Busy Night in Washington…

There is a lot going on tonight, so I thought I would start a new thread…


Okay, this song sung by Groucho really makes me think about our current situation. Duck Soup was one of the earlier Marx Brothers films…hey even Zeppo is in it. The film had some sharp wit and was one of the most political commentaries that the Marx Brothers did.

The last man nearly ruined this place, he didn’t know what to do with it

If you think this country’s bad off now, just wait ’til I get through with it.

Oh, there are more gems in this song, give it a listen. So there is a lot of things going on tonight….You got votes going on for Dream, DADT and the most important of “must see” television, Obama will be on Mythbusters.  Before you get excited about what myth will be busted, I can tell you it won’t be the one that I would like to see…Is it a physiological fact that the President needs a spine to be able to physically stand up and “diss” his base? I want to see that myth busted.

So have at it…and lets see what those brilliant folks in Foggy Bottom do….

62 Comments on “Busy Night in Washington…”

  1. Minkoff Minx says:

    A few recent items of interest:

    Obama Desperate to Show Tax Support – Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

    “Starved of Democratic support on Capitol Hill for his tax compromise with Republican leaders, President Obama has been forced to cast a wide net over the country in hopes of snaring some help. His meager take so far: the mayor of Charlotte, N.C., Anthony Foxx, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas, and Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell.”


    Over at FDL there is a Roundup:The Roundup | FDL News Desk

    FDL News Desk

    “I’ll probably update tonight once the votes come down in the Senate. The DREAM Act probably takes a bow tonight, in both the House and Senate, and we could see a vote for cloture on the defense authorization bill with repeal of DADT, though the latest from Sen. Collins does not look good.”

  2. joanelle says:

    Oh, how delicious – this is most timely given the current situation. Thanks, you little minx you! :):

  3. joanelle says:

    It’s perfect!!!

  4. Minkoff Minx says:

    HUFFPOST HILL – Reid Puts Off DADT Vote


    “SENATE (don’t say ‘punt’! don’t say ‘punt’!) KICKS DADT, DREAM VOTES TO TOMORROW – The Senate spent the day waiting on the House to vote on the DREAM Act, which should come up shortly, but gave up mid-afternoon and put a pot of milk on the burner to sip while enjoying The News Hour in peace. Harry Reid spent the day in exceedingly fragile negotiations with Susan Collins, talks that essentially broke down several times, only to pick back up again where they left off. Late in the day, Collins told reporters she wouldn’t vote for the DADT repeal if it came up tonight. Lisa Murkowski has been largely in the same camp as Collins.”

  5. Minkoff Minx says:

    AFP: US House votes to scrap Guantanamo closure

    “The House of Representatives voted 212-206 for a catch-all spending bill covering government expenses in the fiscal year that began October 1, a measure that included the restrictions affecting Guantanamo and its detainees.
    The legislation prohibits President Barack Obama from spending any money to transfer prisoners to US soil or to acquire facilities to hold them on US soil.”

    • dakinikat says:

      That’s not what Politico is saying. They just tweeted this.

      politico POLITICO
      #Taxcuts deal gains steam toward passage: http://politi.co/i4vRVv

      • bostonboomer says:


        • bostonboomer says:

          Maybe Dayen meant that all hope of fighting it is lost. I don’t know.

          • bostonboomer says:

            Comment on David Dayen’s post:

            “The late-hour substitute on Sunday was the proposal for a reduction of two percentage points in employees’ 6.2 percent Social Security payroll tax for 2011. A payroll-tax holiday has been an idea on Mr. Obama’s table for months, but he and Congressional Democrats always pushed it aside, given concerns that voters, especially older people, would see it as taking revenues that are supposed to pay for Social Security benefits.

            But pushing the idea all along was Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner and his counselor Gene Sperling, a former top economic policy adviser to President Bill Clinton. Last Friday, the report that the unemployment rate had inched up to 9.8 percent gave new impetus to the administration’s push — and to Mr. Biden’s talks with Mr. McConnell.”

          • dakinikat says:

            Well, things certainly won’t improve by its passing. I doubt it will do anything remotely resembling a stimulus unless Paris Hilton and a few of her friends decide to spend more of their inheritance here instead of the Caribbean.

          • dakinikat says:

            Which is also why I find their strong arm argument to be quite bogus:


            The White House warned that failure to pass Barack Obama’s tax compromise with Republicans would have dire consequences for the US economy as Democrats in the Senate prepared to vote on the measure as early as today.

            Harry Reid, the Democratic leader in the Senate, said he hoped to make some changes to the deal, which would extend all Bush-era tax cuts for two years, prolong unemployment benefits for 13 months and cut employee payroll taxes by 2 percentage points.

