Evening News Reads: Airing of Grievances

Good Evening, sorry this is late again today. Strange…

See I was making some coffee, since I missed a cup this morning and my head complained about the lack of caffeine. While waiting for the java to brew I got sucked into the movie my mother was watching. The Bridge on the River Kwia, next thing I know it is 10pm…

Last night on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart had a new segment…President Evil 2.

Jon Stewart On GOP Warnings Of 2nd Obama Term: ‘The First Term Was Laying The Trap?’ | Mediaite

He began with some clips from 2008, notably Rep. Steve King asserting that “radical Islamists will be dancing in the streets” if President Obama were elected. “Talk about hitting the nail, if you replace ‘dancing’ with ‘dodging unmanned missiles raining hellfire from the sky,’” Stewart deadpanned.

By now, he noted, “we’ve pretty much gotten first term,” and “conservatives got a little kicked in the crystal balls.” So what is on the menu for 2012? He noted Newt Gingrich stating President Obama was desirous of a “war on Catholicism;” an NRA executive expecting the Second Amendment to be obliterated the first day after inauguration. “If Obama hasn’t been able to pull any of that shit off during the first term of his presidency, what is he waiting for?” Stewart asked. “The whole first term is just laying the trap,” he mused, perhaps “all he has done in his first term is just a canard so they he can get a second term?”

Give those videos a look see…because along with the book Boston Boomer wrote about earlier today, you will definitely find yourself back in 2008. And I must tell you, that bit of reminiscent charm can make you feel crappy all over again.

So let’s turn to Syria, and specifically Hillary Clinton’s speech about…  ‘Syria a nation brought to brink of chaos’ Video at the link.

Syria is a nation on the brink of chaos, according to the US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton.

Speaking ahead of an international conference on the violence, which is being held in Tunisia on Friday, she said the Syrian regime was making war on its own people.

Referring to the recent veto by Russia and China of a UN Security Council resolution, she said, “the obstruction of a few countries cannot be allowed to stop the world community from coming to the aid of the Syrian people.”

*The video should start automatically.

There are still  a couple of journalist who remain wounded from the attack that killed Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik. Wounded reporters in Syria’s Homs appeal for ceasefire | Reuters


Wounded foreign journalists trapped inside a besieged rebel-held neighborhood in Syria on Thursday appealed for a ceasefire so they could be evacuated and receive proper medical care.


French journalist Edith Bouvier and Paul Conroy, a British photographer from the Sunday Times, made their plea by video as the sound of rocket fire echoed in the background.


They were two of six Western journalists who came under fire on Wednesday when Syrian forces attacked the building where they were hiding in Baba Amro, an opposition stronghold in the central city of Homs.


American journalist Marie Colvin and French photographer Remi Ochlik were among 80 people killed in bombardments that day.


According to Reuters, people are trying to negotiate the rescue of Bouvier and Conroy, as well as recover the bodies of Colvin and Ochlik.

The situation is getting worse, I hope that some answers come out the Friends of Syria meeting tomorrow. We will keep you updated.

Heading over to Malaysia. Radioactive Fallout From iPhones and Flat-Screen TVs? by Kiera Butler.

An Australian producer of rare earths used in cutting-edge devices says its new plant in Malaysia won’t do local harm. What I found out there suggests otherwise.

It is a very good article, so please take the time to read it in full.

Back here in the States, the war on women continues.

Suehs Signs Rule Banning Abortion Affiliates — Abortion | The Texas Tribune

If there was any hope that the state was seeking a compromise with the federal government over Texas’ Women’s Health Program, it’s fading fast. At the direction of lawmakers and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, the Texas Health and Human Services commissioner signed a rule on Thursday that formally bans Planned Parenthood clinics and other “affiliates of abortion providers” from participating in the program — something the Obama administration has said is a deal-breaker for the nearly $40 million-per-year state-federal Medicaid program.

“The Obama Administration is trying to force Texas to violate our own state laws or they will end a program that provides preventative health care to more than 100,000 Texas women,” said Allison Castle, a spokeswoman for Gov. Rick Perry. “This boils down to the rule of law – which the state of Texas respects and the Obama Administration does not.


