Wednesday Reads: Two Mormons…and Ron Paul

Good Morning!

I tell you, last night’s top three New Hampshire primary results sound more like the beginning of a joke…two Mormons and a neo-confederate walk into a bar…you see what I mean. (Actually, this post was originally entitled, Two Mormons and A Guy Wearing A Hood…but I thought that was a bit over the top.)

Yes, we all expected Romney to win, I was just amazed at how fast it took the news media to declare Romney the winner.  Just an hour after the polls close. Granted, it looks like the turnout was a bit lower than predicted, which has some on the Right (Fox News) a bit concerned.

Ron Paul came in second, which makes his quote at the NH speech even more ironic: “We are dangerous…”

 “There’s no way to stop the momentum we have,” Rep. Paul told the crowd, admitting that “I sort of have to chuckle when they describe you and me as being dangerous.” “They are telling the truth,” he concluded. “We are dangerous to the status quo.”

I would also add dangerous to women and minorities…but you can read more about that over at Cannonfire.

At this writing, Paul will probably win second place in the New Hampshire primary. I don’t expect much from the Republicans — but is it really too much to ask the party of Lincoln to favor the concept of maintaining the union under any and all circumstances? Apparently so. (As we shall see, some alleged “liberals” also have no problem rationalizing Paul’s treasonous instincts.)

What have we come to? What would Honest Abe think about Paul’s popularity?

Modern conservatives are a contradictory bunch: They continually threaten to upend the very ideals they claim to cherish.

Give this post a bit of your time. We have been talking about Paul for weeks now…as we head to South Carolina, I can’t help but think Paul will do well in the state that started the Secession movement.

Here are a couple more links for you, if you haven’t gotten you fill yet.

Lessons from an Early Night in New Hampshire – Molly Ball – Politics – The Atlantic

Jon Huntsman’s Billionaire Dad Won’t Commit to More Campaign Cash | Mother Jones

Lets move on to world news for a moment. Syria is still a hotbed of violence. The latest word from the UN is very disturbing, Syria conditions dire says U.S. United Nations Abassador Susan Rice.

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice made a statement today strongly condemning the ongoing stream of violence in Syria.

The statement was made following a Tuesday January 10, 2012 UN Security Council briefing on the serious situation in the region lead by Lynn Pascoe, Head of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs.

“The briefing we received was alarming…” says Ambassador Rice during a UN Press communique released on Tuesday covering the UN Security Council briefing.

“The [UN] Under-Secretary-General noted that in the days since the Arab League monitoring mission has been on the ground, in fact an estimated 400 additional people have been killed, an average of 40 a day, a rate much higher than was the case even before their deployment,” Rice continued to tell press following her appearance at the briefing.

Rice points out that activist bloggers are one of the targets in the Assad regime.

Internet freedom has also been curtailed as blogger Ms. Razan Ghazzawi was arrested and released after bail was paid following her days in detention. Other bloggers have also been arrested in a string of crackdowns since April that have been directed at bloggers to prevent them from speaking under restrictions limiting freedom of the press in the region. Ms. Tal Al-Mallohi, who’s twenty-first birthday fell on January 4 this year, has been serving a five year sentence since her arrest in 2009 on charges that were made against her because of her blog posts.

“This [Tal Al-Mallohi] is a deeply disturbing case,” said Kate Allen UK Director for Amnesty International in a September 2010 news release report on Al-Mallohi. “No-one should be detained just for discussing freedom of expression and if this is why Tal al-Mallohi is behind bars then it’s an absolute disgrace.”

More on Syria from Robert Fisk: Assad faces his people’s hatred – but as their anger grows, his excuses are still just the same –

It was the Assad Speech of the Year. There was an international conspiracy against Syria. True. Arab states opposed to Syria were under “outside pressure”. True, up to a point. Nobody could deny the seriousness of these plots. True. After all, the Syrian government itself registers 2,000 dead soldiers, while the UN estimates civilian dead at 5,000. And when Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan warned that the violence in Syria was “heading towards a sectarian, religious war”, there were few supporters of President Assad who would disagree with him.

Fisk goes on to connect Assads control over journalist and media, with the leaks of Youtube videos that find their way out to the world via the internet and Al Jazeera.

