sorensen - Setting the stage for Charlottesville

08/15/2017 Cartoon by Nick Anderson

Cartoon by Nick Anderson -


08/16/2017 Cartoon by Signe Wilkinson

Cartoon by Signe Wilkinson -



Nick Anderson cartoon: 08/16/2017 Cartoon by Nick Anderson

Cartoon by Nick Anderson - Nick Anderson cartoon

Clay Bennett editorial cartoon: 08/16/2017 Cartoon by Clay Bennett

Cartoon by Clay Bennett - Clay Bennett editorial cartoon

Bruce Plante Cartoon: Trump and whiplash: 08/16/2017 Cartoon by Bruce Plante

Cartoon by Bruce Plante - Bruce Plante Cartoon: Trump and whiplash

08/16/2017 Cartoon by Scott Stantis

Cartoon by Scott Stantis -

08/16/2017 Cartoon by Jimmy Margulies

Cartoon by Jimmy Margulies -

And on that cartoon, let’s end this post…open thread of course!








Monday Reads

Good Afternoon!

hillary-clinton1I’m still a little tired and overwrought from the wedding stuff this weekend so you’ll have to excuse me if this is a little terse. I have to say that I’m getting really excited about casting my ballot and watching a lot of my friends take their pussies and bad hombres to the polls!  We all expect her to win.  The polls really are showing that Hillary Clinton has pulled way ahead  and many states are in play that really shouldn’t be.  Texas is now a toss-up! It’s also early voting starting today!! 

Actually, you can watch Hillary and Elizabeth Warren live this afternoon from New Hampshire!  That’s pretty exciting! Clinton’s concentrating on bringing the House and Senate along with her. They’re helping US Senate Candidate Maggie Hassan who is the current Governor.  What a stage full of impressive women!!!

S0 just like the eight years of the black man who really wasn’t “legitimate” in the eyes of many Republicans, will the white woman be seen as being an illegitimate president?  They can’t question her birthright and won’t since the issue is not her race.  But, what both Sanders and Trump have said is that she is essentially dishonest and has found some kind of miracle way to rig and steal elections.

My fellow Louisianan Charles M Blow really digs right into this and hits all the right points. Blow begins by talking about how Sanders basically framed his loss as a result of a crooked system that Hillary played. Trump has a much more massive conspiracy theory of rigged national elections. Both men would rather believe in imaginary voters, captured superdelegates, and computer bugs than admit they lost to a girl fair and square.

An NBC/SurveyMonkey poll released Friday found that 45 percent of Republicans definitely wouldn’t or were unlikely to accept the result of the election if their candidate lost, compared to 30 percent of Independents and 16 percent of Democrats who felt the same.

At this point, it’s not even clear if Trump would graciously concede if he lost. Indeed, grace may be beyond his grasp.

And while there are signs that Clinton is narrowing the enthusiasm gap with Trump, my sense is that Clinton’s current success is as much a repudiation of Trump’s abhorrence as it is an embrace of Clinton. It feels to me more like exhaustion than exhilaration.

We could be on the verge of something historic. So, why does it feel so much like acquiescence? Why aren’t more people rushing to the polls to vote for this immensely qualified woman rather than rushing to vote against this woefully unqualified man? One of the reasons is that her male opponents have successfully cast the race she may win as rigged.

I think it’s fair to say our electoral processes aren’t perfect. But they’ve never been. Nor has any candidate been perfect. So why must those imperfections be nullifying at the very moment that a woman is on the verge of victory? Clinton is a woman beating men at their own game. Deal with it.

Just this morning, Trump repeated his claims that the polls are phony.earlyvote03-ne-110114-rtw

Donald Trump is saying “the truth is that we’re winning” – and claims that “phony polls” are trying to suppress the vote.

Trump spoke Monday at a farmers’ roundtable in Florida. He insisted that his campaign is ahead, even though most polls show him trailing Hillary Clinton.

He told the crowd gathered next to a pumpkin patch in Boynton beach: “I believe we’re winning.”

He then, without evidence, blamed that several “mainstream” media polls for weighing their respondents with Democrats.

He also told reporters that he felt “very good” about his chances in Florida, a state that is essential for his White House hopes.