The rule is supposed to begin on March 14th….

Unless some last-minute agreement is brokered, the program, which receives $9 in federal funds for every $1 in state funds, will be either phased out or cut off by the end of March. At least 130,000 poor Texas women will lose access to cancer screenings, well-woman exams and contraception.


“No one’s politics should interfere with a woman’s access to health care,” said Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast President and CEO Peter J. Durkin. “It is shameful that Governor Perry and Commissioner Suehs continue to politicize lifesaving breast cancer screenings and birth control access for low-income women.”

All I can say is that Texas must have felt left out with all the controversy for the Virginia transvaginal ultrasounds, even though Texas has forced women to take these transvag procedures for the past couple months.

This next story also deals with birth control, Right-Wing Media Group Pledges To Strip Birth Control Out Of Health Plan After Providing It For Years | ThinkProgress

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) has offered an amendment that would allow employers to deny coverage of health services to their employees on the basis of their personal moral objections. Women’s groups warn the measure will severely limit access to needed care and now Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center, is providing a sneak preview to the kind of discrimination employees will experience if the amendment becomes law.

Upon hearing news of President Obama’s regulation requiring all employers to offer contraception coverage without additional cost sharing, Bozell examined his own organization’s insurance policy and was “horrified” to learn that MRC’s plan has long provided contraception (and abortion) coverage. Bozell asked his employees to stop using “contraception/abortifacient/abortion services” and promised to eliminate the benefits at once:

“[W]e are working to change our insurance policy so as not to have to comply with this administration’s disgusting mandate to provide contraceptive, sterilization and abortifacient services. In the course of looking into this I have learned our insurance policy provides abortion services. I cannot begin to tell you how horrified I am by that. I never would have approved this had I known. It is the taking of a human life. That will change.”

If Congress approves Blunt’s amendment, employers like Bozell would be able to make health decisions for their employees on the basis of their own personal beliefs. About two-thirds of Americans oppose this idea, but Bozell is already putting it into practice.

I have nothing to say about this, we all knew it was coming. Now states are joining in the trend to discriminate against women who are participating in state run health insurance programs.

You know…as I look at the photos of the guys determined to have control over my uterus…it is plain to see…none of these assholes who are holding women’s healthcare hostage are sponge worthy.

Ah…great segue to the last link of the night. h/t BB: Jason Alexander slams Mitt Romney on George Costanza reference during GOP debate   – NY Daily News

Mitt Romney’s sharpest jab didn’t come from one of his Republican challengers Wednesday night.

It came from a former “Seinfeld” character.

The Republican frontrunner made headlines after his opening statement at Wednesday night’s debate in Mesa, Ariz., borrowed a line from George Costanza, the beloved “Seinfeld” character.

After receiving overwhelming applause saying, “I want to restore America’s promise,” Romney stopped, nodded and said, “As George Costanza would say, when they’re applauding stop.”

The line was met with appreciative laughter from the CNN debate’s moderator.

It wasn’t greeted as warmly by Jason Alexander, who tweeted early Thursday that he was “Thrilled Gov. Romney enjoys my old character. I enjoyed the character he used 2 b 2. If he’d embrace that again, he’d b a great candidate.”

Yes, that was one hell of a comeback.

He later retweeted, a follower’s message: “@IJasonAlexander would you say that nominee Romney and Independent Romney’s worlds collided and Nominee Romney killed Independent Romney?”

Finally, apparently being bitten by the political bug, Alexander announced his campaign for presidency — as Costanza of course.

“Costanza 4 Prez: festivus pole on White House lawn,” he tweeted.

You know what…fuck the pole, lets just get to the airing of grievances, cause I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you are gonna hear about it. You, Obama…your presidency stinks…

Well, that is it…catch you all later tonight in the comments.

37 Comments on “Evening News Reads: Airing of Grievances”

  1. Woman Voter says:

    If Mugging Were Treated The Same Way As Rape

    Brilliant analogy. It’s interesting how some people actually look at such a horrendous crime this way.


