Friday Nite Lite: Slap-a-Kid Salute Day



Royalty…that first video, you see one of the younger women of the aristocracy reacting to the little girl…but damn, everyone else is just Dickensian on the kid.


Only a few cartoons for tonight. It is summer and the kids brought home a shitload of friends….have to feed a crowd.







This is an open thread…


5 Comments on “Friday Nite Lite: Slap-a-Kid Salute Day”

  1. Sorry, I will post some more in the comments after I get the kids fed.

  2. roofingbird says:

    Apparently there are still prophets, who speak the “Word”. Kern County really needs to do better than this:

  3. bostonboomer says:

    Pat Bagley is brilliant!

  4. NW Luna says:

    Hah! “They’re so obedient”! Another great roundup — thanks, JJ!

  5. ANonOMouse says:

    I liked the Jeb Bush hat toss by Luckovich. Jeb is so easy to laugh at.