Assad’s government, however, has still found itself unable to deal with the news side of the crisis. By allowing few international journalists to enter the country, officials have allowed the stunning YouTube images of the opposition to lead public opinion. When Al Jazeera can broadcast a Muslim imam in a crowded mosque shouting “Assad’s soldiers – God curse them – say Assad is their God; if that doesn’t make you angry, what will?” and then give specific details of protesters’ demonstration tactics in a suburb of Damascus, the Syrian Ministry of Information has a real problem.

The President can say – as he did yesterday – that “according to the law, nobody should open fire – only in self-defence or in a battle with an armed person”, but dozens of YouTube phone videos on Al Jazeera suggest that such laws are widely ignored by the regime.

Of course, Al Jazeera is funded by the Emir of Qatar, and the Qatari royal family’s influence has now reached its zenith in the Arab League – which has threatened to allow the whole bloody business to go to the UN Security Council. It’s not difficult to see how – from a sparse Baathist drawing room – this looks more like conspiracy than coincidence. The League has been boasting of its sense of resolution, while Assad believes it was his idea to bring the League’s monitors to Syria. And that’s exactly what he told us all yesterday. The Kuwaitis, meanwhile, said that two of their League military monitors in Syria had been slightly wounded by “unidentified protesters”. It would be interesting to know whom the protesters were protesting against.

Boston Boomer had a post a couple of days ago that focused on Guantanamo. Well, a new report has been released from Amnesty International: Guantánamo: A decade of damage to human rights | Amnesty International

The failure of the US government to close the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay is leaving a toxic legacy for human rights, Amnesty International said on the 10th anniversary of the first detainees being transferred to this notorious US prison.

In a report published ahead of the anniversary, Guantánamo: A Decade of Damage to Human Rights, Amnesty International highlights the unlawful treatment of Guantánamo detainees and outlines the reasons why the detention centre continues to represent an attack on human rights.

“Guantánamo has come to symbolize 10 years of a systematic failure by the USA to respect human rights in its response to the 9/11 attacks. The US government disregarded human rights from day one of the Guantánamo detentions. As we move into year 11 in the life of the detention facility, this failure continues,” said Rob Freer, Amnesty International’s researcher on the USA.

Despite President Obama’s pledge to close the Guantánamo detention facility by 22 January 2010, 171 men were being held there in mid-December 2011. At least 12 of those transferred to Guantánamo on 11 January 2002 were still held there. One of them is serving a life sentence after being convicted by a military commission in 2008. None of the other 11 has been charged.

I want to post some updates on a few things we have discussed here on the blog.  This past Sunday, I had posted a link about the ultra-light plane being grounded while it was escorting migratory Whooping Cranes to Florida.

The article I linked to was from MSNBC: ‘Whooping cranes plane’ runs afoul of FAA – US news – Environment – By reading this article, you would assume that the group flying the birds down to Florida have been doing this for 10 years, and all of a sudden there is a problem with the FAA. No where in this article does it mention that this particular trip, the pilot is being paid. See this here: Legal Problem Grounds a Bird Migration –

For 11 years, conservationists have used ultralights to guide the birds from Michigan to Florida. The birds are essentially orphans, raised in captivity without parents, but if they can be shown the 1,200-mile route once, they will find their way back to Michigan the following fall on their own, and fly unescorted for the rest of their lives.

The idea is a bit weird; the pilots dress up to look like birds so the fledglings will be “imprinted” with them. But everybody seems to like it; this year’s trip is underwritten in part by the Southern Company, a big utility.

But now it turns out that some of these do-gooder flights face a legal challenge.

The Federal Aviation Administration classifies the ultralights as “light sport aircraft,” a category with simplified licensing rules. Such aircraft can carry only one or two people, cannot fly in congested areas and cannot fly for hire, among other restrictions.

The question is, are the pilots flying for hire?

The updated news is that the FAA did grant the exemption. Whooping cranes are cleared for takeoff after getting FAA exemption –

Noting that the flock was stuck in an incorrect location for the past month, the FAA Tuesday green-lighted Operation Migration to continue the journey to the St. Marks and Chassahowitzka national wildlife refuges in Florida.

According to an FAA statement, “Because the operation is in ‘mid-migration,’ the FAA is granting a one-time exemption so the migration can be completed. The FAA will work with Operation Migration to develop a more comprehensive, long-term solution.”