    A must read…

  2. bostonboomer says:

    Thanks for the news roundup, Minx. I’m ready for the airing of the grievances. No need to wait until next Festivus.

  3. ralphb says:

    I’m sure the asshats here in TX were jealous of the national attention that VA was getting so they decided to do something even stupider than normal to kick it up. I just hope we can get rid of some of these doofuses in November.

  4. Minkoff Minx says:

    I’ve been waiting up for this: Jon Stewart Slams The GOP Debate: Three Men And A White-Haired Man-Baby | Mediaite

    On Thursday night, Daily Show host Jon Stewart gave viewers a glimpse at the romantic, wholesome family comedy Three Men and a White-Haired Man-Baby. (Seriously, Newt looks ADORABLE as a man-baby.)

    Look at the picture…

  5. Woman Voter says:

    Virginia Proposal Mandating Ultrasound B4 Abortion Debated:

    Ectopic is a MEDICAL EMERGENCY! Stay out of our bodies! This woman is saying two women died after chemical treatments for ectopic abortions….CRAZY, an ectopic is a medical emergency where the woman’s LIFE is in danger, there is no baby, it explodes outside of the uterus…and she says she is trying to PROTECT US! Everyone knows an ECTOPIC is LIFE THREATENING …that means you can die without treatment.

    Please, stay out of our bodies, you are going to KILL US! Let me us decide, don’t traumatize us further, you people don’t even know what your are talking about!

    • Woman Voter says:

      I am directing my rant to the woman that doesn’t seem to know the term ECTOPIC from her…well you understand, in the video. Those of us who have had an ECTOPIC know we it isn’t an abortion and when you seek treatment time is of the essence as YOU COULD DIE!

      And they want women to be counseled by these ‘experts’…AAAAAAh!

      • ralphb says:

        WV. As a man, even I know better than that crazy woman did. I think they are lying to push their agenda.

      • Woman Voter says:

        Thanks, I am glad men can see the insanity dressed up as concern by giving examples of two women that died from what was is already a LIFE THREATENING condition if not treated immediately.

      • northwestrain says:

        Two of my cousins would be dead today. They had ectopic pregnancies — one was traveling across country and suddenly was in extreme pain. There was no question by anyone that she needed life saving treatment. I’d had for that to have to happen to anyone today — the rightwing religious asshats would probably demand prayer and a waiting period and the weak kneed, spineless Docs — might just cost women their lives. My cousin and her husband were in the middle of a major cross country move — she had no idea she was even pregnant. Today the way the political rules are written — I really doubt she would have survived. As it was the rural hospital caught the problem just in time.

      • northwestrain says:

        Aren’t BOTH of the female guests “pro” life and personally against abortion. How does an anti choice female gain control of an group that advocates for a woman’s right to chose — including abortion??? Anyone know how she managed to take over???

      • Minkoff Minx says:

        Hell Yeah WV!

        You know, in the span of four comments there are three people who have connections to five women who have had life threatening ectopic pregnancies. (some personal and first hand btw) It is frightening to think of 5 women dying because some religious right asshole is keeping them from medical care…these people are sadistic sick bastards, no doubt about it.

      • Woman Voter says:

        I agree, they want dead women, so they can claim to pray over them when all the women need is URGENT MEDICAL CARE! Heartless, I can’t think they aren’t doing this on purpose, as even Ralph knows the seriousness of an Ectopic pregnancy and in my humble opinion he is more qualified than that ‘lady expert’ who doesn’t even know what the term is/means.

    • dakinikat says:

      The Republican party is basically no different than the Taliban any more. I have no idea how any one can support them. If only the Democrats were a viable party and not a bunch of spineless wussies. I am such a broken record about wanting a third party, I know. But this is just ridiculous.

      • northwestrain says:

        I’ll continue as an Independent. There are two male political parties in this Patriarchal Nation. Women not allowed — except prone or obeying da lords and masters.