Wednesday Reads: Shutdown Cartoons and Stuff

tumblr_mmtd3jB4Uy1s4c1kfo2_r1_500Good Morning

While looking for a cartoon to start this morning’s post with a bang…I could not pick just one.  I guess with the shutdown, the artists have been busy at work…

This link will take you to the transcript of Obama’s speech yesterday in the Rose Garden:

Remarks by the President on the Affordable Care Act and the Government Shutdown | The White House

And this next link will take you to an op-ed written by Boehner:

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

Anyway, here are several comic funnies about something that is in no way funny.

10/02 Luckovich cartoon: Cutting up | Mike Luckovich


Clay Bennett: Shutdown – Clay Bennett – Truthdig

GOP New Fall Fashions – Truthdig

Hostage Crisis – Truthdig

The GOP goes dark by Political Cartoonist John Cole

138302 600 The GOP goes dark cartoons

Shutdown by Political Cartoonist Joe Heller

138294 600 Shutdown cartoons

AAEC – Political Cartoon by Tom Stiglich, MEDIA NEWS GROUP – 10/01/2013

Cartoon by Tom Stiglich -

Closed by Political Cartoonist Randall Enos

138285 600 Closed cartoons

CONGRESS AND THE SHUTDOWN by Political Cartoonist Randy Bish

138263 600 CONGRESS AND THE SHUTDOWN cartoons

Affordable Care – Political Cartoon by Rob Rogers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – 10/01/2013

Cartoon by Rob Rogers - Affordable Care

AAEC – Political Cartoon by Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune – 10/01/2013

Cartoon by Pat Bagley -

AAEC – Political Cartoon by David Horsey, Los Angeles Times – 10/01/2013

Cartoon by David Horsey -

Unaware – Truthdig

Kids in the Cockpit by Political Cartoonist Cal Grondahl

138234 600 Kids in the Cockpit cartoons

The rest of this morning’s links will be dumped below…

Harry Reid and John Boehner Really Loathe Each Other | Mother Jones

No Resolution in Sight to Government Shutdown- VOA News

Veterans Plot To Expand Revolt Against Government Shutdown- Buzzfeed

Please use this as an open thread, it has been a very long day for me…I am beat!

58 Comments on “Wednesday Reads: Shutdown Cartoons and Stuff”

  1. Morning, sorry for the lack of links today. I have two kids home this week and I am stretched thin…

    More vets are heading to DC Vets On Way To Visit Memorial Despite Government Shutdown « CBS Chicago

    Wouldn’t it be something if they are the ones who get the actual “revolution” started. (by that I mean the public outcry and protest in the streets)

    • bostonboomer says:

      The cartoons are great, JJ. I almost did the same thing yesterday. Politics has become a joke, so cartoons are the appropriate way to cover it.

    • How is Bebe recovering btw? Xo

      • Still in a lot of pain, and we are down to one lortab pill left in the bottle. She is now on Homebound, it is some kind of school tutor program since she is missing so days. We have been busy getting paperwork signed and filed to get her set up on that program. I really don’t know what’s be happening out there in the world outside banjoville.

        Only tell me, what is a butthurt and a emoprog?

        • Butthurt, as I understand it, is a homophobic/rape slur.

          Emoprog as I understand it is Jane Hamsher and Firedoglake (and a certain kind of lesser class of woman like me. )

          Emoprogs are ‘butth—‘ that Obamacare is Romney/Dole-care mandated insurance with no public mechanism and that the midterm ‘shellacking’ that the Democratic supermajorities and Democratic president walked right into trying to be Republican-Lite catalyzed the tea party enzyme which spread in every which direction from Grover Norquist’s bathtub as a result. Obama pretending like he’d be the difference between 1993 (94, 95, peace prosperity…2001) and 2009 (10, 11, 12, 13, …Hillary v. Ted Screwz/Scrooge 2016)

          I know, I need a much better hobby than remembering the deets of electoral politics 😉

          • Mona I am on very little sleep, but are you saying that emoprogs feel they have been screwed because obamacare is nothing but the GOP plan, and a piece of shit to begin with? Damn, I am sorry that I am so thick this morning…even now as I type this, my eyes are barely staying open. I may have to come back when things are more alert.