Duff said the FAA has two criteria for issuing a waiver of this regulation: first, that it does not impede safety; and second, that it is a benefit to the American people. Duff believes Operation Migration’s flights meet both criteria, noting their three pilots practice all safety measures and the organization is assisting with the eco-tourism business and reintroducing an endangered species, which he believes does benefit the American people.

The FAA and Operation Migration will work to resolve the situation in the near future, but for now, this year’s new flock continues the journey south for the winter.

You may also remember that police where investigating the Natalie Wood case, Natalie Wood probe yields no new evidence

Nearly two months after they began a controversial new investigation into Natalie Wood‘s death while sailing off Santa Catalina Island in 1981, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department detectives have found no evidence to suggest that the cause was anything but accidental.

Although the case has not been closed, a top Sheriff’s Department official said it’s highly unlikely any new ground will be broken on how the actress died.

“At this point, it is an accidental death,” said William McSweeney, the sheriff’s chief of detectives. “Nothing has been discovered to suggest changing that at this time.”

We learned yesterday, that a Texas Appeals Court is forcing women to adhere to the Abortion law while the case is waiting to be heard. I wanted to give you this link to the RH Reality Check Action Page. Letter to TX Media: Women can make their own reproductive choices | RH Reality Check

This next link caught my eye when I was looking for new info on the Texas Abortion crapola, The Barbie Syndrome: Interchangeable Fundamentalist Wives Easily Replaced by the New Model

It was written prior to the Michelle Duggar miscarriage, just keep that in mind as you give it a read:

…most of the online discussion of how dangerous her playing maternal Russian roulette actually is no one seemed to hit upon my first thought, how quickly would Jim Bob replace her with a newer, younger, prettier model.

I mean, really, it’s like shooting dice, eventually snake eyes is going to come up. Bad things happen if you keep repeating the same risky behavior. Look at the last of her pregnancies. Something did go wrong. It’s just simple statistics that sometimes things go haywire and we can’t do much about them. But why put yourself in those types of risky situations in the first place?

Back when I was with my old church I got to see this numerous times. Lady either gets pregnant that probably shouldn’t be or would contract a very serious illness. They’d start praying, asking for prayer but refusing medical monitoring or intervention by the medical world at all. They say the same things Michelle Duggar does about this is God’s will and God would either deliver her safely or He would heal her.

One of the saddest cases of this was a lady named Christina who contracted breast cancer and refused all medical treatments, saying only God alone would heal her. She wasn’t going to have any surgery, no chemo, no radiation, she would simply rely on God.

Calulu, the author of this post says that everyone at the church supported Christina, except her…being a breast cancer survivor, Calulu writes that…

Not getting health care while you have children in the home to finish raising is just irresponsible.

But the men of the church always had medical intervention, and it never seemed to strike anyone there that was some sort of warped double standard. I never understood why that was so I’m guessing the lack of serious health care was because in the world of Fundy-Gelicals women were without intrinsic value and considered interchangeable.

Christina died after an agonizing torturous 18 months. What did did Mr. Christina do? He did what I’ve witnessed a number of Patriarchal men have done. He collected that big insurance check, bought a sports car and within six months married a much younger, better looking, newer model. And the cycle continued. Even our Pastor did it, boom, wife dies of cancer, 9 months later Pastor has another wife and life goes on as before.

Then and now it struck me as a basic lack of respect for any woman to hold them all so interchangeable. The Barbie Syndrome. The sad part is that we all put up with this behavior at the time and thought we were holding up the image of the Good Christian Woman, never realizing that culture considers us as unique as an assembly line of Barbies.

For my last link today I’m going to bring it from Christian Barbies to this article over at Wall Street Journal. Is Your Personality Making You Put on Pounds?

Losing weight is simple: Eat less and exercise more. Why that’s so difficult for so many people is embedded deep in the human psyche.

A variety of personality traits, such as being a night owl or a multi-tasker, all contribute to weight gain in different ways, Melinda Beck reports on Lunch Break. Photo: Getty Images.

