Live Blog Thursday Reads: This Filthy World…Indictment Watch

Hello…Sky Dancers!

While the January 6 Grand Jury meets in Washington DC, I thought you would enjoy passing the time watching this video of the one man show by John Waters…This Filthy World.

We all need some laughs and I think this travel down memory lane with a man like John Waters is just the ticket.

Well, the big news now that is breaking…Trump lawyers are meeting with Jack Smith!

As BB has just told me:

Trump lawyers are meeting with Special Counsel and have been told to expect an indictment.

So…fuck yeah!

I will just post this now…and put updates down in the comments.

This is an open thread.

27 Comments on “Live Blog Thursday Reads: This Filthy World…Indictment Watch”

  1. Ok…I wanted to post some links that would have gone up top.

  2. This is good:

  3. dakinikat says:

  4. dakinikat says:

  5. Keep an eye out for storms today.

  6. bostonboomer says:

  7. MsMass says:

    Did you already show this cartoon,? It’s a good one. GOP Barbie by Lukovitch

    Desantis slave trade school, phew, that one is great.
    Good,good news about Fulton barricades. Fingers crossed.

  8. quixote says:

    This quote from Jay Rosen up top:

    “Describing his views as ‘controversial,’ I think, is dishonest. They’re not controversial. They’re false. He’s not spreading controversial views, he’s spreading lies.

    EXACTLY. It’s part of the bothsidesing. They do it all the time with everything. All the bullshit hard-right stuff, as well as the occasional we’ve-lost-our-minds also-on-the-left stuff like antivaxxing.

  9. bostonboomer says:

  10. What the fuckity fuck?