Evening Open Thread: A little toilet humor…

7ih4al4khe0o3sGood Evening

Ya, let’s have some laughs…a little infantile…but there is a reason for my madness.  Let me explain.

Earlier today, my mom and dad were farting around on the web, after my dad made some observations that the squirrels around our house are full of bite marks and scars from previous battles. He could not believe such happy little creatures could be so vicious.

Well, my mom set him straight…by showing him some YouTube videos of squirrels fighting each other, beating up birds and even snakes…and in doing so, she got sucked in to the black hole that is YouTube.

Soon she was looking and listening to all sorts of animal attacks and then strange animal sounds, coming upon a frog in Australia, that sounds just like a mountain lion.

And that is when YouTube began to “suggest” videos of news anchors farting on live TV…which she had to show me:

Hey, she sure as hell handled it great!!!!

And what is really perfect? This comment from a dude…Jim Boh  2 days ago

Doing what FOX does best, talking out of their ass

Oh…now that is funny.

In fact, when my mom read that comment out loud…she farted while laughing…and me? Well, I almost peed my pants.

Now, for something serious. World Toilet Day aims to make sanitary conditions available for all | Al Jazeera Americas

toilet day

Demonstrators carry signs to mark World Toilet Day in New Delhi, India on Nov. 19.Sajjad Hussain/AFP/Getty Images

On Tuesday much of the underdeveloped world celebrates World Toilet Day, which is meant to bring focus to the diseases and social unrest that can occur when people don’t have sanitary places to relieve themselves. While the World Toilet Organization, the Singapore-based non-profit behind the celebratory day has been around since 2001, this is the first day the United Nations has supported the event.

“We must break the taboos and make sanitation for all a global development a priority,” U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said Tuesday.

Ban stressed that having access to a toilet is an extremely serious issue. They help prevent the spread of diseases that have ravaged many poor areas around the world.

Each year, more than 800,000 children under five die from diarrhea, the U.N. said, many due to poor sanitation.

Lack of access to clean bathrooms in schools also deters many women and girls from pursuing their education after they reach puberty, says a report titled “We Can’t Wait” from WaterAid, a private agency working with the U.N. and Unilever, the multinational consumer goods company.

“Sanitation is central to human and environmental health,” said Ban as he launched a campaign to end open defecation by the 2025 and cut in half the number of people lacking decent sanitation. “It is essential for sustainable development, dignity and opportunity.”

By working together — and by having a frank and open discussion on the importance of toilets and sanitation — we can improve the health and well-being of one-third of the human family,” added Ban. “That is the goal of World Toilet Day.”

This is an open thread…

13 Comments on “Evening Open Thread: A little toilet humor…”

  1. Y’all have a good night. Tomorrow’s post may be a little late, Reggie is getting his balls snipped and I will be taking him to vet real early. So….just a little heads up.

  2. Fannie says:

    I was living in the Irish Channel when this was signed by JFK, 20 Nov 1962. We were not integrated then, and to tell you the truth America is still not integrated.


  3. Beata says:

    That Megyn Kelly fart video was funny. I’m not above a little toilet humor. Thanks for the laughs, JJ.

  4. Mary Luke says:

    Re: the psych beds. For a certain percentage of people, community based care will never be an option. They need a protected environment and a high ratio of staff to patient supervision. And certainly there is no excuse for the cuts in emergency beds. You cannot, i repeat, CANNOT, stabilize a patient who is in a psychotic state in an afternoon, nor can you properly diagnose that patient or stabilize him/her to release to the community.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise should follow me around for a week.

    For anyone who doesn’t believe me, I have one name for you: Andrea Yates. A schizophrenic, paranoid, post-partum, highly stressed mother, suffering from command hallucinatons, a hallmark of schizophrenia which is escalating, was “treated” as an outpatient with prozac, an relatively mild antidepressant. Prozac is what you prescribe when someone’s marriage breaks up or they lose a job. It is not an antipsychotic. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve seen patients deliberately underdiagnosed and prescribed prozac or one of its clones, so they could be discharged. If the hospital diagnosed psychosis, they’d have to keep them longer. Like, say, until they were safe. The gunman who shot and killed six people in Wakefield, MA several years ago was discharged from a brief hospitalization on prozac. People don’t shoot people because they are depressed. People shoot people because they are either sociopathic criminals or they are psychotic. We can’t always detect the former but we know exactly how to diagnose and treat the latter.

    • NW Luna says:

      Spoken with authenticity, Mary! And when/if they are ready for discharge, they need very close followup and often a step-down type of residence. Even with outpatients, you don’t prescribe a new med and not follow up appropriately. I’ve seen too many patients put on a med and told “come back in 2 or 3 months.” That is bad care.

  5. RalphB says:

    Wendy Davis Slams Texas Republicans After Supreme Court Upholds State Abortion Restrictions

    State Sen. Wendy Davis (D), Democrats’ popular candidate for governor of Texas, slammed Texas Republicans following the Supreme Court’s decision to allow the state to continue enforcing its strict anti-abortion law.

    “This law is an abuse of power by politicians in Austin. Clinics will close and women’s health will be hurt,” Davis said in a statement to TPM on Tuesday. “I trust women to make their own decisions and will continue to work to make sure that women and mothers are safe and have access to adequate health care.” …

    Give ’em hell Wendy!

  6. ANonOMouse says:

    Too funny JJ. 🙂