A growing body of research is finding intriguing connections between personality traits and habits that can lead to obesity. The same parts of the brain that control emotions and stress response also govern appetite, several studies have shown. Early life experiences also set the stage for overeating years later, researchers have found.
“If we can understand how personality is contributing to weight gain, we can develop interventions to help people deal with it,” says Angelina R. Sutin, a researcher at the National Institute on Aging who led a study published last year comparing the body mass index, or BMI, and personality traits of nearly 2,000 Baltimore residents over 50 years.
In the study, those who scored high on neuroticism—the tendency to easily experience negative emotions—and low on conscientiousness, or being organized and disciplined, were the most likely to be overweight and obese. Impulsivity was strongly linked to BMI, too: The subjects in the top 10% of impulsivity weighed, on average, 24 pounds more than those in the lowest 10%. People who rated themselves low on “agreeableness” were the most likely to gain weight over the years. The study was published in July in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

It breaks down several personality traits…I am posting them below, click the link to find ways to fix them.

The Night Owl
Unless they have the luxury of sleeping late, night owls are often sleep deprived. That drives down levels of leptin, the hormone that signals fullness, and drives up ghrelin, the hormone that fuels appetite, particularly for high carbohydrate, high calorie food, numerous studies show. Even short-term sleep deprivation can make healthy people process sugar as if they were diabetic, according to research from the University of Chicago.

Night owls also tend to skip, or sleep through, breakfast, missing an important chance to get their metabolism going early, and they often snack far into the night. That sets the stage for “night-eating syndrome,” when people consume a significant portion of their daily intake after dinner, which is associated with obesity and diabetes.


The Stress Junkie

People who thrive on competition and deadline pressure may seem high-powered, but what powers them internally are adrenaline and cortisol. Those stress hormones supply quick bursts of energy in fight-or-flight situations, but when the alarm is unrelenting, they can they can cause health problems, including obesity.

Cortisol stimulates a brain chemical called neuropeptide Y, which boosts carbohydrate cravings. It also makes the body churn out excess insulin and accumulate fat, particularly in the belly where it raises the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and other diseases. People who feel chronically stressed often use food for energy and comfort and rationalize that they’ve earned it.


The Mindless Multitasker

People who habitually work, read, drive, watch TV or do anything while dining often eat more than they realize. “Anything that takes our focus off the food makes us more likely to overeat without knowing it,” Brian Wansink, an expert on food, marketing and consumer behavior, wrote in his 2006 book, “Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think.”

He now directs the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University. His research shows that few people overeat because they’re hungry, but because of myriad other subconscious cues, from family and friends to plates and packages.


The Giver

People who constantly put other people’s needs ahead of their own often become emotionally depleted and seek solace in eating. Eating coach Karen Koenig, author of “Nice Girls Finish Fat,” writes that many of the clients in her Sarasota, Fla., practice are “ultranurturing, self-effacing, unselfish, generous and caring to a fault.” Food works because it’s close, it doesn’t require burdening others, and it signals comfort and love. But because it doesn’t really fill the emotional void that givers have, they keep eating more and more.

Some “givers” also live in fear of disappointing other people or engaging in conflict, so they try to stifle their own feelings with food.


The Perfectionist

Like givers, people who drive themselves to be perfect often use food to relieve the pressure. And many set themselves up for failure with impossible weight and fitness goals. Bariatric surgeons say they see a high correlation between perfectionism and obesity; experts in eating disorders say perfectionism is often at the root of anorexia, bulimia and binge eating. Many perfectionists also engage in all-or-nothing thinking that leads them to get discouraged easily with dieting and seek solace again in food.

That is it for this night owl…catch y’all later in the comments after I sleep in. What are you all reading and blogging about today?

43 Comments on “Wednesday Reads: Two Mormons…and Ron Paul”

  1. Minkoff Minx says:

    The lightning and thunder is rolling through Banjoville this morning, everyone down south keep an eye on the clouds.

    NICOLAS STENO GOOGLE DOODLE: Logo digs deep to celebrate Danish ‘father of geology’ – Comic Riffs – The Washington Post

    To salute Nicolas Steno, Google has dug up an especially beautiful “Doodle.”

    Where the company’s homepage logo typically sits, the six letters of ”Google” become brightly colored rock layers that mark not just time, but specifically the 374th anniversary of Steno’s birth.

    The Danish natural scientist — who was born “Niels Stensen” on Jan. 11, 1638 — is widely considered the father of geology.