            Personally, I am so pissed off and sick of all the damn shit politicians. Fucking basturds. The people who are being hurt by all this are the ones who don’t count in this country. Women and Children and the Poor and Sick. If Obama has an “out” that he can use and take control and fix this shit once and for good…including raising the debt ceiling which is coming up in a couple weeks, then he needs to do it. As far as Obamacare is concerned, I think it is shit. Those whose states have expanded medicaid are lucky. People like me that are stuck in asshole controlled states are fucked…and when there is no Wendy Davis to count on as someone who will fight for you in your state house…you have no hope of ever getting anything good from your state government. And when the federal government fails you, well then of course you really are screwed.

            I am going back to bed before Bebe gets up again…maybe things will make more sense later on tonight.

            • JJ: Exactly. That’s exactly it. Thank you.

              And, Oh gosh, we need to find your GA Wendy!

              Sorry I said it such an incoherent rambling way…it’s not you or your lack of sleep or my meds;) it’s me being able to blog more effectively from an iPhone app ….and being more long winded than ever.

        • NW Luna says:

          If poor Bebe is still in pain, she needs a refill of her pain meds. Don’t hesitate to ask for a refill. Post-surgery pain is a valid reason to use narcotic pain meds. People heal better when they’re not in pain. Hope she heals up quickly; that’s got to be so hard on her — and you.
          …sending gentle hugs….

  2. Beata says:

    Love the cartoons, JJ.

    The basket on my walker is now packed with a bottle of Ensure and a bottle of water ( ordinary tap water ) so I am ready to peacefully protest in the streets. The revolution will not be shown on Pinterest.

  3. ANonOMouse says:

    Great cartoons JJ. Loved the elephant with tusk horns.

  4. Beata says:

    Question: I pay my mother’s nursing home bill every month from her Social Security. She has no other income. Will Social Security still be paid during the shutdown? Will it happen on the usual date? I am very concerned about this.

    • bostonboomer says:

      Yes, Social Security checks will go out. The only SS jobs that will be suspended are things like approving disability. Medicare payments will also be made. Here’s a link.

    • RalphB says:

      Social Security will be paid during the shutdown, as will Medicare, so you should be fine.

      If we breach the debt ceiling however, all bets are off and everyone is probably screwed.

    • Beata says:

      Thank you, BB and Ralph. I admit I get confused and overwhelmed these days. The brain is going. LOL.

      I am shocked at the impact the shutdown may have on veterans ( from BB’s link ). If it goes on for more than a couple of weeks, they may not get their disability and pension benefits. That is outrageous. Every American should find that unacceptable. Shame on the GOP.

      • Beata says:

        Funding for the Women, Infants, and Children ( WIC ) program has also stopped ( from BB’s link ). That affects 9 million poor women and their children. Appalling.

        I hope the charity food banks are full and these poor women can get transportation to them. That is a major problem for poor people that is rarely discussed – how to get from one place to another with no car. It is especially difficult for people with young children.

        • Fannie says:

          The republicans are out telling people to go to the churches for food……………you know there is one on every corner in America.

          • That’s so so predictable and typical. I was just ranting (here? somewhere else? offline?) the other day about how small government types argue we should leave basic human needs being met up to the charitable prerogatives of the naturally giving/wealthy Americans, and it’s like but no? If that were the case then these naturally giving/wealthy Americans would think a family going homeless on the streets of Chicago is just as tragic and unacceptable as a family going homeless on the streets Madison is.

          • Beata says:

            And every poor pregnant woman has a Cadillac.

            We’ve seen this movie before haven’t we, Fannie?

          • ANonOMouse says:

            “And every poor pregnant woman has a Cadillac.”

