Left Out of the “Furor” over the Contraception Rule: WOMEN

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand says it very well. Surprise!! She’s a woman! She knows whereof she speaks. From Care 2:

Sens. Gillibrand and Boxer, along with seven Democratic senators and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee are appealing to backers on all of their websites to sign on to the “One Million Strong For Women” in hopes of harnessing this energy and using it to make a strong defense for women’s rights.

Sen. Gillibrand made the pitch to supporters in an email. “Our opponents tried to defund Planned Parenthood, in the federal budget and in many states. They tried to destroy our Medicare and Medicaid lifelines, which would be particularly devastating to women,” the email says. “They tried to get the Susan G. Komen Foundation to cut off support for Planned Parenthood.”

Two male Senators, Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut joined with Gillibrand, Boxer, and Patty Murray to stand up for women’s autonomy and control over their own bodies.

Weighing in the side of those who know nothing about being a woman and fighting for the freedom to decide when and how to have children, Vice President Joe Biden:

In his first public comments on the decision, Biden told Cincinnati radio station WLW that he is “determined to see that this gets worked out, and I believe we can work it out.”

Biden, the nation’s first Catholic vice president, was among the top aides who had warned President Barack Obama that the decision could be politically explosive, particularly with Catholics, Bloomberg reported Wednesday.

“As a practicing Catholic, I am of the view that this can be worked out and should be worked out. And I know the president feels the same way,” Biden said.

Work what out Joe? A way to let Catholic Bishops control American women’s choices about their own bodies? STFU, Joe. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

John Boehner opened his big fat mouth too:

“If the president does not reverse the [Health and Human Services] Department’s attack on religious freedom, then the Congress, acting on behalf of the American people and the Constitution we are sworn to uphold and defend, must,” Boehner said in a rare floor speech.

“In imposing this requirement, the federal government is violating a First Amendment right that has stood for more than two centuries. And it is doing so in a manner that affects millions of Americans and harms some of our nation’s most vital institutions.”

Oh really? Well, you are full of sh&t, John. You have no idea what you’re talking about. This is not about the First Amendment. It’s about women’s access to health care. STFU, John.

The same goes for Chris Matthews, Mark Shields, E.J. Dionne, Mike Barnicle, Joe Scarborough, and all the rest of the male punditry who seem to believe they have the right to control women’s choices and their access to basic health care. STFU!! Go find something useful to do and butt out of American women’s lives!

Most of all, the Catholic Bishops and the other fundamentalist religious fanatics who insist on pontificating on issues that affect women’s bodies need to STFU! Hey, I have an idea! How about doing something about the abuse of children by the clergy?

It’s time for women and the men who support them to do the talking. It’s time for men who think they own women and rule their health care choices to listen for a change.

19 Comments on “Left Out of the “Furor” over the Contraception Rule: WOMEN”

  1. bostonboomer says:

    Whose conscience?


    Linda Greenhouse asks, where is the defense of the regulation from the Obama administration? Why are they allowing the yahoos to drown out rational thought?

    • peggysue22 says:

      Women are always left out or told to wait or that their issues are not important. Until they are. Until the Bishops or the Fundamentalists or anyone else with an axe to grind about women working, women controlling their own lives and bodies tell us what we should and should not be doing. Women are not children. They get to choose and determine their own way.

      We even get to vote!!!!

      I agree with Gillibrand. I cannot believe we’re having this conversation. Again. And if I hear one more pundit or pol say that the HE knows yada, yada, I’m going to throw something at the TV.

      • northwestrain says:

        Which is why I don’t watch tv anymore. If I ever see a “discussion” about abortion looking at an all male panel — the tv would go out the door.

        This is all about forcing a small group of wackos forcing their religion or cult view on women. The idea that yet again women’s health is being used by the misogynistic is madding.

        This has already happened — this argument is a re run of a very bad time in history. Millions of women have already died because the idiots gained the upper hand.

        How many deaths will it take before all women stand up and say NO more dead bodies?

      • Minkoff Minx says:

        This entire thing has gotten me so pissed, and so depressed. I just want to scream at a PLUB!

  2. Defund Faith-Based Chicanery

    • bostonboomer says:

      If I have to listen to/read about much more of this crap, I’m going to really lose it.