    Fittingly, today’s green-topped logo is rendered as rock strata with embedded fossils — reflecting twin ideas for which Steno is best known.

    The strata illustrate Steno’s “principle of original horizonality,” which essentially says that rock layers form horizontally — and only appear differently if later disturbances cause the deviation. And the fossils in the lower stratified rock help illustrate Steno’s “law of superposition,” which — simply put — says that the oldest rock layers are sequentially deposited on the bottom unless otherwise disturbed.

    For such research, Steno also became known as the father of stratigraphy.

    • ralphb says:

      I think that may be the same lightning and thunder that rolled through here a couple of nights ago. It left a nice rain but no damage. Hope you come out the same.

  2. Minkoff Minx says:

    Running late as usual, I didn’t get to read the NYT Book Review from this past weekend until last night. Books – Sunday Book Review – The New York Times

    Lots of book re: politics…in this issue.

    • Pat Johnson says:

      I just finished Charles Pierce’s book on my Kindle. This guy is terriffic.

      And he lives right here in MA which, until ralphb brought him to my attention, I had never heard of him before.

      He swings his mallet both ways. Obama does not escape either.

      • Minkoff Minx says:

        Your right Pat, I hadn’t heard of him either. Big thanks to Ralphie boy!

      • ralphb says:

        BB said he used to be a sportswriter there in Boston. If he was half as good at it as political commentary, he must have been a great one.

      • bostonboomer says:

        I’ll bet you read his articles years ago, Pat. He used to cover the Red Sox for the Globe.

      • bostonboomer says:


        Charlie Pierce was a terrific sportswriter. He still appears on NPR’s Only a Game every weekend if you’re interested. He does a funny commentary at the end interacting with the host.

      • ralphb says:

        Thanks BB. I’ll give it a listen!

  3. Thanks, Minx, for the update on the whooping cranes. WHOO -HOO, back in the air again.

    Gotta finish getting ready for work, but lots of good stuff in this post. Is everyone familiar with Quiverfull? That’s the Duggars. Here’s a link: I stumbled across a feminist blog many years ago. The author had “escaped” from this cult.

    Have a terrific day everyone.

    • Pat Johnson says:

      Crass as this may sound, Mrs. Dugger just needs to put a plug in it.

      • dakinikat says:

        She needs a therapist. She is not emotionally or mentally healthy. She appears to be obsessed with being pregnant. No one can have that many children and actually parent or mother any of them.

      • Woman Voter says:

        I agree with Dak.

      • Pat Johnson says:

        Parenting is the least of their concerns. It is a race to bring as many “babies” into the world to satifsy “god’s will” and create more Christians along the way

        It is not possible to be a great parent with that many kids floating around. Each needs to feel wanted and nurtured and that is impossible when the parents are more concerned with keeping her womb filled in sonme twisted religious logic that defies explanation.

        Having had 4 kids in 5 1/2 yrs myself I can attest that the job is never easy, that each kid has needs, and that the exhaustion of trying to keep up with them was overwhelming at times.

  4. Woman Voter says:

    So, no one asks Romney why his grandfather left the US when he thought one wife just wasn’t enough…. I bring this up because he says his father was born to two US citizens but doesn’t say why his dad was not born here (due to his grandfather not agreeing with the law of one wife).

    No word on Darcy Richardson in the news and how he did in New Hampshire.

    • Woman Voter says:

      Any hoo, I mention the Romney issue since his two sons were busy asking about Obama’s birth certificate, then said it was a joke.

    • quixote says:

      Hell. His grandfather? That’s, uh, not that far back. And the Mittbot himself wasn’t just any old Mormon. He was some kind of bishop or something. And the young Mitten had this fine upstanding example of women’s place in the scheme of things. But, of course, it would be rude to discuss religion, so we can’t mention any of that.

      Jesus H. Christ marathoning on a pogo stick. What’s it going to take to make the human rights of half the population part of the discussion?


      • Woman Voter says:

        My point is Mitt was quick to say his father who was born in Mexico was born to two US citizens but doesn’t say his grandfather went there because he wasn’t allowed multiple wives here. So, people were quick to excuse his sons remarks that he too must make, but no one is allowed to clarify the story. Ahemmm, OK back to putting our heads in the sand and pretending that his religion is AH GOD inspired…won’t even go into 1979…let people figure that one out.