            Don’t forget that she’s also using her food stamps to eat Filet Mignon at Longhorn Steak House

          • ANonOMouse says:

            “The republicans are out telling people to go to the churches for food”

            Hell, many of the churches in the South are more concerned with creating a Country Club environment for their attendees than they are feeding the poor. I know they must be tormented with the choices they have to make, feed the poor or build a swimming pool? What would Yahweh do?

        • Fannie says:

          Speaking of movies, I know Ralph and I talked about this bombing last year, but didn’t know about a movie, Let it Burn.

    • ANonOMouse says:

      The hapless TeaParty, in trying to stop the ACA, has stopped nearly everything except the services it loathes the most. ObamaCare, SS, Medicare/Medicaid, unemployment insurance and food stamps.

      Many of these people are the progeny of folks who screamed during the 60’s that Medicare wouldn’t work, wouldn’t survive and called the mandated payroll deductions to Medicare “socialism”. Maybe it’s a genetic mutation.

  5. bostonboomer says:

    Noam Scheiber: Conservatives Have Already Lost Control of the Shutdown Narrative

  6. Fannie says:

    Marsha Blackburn thinks this is all fun and games “keeping the government closed will probably help the public realize that they didn’t need it in the first place.”……………….

    This morning’s Idaho Stateman’s Newspaper is all “Pink News” to bring awareness to Breast Cancer…………….Earlier in the week I talked about my friends who lost their battle to breast cancer. We know how important it is to have health care coverage. Somehow republicans like Marsha, and Ted Cruz thought it was fun to add a ransom note to the shut down, and block screening for breast cancer and other services that women need. There is a group of 200 patients who are being denied treatment for cancer, and 30 of that group are children. Thanks to all the fun and games they are out of luck and out of funds, soon of be out of life. Then there is Ann Romney offering up coffee cake today…………sorry Ann but who wants to eat cake with you or the so called Christian that is praying to God for the military to take over Obama and our country. No thank you, we voted not to have your husband as president. We voted for the Affordable Care Act……… is the fucking law, and just as soon as the republicans vote with NO STRINGS ATTACHED, the government will be open in a split second.

    Thanks JJ for all those cartoons, I’ll share them, I am outraged every second now……..they are saying they are unwilling to re-burse furlough federal workers because they didn’t work for their money…………

    Beata, I’m ready too. If you need any further help, or information about your mom, etc. let me know, I’ll get on the horn.

    R.I.P. Tom Clancy

    • ANonOMouse says:

      “Marsha Blackburn thinks this is all fun and games “keeping the government closed will probably help the public realize that they didn’t need it in the first place.”

      Marsha represents an area of TN and lives in a county in TN that is one of the wealthiest counties in the country. She’s not capable of understanding the lives of ordinary people. Of course there are middle and low income people in her district, but that’s not the crowd she runs or socializes with. Like most in her party she exists in a reality that isn’t touched by everyday problems like deciding whether to buy food or medicine, whether to pay the rent or go to the doctor. She’s an Elitist who see’s programs like WIC, Food stamps, Unemployment insurance or any of the safety net programs as being a drain on “the Makers”. People like you and I are “takers” to her mind. Especially me, I’m on Medicare & SS which makes me a double dipping taker.

      • Beata says:

        Marsha Blackburn makes my skin crawl. She is one of the worst of the worst. Smug must be her middle name. She always looks like she smelled something bad and she’s sure it came from your direction. It couldn’t possibly be her own stink.

        • ANonOMouse says:

          Yep, she’s irritates both my gag and my cringe reflex.

          She became a Conservative hero in TN when she fought against a State income tax in favor of keeping the regressive State sales tax, a tax that hammers the poor and the middle class in their purchases of food and clothing. The State sales tax is 7% tacked on top of the county sales tax, which for most counties is about 2.75%. So, most people in TN are paying nearly 10% sales tax on every retail purchase.

          I followed Marsha’s campaign against the poor and for the rich during that time and realized that Marsha simply does not give a damn. I also realized that most of the yokels have no idea how damaging and unfair a sales tax is to the majority of the state’s citizens. But not to fear, Jeebus is really big here, so everything gonna be alright, dontcha know.

