Crib Sheet or Hankie?

The internet is abuzz with this video showing Romney placing a white object on the podium during the debate.

I saw Romney go back to the podium at the end of debate, pick something up, and then hand it off to his son that placed it in his jacket pocket.  I thought that was really weird at the time and mentioned it to BB in a phone call.  I didn’t catch the the original out of Romney pocket incident pictured in the You tube above.  We’re hearing several stories about what the thing could’ve been.  The Romney camp says it’s a handkerchief.  However, why hand off a handkerchief to your son after the debate or were those his “new” debate notes on the podium?  U.S. News has this article that says it’s a hankie but then the reference to the supposed use of the hankie later isn’t shown in the Fox video at the time suggested but they do have a picture in the link below.

Reddit was up in arms last night after video from the first presidential debate in Denver posted to the site’s politics section appeared to show Mitt Romney pulling cheat notes at the debate. About 2 minutes and 15 seconds in to the video, the GOP nominee is seen putting his hand into his right pocket and placing what appears to be white paper on the podium.

But the Romney campaign told Whispers Friday that Romney was only pulling out a handkerchief.

A close analysis of video of the debate supports that. At 1:26:35 in the video, Romney picks up the same white object—clearly a handkerchief this time—to wipe his face.

So, I still am left with the question of what got handed off to the son?  But, here’s another look at the face wipe and the pocket maneuver.

Meanwhile, I’m looking for the video that I saw on CSPAN with the end of debate hand off.  I found it and it shows him walking to the podium picking up paper and trying to put it his jacket and then when that fails, giving it to his son.  I dunno if that’s the same piece of paper or not.  What do you think?

A CBS affiliate picked up on my observations too.

The rules of the presidential debates are clear about not bringing outside notes and presidents and aspirants have followed the rule for decades.

Video of the first eleven seconds of the debate available on YouTube shows Mitt Romney reaching into his pocket at the moment he is out of view of those in front of him, he used the lectern as a shield, and removing what appears to be folded papers from his pocket.

We see this because the camera that was broadcasting was behind Romney. Those in the audience and the moderator may have been shielded from his sleight of hand, but not the viewers.

Romney then proceeds to unfold the item in front of him.

For those curious if it could have been some else, later video sheds some light on what Romney retrieves from his lectern.

After the Romney and Obama families chat post-debate the President walks off stage, leaving his notes behind for an aide, no doubt.

But not so for Romney. The Presidential challenger goes back to his lectern to retrieve his items. It is clear that the only thing that Romney takes is paper. Not a handkerchief. Not a white flag. Nothing but paper.

So, I’m waiting for Joseph Cannon to look at this!  It’s right up his alley!  Is this tin foil hat material or legit?