This followed a CBS4 Florida interview where he railed about rigged elections and how the press has too much freedom of speech.  Trump actually suggested that the First Amendment allowed “too much freedom of speech”.  Welcome to the latest bits of authoritarianism displayed by this ugly, stupid, little man.

If Donald Trump is president, he’d like to make some changes to the First Amendment.

In an interview with WFOR, CBS’ Miami affiliate, Trump was asked if he believes the First Amendment provides “too much protection.”

Trump answered in the affirmative, saying he’d like to change the laws to make it easier to sue media companies. Trump lamented that, under current law, “our press is allowed to say whatever they want.”

He recommended moving to a system like in England where someone who sues a media company has “a good chance of winning.”

If Donald Trump is president, he’d like to make some changes to the First Amendment.

Trump has recently threatened to sue the New York Times and the numerous women who say he has sexually assaulted them.

Trump is right that he would have a better chance of prevailing under English law where an allegedly defamatory statement is presumed to be false. There, it is up to the defendant in a libel suit to prove that their statements are true.

But even if U.S. law were more like England’s, Trump might still have difficulty in prevailing against his accusers or the New York Times.

Many of Trump’s accusers have witnesses who can corroborate their stories. The reporter for People Magazine who says she was assaulted by Trump, for example, has six different people supporting her version of events.

English defamation law was also amended in 2013 to add a “public interest” exemption. This change would potentially allow the New York Times to escape liability in England even if they were unable to definitely prove the truth of their reporting.

He continues to confuse the USA with his personal little dictatorship driven personal corporations which frequently fail.  While we can’t get his taxes released that show the extent of his failures and reliance on his father and the government, we have Wikileaks out there pilfering whatever they can from wherever they can to try to hurt Hillary and promote the Russian Agenda.  The New Yorker has gone over the transcripts of Clinton’s speeches and found one big nothingburger.early_voting_ohio_2012_ap_img_1_0

So far, the documents have contained a few embarrassing revelations for Clinton—but they’ve been mild ones. Certain e-mails have confirmed that her campaign has been carefully scripted, to the point where numerous aides weigh in on something as mundane as the text of a tweet. The speech extracts, collected in an internal campaign document, showed Clinton courting senior figures from Wall Street, sympathizing with them for the blame they shouldered after the global financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, and telling them she valued their counsel on policy issues. In one speech, she acknowledged that, given her life style, she was “far removed” from the concerns of middle-class Americans. In another speech, she made a case for the political necessity of adopting different positions in public and private.

But did any of this surprise anybody? The stage-managed nature of Clinton’s campaign has been obvious all along: this is a candidate who went almost nine months without holding a proper press conference. The perception that Clinton had cozied up to bankers in return for large speaking fees was one reason so many Democrats voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. The wealth that Clinton and her husband have amassed since he left office in 2000 was hardly a secret. And, from welfare reform to same-sex marriage to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Clinton’s willingness to tack with the wind on policy issues has been a recurring feature of her career.

The real value of the WikiLeaks documents is one the hackers may not have intended. The documents, particularly the speech extracts, portray Clinton as she is: a hard-headed centrist who believes that electoral politics inevitably involve making compromises, dealing with powerful interest groups, and, where necessary, amending unpopular policy positions. Addressing a General Electric Global Leadership Meeting in January, 2014, she said, “I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be.” Answering a question in March, 2014, at an event organized by Xerox, she said that the country needs two “sensible, moderate, pragmatic parties.” These sentiments won’t win over many Sanders supporters. But they might actually reassure moderate Democrats, independents, and even some Trump-loathing Republicans who are thinking about crossing party lines.

For some reason, we’re all supposed to be shocked about this and wax poetic about Bernie or buy the Trumpertantrums.  I’m doing neither.  I’m taking this pussy to the poll.  I’m voting for Hillary Clinton and I’m telling any one who believes conspiracy theories about massive election riggings they should get a life.  Also, they should stop the comparisons to Bush v. Gore because that was heart-stoppingly close. Both the Obama elections and the upcoming Clinton election were and are anything but close.  Get over it boys!  They black man and the girl beat you fair and square!  You’re days starting every activity in life on third base are coming to a close.  Try to get to first base with the rest of us.