  7. RalphB says:

    Welfare Fraud

    Remember the Obamaphone program that gives undeserving poors the luxury of having their own prepaid cell phone so they can talk to each other while they drive to the store in their welfare Cadillacs to buy t-bones and flat screen TVs? Well, you won’t be surprised to learn that it’s full of cheaters:

    The Federal Communications Commission yesterday accused five wireless service providers of obtaining duplicate payments from a federal fund for low-income consumers. The FCC wants the companies to repay the extra money and, in addition, to pay $14.4 million in fines.

    The wireless providers allegedly violated rules of the Lifeline program, which has helped people afford basic telephone service since 1985. It was expanded to cover pre-paid cell phone service in 2005 under former President George W. Bush.

    We may hear a lot about this on Fox.

  8. RalphB says:

    Dan Froomkin at Al Jazeera: Shutdown coverage fails Americans

    Commentary: We need journalists to hold politicians accountable for extremist actions, not to enable them

    U.S. news reports are largely blaming the government shutdown on the inability of both political parties to come to terms. It is supposedly the result of a “bitterly divided” Congress that “failed to reach agreement” (Washington Post) or “a bitter budget standoff” left unresolved by “rapid-fire back and forth legislative maneuvers” (New York Times). This sort of false equivalence is not just a failure of journalism. It is also a failure of democracy.

    • Beata says:

      Excellent article!

      You find great links, Ralph. I hope your recovery is progressing well.

      • RalphB says:

        Beata, It seems to be going really well but I’ve got to wear the torture collar for another week. Kind of driving me a bit nuts. 🙂

        • Beata says:

          I am very sorry about the torture collar. ((( Gentle Hugs )))

          You seem extremely sane to me. Amazing how you have been able to come back to Sky Dancers and contribute so much so quickly. Thank you for that.

        • ANonOMouse says:

          Ralph I can’t even imagine how bad that collar is. I’ve seen folks in it and I can tell by looking at them they are miserable. In my late 30’s I spent 6 weeks in a thoracic brace because I fractured 8 & 9 T and ruptured my thoracic diaphragm. That brace was restrictive, but not like the collar.

  9. RalphB says:

    I love PPP…

    Americans to anti-Obamacare Congressmen: Give Up Your Health Care

    PPP’s newest national poll finds a bipartisan consensus on one issue during a time of great division: voters think members of Congress who vote to repeal Obamacare should also give up their government funded health care. 74% agree with that sentiment to only 12% who disagree. And there’s not much of a difference about it across party lines- independents (80/8), Democrats (75/14), and Republicans (69/15) all think that if you vote to get rid of Obamacare you should give up your health insurance too.

  10. RalphB says:

    LATimes: The truth is, Americans love Obamacare

    Among the many delusions guiding the Republican campaign against the Affordable Care Act, surely the most consistent is the idea that the public detests the law and is clamoring for repeal.

    Here’s the truth: The American public loves Obamacare, with as many as 88% in favor, according to one survey.

    How can that be, when polls regularly show a plurality of respondents with an “unfavorable” view of Obamacare? (In a September Kaiser Family Foundation tracking poll, the difference was 43% unfavorable to 39% favorable.)

    The answer, of course, is that most Americans have no idea what’s in the law. In the Kaiser survey, 57% said they didn’t have enough information to know how it would affect them. When they’re asked how they feel about specific provisions, however, they’re almost always thunderously in favor.

    The only possible conclusion from all this is that the law’s opponents have succeeded brilliantly in marketing “Obamacare” as something it’s not, and its defenders have failed miserably at communicating what it is.

    But that defines the history of Republican-versus-Democratic messaging over the last couple of decades. It’s the same stunt that brought us “death panels,” or that redefined the estate tax as the “death tax.”

    The key moment was the 2010 midterm election, when Democrats ran away from their healthcare achievement as if it were poison, leaving it to their GOP opponents to place their own brand on the law; they should have stood up proudly for their handiwork.

    The harvest is today’s government shutdown, which is predicated on the voters’ supposed hatred for a law they actually support.