  3. Stephanie says:

    I’d really like to see someone ask Chris Matthews, Biden, Dionne, Boehner (is he Cath?) or any of these other Catholic men w/such retrograde opinions about contraception and/or abortion this question:
    How many children have you fathered? Does that number of children reflect the number of times you’ve had sex w/your spouse? If not, how do you explain the fact that you haven’t fathered a child at least every couple of years? The rhythm method doesn’t work THAT well.

    If they want to get into our personal, sexual business, it’s time to get into theirs.

    No point in asking Santorum.

  4. Delphyne says:

    Oh really? Well, you are full of sh&t, John. You have no idea what you’re talking about. This is not about the First Amendment. It’s about women’s access to health care. STFU, John.

    The same goes for Chris Matthews, Mark Shields, E.J. Dionne, Mike Barnicle, Joe Scarborough, and all the rest of the male punditry who seem to believe they have the right to control women’s choices and their access to basic health care. STFU!! Go find something useful to do and butt out of American women’s lives!

    Most of all, the Catholic Bishops and the other fundamentalist religious fanatics who insist on pontificating on issues that affect women’s bodies need to STFU! That means you, Rick Santorum.

    I love it when you’ve had it and uncensor yourself, Boomer! The truth you speak has perfect pitch and its music is fantastic!!

  5. Fannie says:

    Not trying to change the subject – but Rep Bachus (Ala.) serves as Chairman of House Finance Services Committee is being investigated for insider trading…………..

  6. bostonboomer says:

    Fox pundit Cal Thomas tells CPAC audience that Rachel Maddow is ‘The Best Argument In Favor Of Her Parents Using Contraception’


    These are the people claiming the right to tell the rest of us what is moral.

    • northwestrain says:

      The difference between men and dogs is that dogs can lick their . . . .

      When I was a kid in Hawaii the minister had a long sermon about how sex was ONLY for procreation — of course he and his wife had to “work” real hard for their two kids. At the after church pot luck — the women were pissed. The minister was asked to leave and the church went without a minister for a few years — the elders did a fine job. Religion is really different in Hawaii — among the locals with a strong influence of the Native Hawaiians. The old ways were still remembered and respected in Hawaii way back when. Note it was the women who were pissed and it was the women who kicked — the sex is for kids only — minister out of the church.

      The stupid Bishops are trying to destroy the wall between church and state — they don’t seem to understand that that wall if there for the Catholic Church — as well as all religions. If that wall comes down any more — then the real monsters will come out to play.

      Maryland was where Catholics and Jews escaped to — Maryland’s early history was about religious freedom. I have two ancestral lines coming from Maryland — Jewish and Catholic. One was a Spanish Jew the other was an English Catholic Lord who escaped with his title and his life.

      The separation church and state is under attack — most of our ancestors have already fought this battle.

      • Minkoff Minx says:

        The separation church and state is under attack — most of our ancestors have already fought this battle.


      • KendallJ says:

        No, the war is against women, and those women hating wingnuts always use patriarchal religion to wage their battle. They’re not railing against men who rape children, or against the wealthy who rob the poor, or against constant war, or all the other injustices that occur on a regular basis. Their beef is with women who dare charter their own destiny and who refuse be subservient to men. They constantly use religion to oppress women like no other group. Its the primary reason we are always the lowest on the totum pole. We are taught to respect religions that were founded on hating and conquaring our gender. The sooner women understand that patriarchal religions are based on a deep seeded hate for women, the better off we will be. We need to reject these religions and their leadership. I was raised catholic and absolutely hate the religion because it hates me. I was thrown out of catacism class at 12 years old because I questioned their misogyny. Two summers ago, the pope said that it was a worse sin to ordain a woman a priest, than to molest a child. WTF does that tell you.

      • jawbone says:

        Thanks for mentioning Maryland’s tradition of religious freedom. But it did take the Constitution and the Bill of Rights passing for the first Catholic cathedral to be built in America — otherwise it might have been, most likely, torched?

        The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also called the Baltimore Basilica, was the first Roman Catholic cathedral built in the United States, and was the first major religious building constructed in the nation after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. As a co-cathedral, it is one of the seats of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore in Baltimore, Maryland. It is considered the masterpiece of Benjamin Henry Latrobe, the “Father of American Architecture.”

        I learned about this building while watching a documentary about the architect mentioned. I’d like to see the basilica; the video of the building showed a glorious bright space due to Latrobe’s groundbreaking use of glass in a dome. IIRC.

        I think, alas, there are many accepted principles on which this nation’s governance and soceity were based which will have to be fought for anew.