Thursday Cartoons : No More tRump

Good morning…so true…

Well, I can’t take that orange turd anymore. He has truly taken over our lives, if you ask me…the damage is already done.

And for a discussion on what is to come:

By the way…you can read the entire transcript of the Time Magazine interview here:

Click on image to get to the link.

Now, some cartoons via Cagle:

Oh yeah…one more thing:

This is an open thread.

Tuesday Cartoons and Memes: Mouth Going Slack

Good morning. I have never seen a meme so on point.

This is fanfuckintastic!

I want to share another picture with you…from my Aunt:

I’m glad that I am not the only one who feels the same way!

So…what happened today?

And he calls Biden… “Sleepy Joe!”

And btw:

Now for some memes and cartoons:

Cartoons via Cagle:

Forward with some other notes:

Can you believe it is almost time for the Met Gala?

Have a good day…be careful and stay safe. This is an open thread.

Tuesday WTF? Reads and Cartoons

Good morning, first I gotta start with the news that hit last night. I’m talking about Cannon.

See the court order here:

Also…yesterday in Georgia:

To read Joyce Vance article click here.

I need some cartoons.

Via Cagle:

Now for a few observations:

Meh…about Kate. But something is very strange about all that.

That last picture was done by Dak…

One more thing:

Oh and this too:

So, that’s it for me, take care and watch out. This is an open thread.

Sunday Cartoons: Princess Edna Turnblad and Menace Donald tRump

Good morning. I have to start with this beautiful meme:

It is just brilliant!

Divine in Hairspray

Now…before the cartoons, I have to share this:

Watch the video. Trump is calling up his fanatic followers to violence!

This is serious business.

This is crazy!

By the way…I found these tweets below by looking up the word and that is fucking disgusting.

Be ready for violence…that is all I can say. And I think we can expect lots of it…

In another crazy turn of events:

I fucking hate MAGA and all Republicans!

Here is another trump fumble:


Now I have to stop here because my breathing is becoming fast again. And the anxiety is through the roof!

Via Cagle:

So, take care and be careful out there. This is an open thread.