      • Woman Voter says:

        By my estimate, John Huntsman is by far the Mormon must people tend to feel akin with because his wife is not a Mormon and he isn’t hard pressed and is accepting of others. Huntsman also takes note that people are tired of congress, saying that term limits must be discussed and over all doesn’t use a teleprompter (Mitt & Obama).

      • Woman Voter says:

        oops that was ‘most’, guess I need a typoprompter… 😆

  5. ralphb says:

    Just a thought but, if the Republican turnout was low in NH, after you subtract out all the non-Republicans who voted for Ron Paul it would mean that a lot of the Base stayed home. Maybe they were resigned to Romney but didn’t want to vote for him?

    There was a record number of people who had never voted Republican before in the primary and Paul probably got most of that vote.

    • janicen says:

      That’s a very good point, ralphb. The Republican base is about excited about voting for Romney as they were for McCain.

  6. ralphb says:

    Forbes: The Rumors About Bill Clinton Are True

    I asked, “What do you think about the Occupy Wall Street movement, personally, and what do you think it says about America?”
    “I think what they’re doing is great,” he said. “Occupy Wall Street has done more in the short time they’ve been out there than I’ve been able to do in more than the last eleven years trying to draw attention to some of the same problems we have to address,” he said.
    I asked if the Occupy Wall Street movement should have a platform. I was getting into another area he is passionate about, delivering messages on point. “Yes,” he said, “But it doesn’t have to be a platform; it doesn’t have to be twenty pages. They should start with three or four points to generate a political movement to get heard more clearly.”

    A fawning article about Bill by a Reagan republican.

  7. Woman Voter says:

    WordPress Comes out Against SOPA / PIPPA
    The world’s largest platform on which websites are based, WordPress came out against SOPA and Protect IP today on their blog.

    Over 60 Million People Use WordPress as a platform to build bigger businesses, and represents 15 percent of the world wide web.

    WordPress is providing millions of Americans and world wide millions of web designers, web owners, web authors, web graphic designers, video producers with the ability to communicate and share information and with jobs.

    Read more:

    You may have seen this already, but I think it is great that more internet businesses are getting involved and helping to STOP SOPA & PIPA!

  8. 4elsabet says:

    One quick correction. The cranes are being raised and helped in migration by the International Crane Foundation in Baraboo, Wisconsin, not Michigan.

  9. peggysue22 says:

    Yes, this is becoming a ‘real’ issue that more people are picking up. Strange, too. Congress has not been able to get anything done but this legislation was fast tracked and running beneath the radar until recently. Google, Facebook and many more online biggies are threatening a blackout in protest.

    The original vote was scheduled for late December but was halted because of online pressure. But it’s coming up for a vote on the 23rd. It could radically effect Internet usage and curtail a lot of activity under the guise of copyright infringement. In a way, I think this is a war between the old and the new–it’s the movie and music industry fighting the new kids on the block. But it also has Big Brother implications. And that’s worrisome in the present political atmosphere.

    Definitely worth keeping an eye on. Over 60 Democrats support the legislation though a Texas Republican sponsored the original bill. Paul Ryan was targeted by the online community and he withdrew his support this past Monday.

    This is a battle in the making. Pelosi made a statement that though copyright concerns are legitimate, this legislation is the wrong way to go because it’s too broad in scope.

    We shall see. Lots of money being thrown around, too.

  10. ralphb says:

    In Greece, fears that austerity is killing the economy

    Deeply indebted and nearly bankrupt, this Mediterranean nation was forced to adopt tough austerity measures to slash its deficit and secure an international bailout. But as Greece’s economy slides into free fall, critics are scanning the devastated landscape here and asking a probing question: Does austerity really work?

    Unemployment has surged to 18.8 percent from 13.3 percent only a year ago. Overburdened public hospitals are facing acute shortages of everything from syringes to bandages because of budget cuts, with hiring freezes forcing the mothballing of operating rooms even as more unemployed are relying on the public health system. Rates of homelessness, suicide, crime and HIV cases from intravenous drug use are jumping.