As Charles M. Blow says, “DEAL WITH IT”!

What’s on you reading and blogging list today?

Live Blog: US Presidential #Debate2016




There is a chill in the air, it is a bit windy too…it does feel like an All Hallows’ Eve.

One almost expects to see monsters and ghouls creeping up to assault you on a night such as this…




He is not going to just kiss you my dear, he is going to grab your pussy with that hand!



Pussy Power Unite!!!!!



Tonight is the second US Presidential debate between Donald Trump and (our shero) Hillary Clinton.

I believe framing the debate as a horror show is the best way to come at this event, because I honestly don’t know what to expect this evening. I’m sure it will be ugly and nasty, from the Donald side of the ring. How can Hillary even begin the evening by shaking this animal’s hand?


For those who are looking for a viewing outlet….

Where to catch the debate live:

Live on Twitter

Live Updates: OMG Now There’s Going To Be A Presidential Debate – BuzzFeed News

Live-Blogging the Second Clinton-Trump Presidential Debate – The Atlantic

Presidential Debate: Donald Trump Pushes Back Against G.O.P. Critics and Focuses on Bill Clinton – The New York Times


Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton head to St. Louis on Sunday for a widely anticipated second debate that comes asextraordinary upheaval in the Republican Party has upended the presidential race just a month before the election.

Mr. Trump’s campaign reeled over the weekend after theFriday release of a video recording that showed him speaking in vulgar and demeaning terms about women and boasting of how, because he was a celebrity, he could grope and kiss them whenever he wanted. Despite tepid apologies, the revelation has led to a parade of denouncements from dozens of Republican leaders, including his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana.

Mr. Trump continued to push back against calls from Republicans to quit the race, mocking them on Twitter and directing his loyalists to assail the party’s leaders as politicians guided by self-interest.

He also signaled on Sunday that he was likely to make the behavior of former President Bill Clinton an issue in the debate.


And P is for Pussy

As I said, it will be an ugly scene tonight.

All the ways Trump attacking Hillary Clinton over Bill’s sex scandals could go horribly wrong – Vox

Here is a bit more on the debate prep:

Clinton, Trump prepare for debate amid Republican exodus | PBS NewsHour

Wondering why Trump wants to focus on Bill? Look at the people around him. – The Washington Post

Trump and his campaign’s record of controversy involving women: A brief history – LA Times

img_0726A list of papers that have endorsed Hillary so far:

Major newspapers that have endorsed Hillary Clinton for president – Business Insider

The producer at The Apprentice is threatening to sue if any video is leaked: Source: Trump-Backer Burnett Has Warned Staff On Leaks – BuzzFeed News

There is tape of Trump saying the N word…

REPORT: Some of the Old Apprentice Footage Allegedly Features Trump Using the N-Word | Mediaite

Producer: There’s video of Trump saying the N-word but it’ll cost $5 million to get it

Then there was this tidbit:

img_0723Trump Left for the Debate Without Informing His Press Pool

Donald Trump has been spirited away to St. Louis for his highly anticipated town hall debate against Hillary Clinton—but he left his traveling press pool back in New York City. Naturally, the reporters responsible for covering him only discovered their petulant orange charge was gone after campaign manager Kellyanne Conway made a tweet:


This is not the first time Trump has ditched the press—he also memorablyabandoned them when he made the snap decision to travel to Mexico in August. Last month, he mocked journalists for being late to a New Hampshire rally after his campaign failed to properly arrange the pool’s travel.

“I have really good news for you,” he told the crowd assembled for the event. “I just heard the press is stuck on their airplane. They can’t get here. I love it. So they’re trying to get here now. They’re going to be about 30 minutes late. They called us and said could you wait? I said absolutely not. Let’s get going, New Hampshire.”

What a guy.


Yeah, such a great candidate for President of the United States.

Only now I see why he sneaked out:

Trump Appears Before Debate with Juanita Broaddrick and Other Clinton Accusers | Mediaite

This campaign is a fucking reality tv show.



Could it finally be, the Beginning of the End?

Let’s find out…

Here we go, round two begins shortly, catch our live blog below.