    Greece has been forced to cut spending and raise taxes in the middle of a severe downturn, slashing pensions as well as state salaries, jobs and services. As public confidence has evaporated, consumer spending — the biggest driver of the economy — has plunged, generating cascading losses at private firms. The result is a dizzying economic plummet and social crisis that is bringing the cradle of Western civilization to its knees.

    Austerity is turning an economic crisis into a humanitarian crisis. Still Merkel and Sarkozy keep applying more and more pressure on Greece to do more. These people are soulless fools who actually want to inflict social pain as punishment!

    • peggysue22 says:

      We’re getting a real live image of what extreme austerity looks like. Tea Party supporters should read some of the feed coming out of Greece.

      This is what wars are made of and yet the myth of the ‘why’ is put squarely on the shoulders of ordinary Greek citizens, rather than their lying politicians and bankers.

      Greece is first but there are more examples coming down the pipeline. Austerity works only if you close your eyes to the suffering and mayhem that ensues. Which will explode, sooner rather than later.

      • ralphb says:

        Ironically, in the end it seems that Merkel’s austerity is likely to hurt the German economy along with their victims. It’s been propped up by a trade surplus which, up to now, has been taken up by Asia. As Asia slows, and the Eurozone is in the toilet, Germany will go right down with them. German GDP dropped last quarter.

        One wonders what the hell they taught that woman in her East German economics curriculum.

      • bostonboomer says:

        Tea Party supporters should read some of the feed coming out of Greece.

        ROFL!! If they could read and if they were interesting in anything invoving Europe….See right wing remarks about “European-style socialism.”

        Idiot America indeed.

  11. bostonboomer says:

    One of Romney’s NH backers, John Sununu. LOL

  12. bostonboomer says:

    Charlie Pierce on Mitt Romney:

    President Obama, Willard told his crowd, is practicing “the bitter politics of envy.” He warned them not to be seduced by the president’s “resentment of success.” It was a moment of almost transcendental meanness and fakery. Willard was explaining to his audience that he was just like them, and that they were the keepers of America’s promise, and that they would continue to be — at least until, for his own profit and that of his wealthy investors, Willard wrecked their companies, stole their retirement, and shipped their jobs to China, never to return. They were all in it together, Willard assured them.

    It is an altogether appalling spiel. The old, iron millionnaires knew how to talk to the proles. They built libraries while they busted the unions. They planted trees and developed parkland while they bought the legislatures and sublet the courts. And out of all of that we got cars and planes and television sets and an ambitious middle class that demanded political power and succeeded in wresting it away. Now, we have a class of plutocrats who create nothing, but who move wealth around, and they are demanding a return to the days of unaccountable corporate royalism. Willard’s entire campaign is based on the notion that we are all in that effort together, even the people who are most likely to get ground up in it. A wink and a nod, and most of us become beggars to our own demise. It used to be that the corporate powers behind modern conservatism had to use misdirection to fool people into voting against their own economic interests. Willard doesn’t want to work that hard. Instead, he’s going to assert repeatedly that his interests and ours are the very same — that we’re all in this great American adventure together. Some of us just have to make the trip in steerage, that’s all. Sorry, sport.

    • ralphb says:

      The way he’s going — and his staggering recitation of tinpot Reaganite banality after his win here was only the most recent indication of where he’s headed — by the middle of, oh, April, we are going to hear about how Willard was raised a poor black child.

      Classic 🙂

      • northwestrain says:

        Well gee that worked for both Mrs 0bama and da Prez — both claimed to have been raised poor. (Neither was poor.)

        During the last prez election I talked to several black kids who truly believed that Mr&Mrs 0bama grew up in the ghetto. Someone somewhere is lying.

        Every political winner’s strategy is studied by the ones who want to be the manager of the next winners. Any thing that seems to have worked for the current crook in office will be used again and again.

        Mittens — was poor — really he was.

  13. HT says:

    Can politics get any more slimy? It’s a cesspool. I remember the 50’s in technicolor – don’t want to go back there. I remember the 60’s and on, don’t want to go back there either. Yet here we have politicians trying to drag us backwards – even to the gilded age. What is wrong with those people? Not enough money? They have more money than would choke a horse. Power? To do what exactly? Why do they do this – it’s not for the people – gosh forbid, people are only cogs in their machinery to get them what they want. But why? Are they all sociopaths who enjoy enforcing their will on people?