            If you would like to redistribute this article please respect FT.com’s ts&cs and copyright policy which allow you to: share links; copy content for personal use; & redistribute limited FT content. Email ftsales.support@ft.com to buy additional rights. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a915a786-0329-11e0-80eb-00144feabdc0.html#ixzz17ZWsP5cr

            But Lawrence Summers, Mr Obama’s departing chief economic adviser, warned that failure to pass the compromise would jeopardise the recovery, even as he dubbed the agreement “imperfect”.

            “I don’t think at the end of the day that the Congress will take a step that materially increases the risk of this economy stalling,” Mr Summers said.

            It’s like putting a few pebbles out in a road to stop an avalanche.

          • Minkoff Minx says:

            Tax Plan Spurs Deal Making – WSJ.com

            “The sweeping tax package negotiated by President Barack Obama and Republican lawmakers gained new momentum toward passage in the Senate, setting off a scramble by lawmakers and industry lobbyists to get favored provisions into the bill.

            View Full Image

            Associated Press
            As Washington takes up a tax deal, Sens. Carl Levin and Jack Reed confer on Capitol Hill following the Democratic caucus luncheon.

            Senate leaders worked to finish drafting the details of the tax bill and prepared for a floor debate as early as Friday, only days after the framework for the deal was unveiled. Administration officials hoped that development would increase their leverage among balking Democrats in the House.

            Potential additions include energy tax breaks and infrastructure subsidies, sweeteners that could build broader support for the tax package. One proposal is an extension of a Treasury grant program for clean-energy projects. More than 20 senators, nearly all Democrats, are backing the program.”

          • Minkoff Minx says:

            I know, all the Dems that complained were just giving lip service…they are going to pass the damn thing…and get all the goodies they want from these lobbyist. I need some hot chocolate…and I think I’ll add a shot of something to get through the night.

  6. Minkoff Minx says:

    House Approves $1.1 Trillion Measure to Freeze Spending on U.S. Programs – Bloomberg

    “The U.S. House approved a $1.1 trillion measure that would freeze spending on most government programs as lawmakers pushed to complete work on a stack of unfinished appropriations bills.

    The bill, approved 212-206 today, would cut billions from President Barack Obama’s defense budget request, freeze the pay of non-military government employees and give the Interior Department more time to consider potential environmental effects of proposed oil and gas drilling permits. It also includes $159 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

    • Pat Johnson says:

      They postponed the DADT bill as they keep trying to woo Snowe. Unbelievable!

      One vote short of the 60 needed and this idiot has the power in her hands to either defeat DADT or continue it.

      I hate these people!

  7. bostonboomer says:

    Biden worked with McConnell to “hammer out” this “compromise.”

  8. Minkoff Minx says:

    A bit OT, but did you all see that Aretha Franklin has cancer…pancreatic.

    Aretha Franklin Battling Cancer: Report | Billboard.com

  9. Woman Voter says:

    Assange’s ‘poison pill’ file impossible to stop, expert says

    (CNN) — The Poison Pill. The Doomsday Files. Or simply, The Insurance.

    Whatever you call the file Julian Assange has threatened to release if he’s imprisoned or dies or WikiLeaks is destroyed, it’s impossible to stop.

    Last report Wikileaks per:

    wikileaks_pp wikileaks_pp
    #Wikileaks is currently mirrored on 1334 sites http://wikileaks.lu/mirrors.html #cablegate

    This is like observing the ‘Internet Matrix Movie’ live, with a cast that is too larger than life. The Guardian even has an article about the Evil Twin brother, in a snakie article, with the Evil Twin with gray hair being Joe Lei

    Pass notes, No 2,895: Senator Joe Lieberman
    He really doesn’t like WikiLeaks . . .

    Senator Joe Lieberman. Senator Joe Lieberman. Photograph: Ethan Miller

    Age: 68.

    Appearance: Michael Gove’s grandfather.

    You think? I think he looks more like that WikiLeaks guy. Julian Assange?

    That’s the one. Are they related? Not by blood.

    But they look so alike. Maybe Lieberman is Assange’s evil twin brother? An evil twin brother who’s nearly 30 years older?


    Well, there is the comedy take on the matter. I personally don’t see the resemblance apart from the some gray hair!?! 😯

  10. RalphB says:

    Killing the tax deal would have minimal effect on the economy, IMHO.

    Hard to tire of absolute hypocrisy and this little gem from Wikileaks of the diplomatic cables is ok. Completely unsurprising but I’ll bet this doesn’t go over well in the Kingdom.

    WikiLeaks cables: Saudi princes throw parties boasting drink, drugs and sex

    Royals flout puritanical laws to throw parties for young elite while religious police are forced to turn a blind eye

    In what may prove a particularly incendiary cable, US diplomats describe a world of sex, drugs and rock’n’roll behind the official pieties of Saudi Arabian royalty.

    Jeddah consulate officials described an underground Halloween party, thrown last year by a member of the royal family, which broke all the country’s Islamic taboos. Liquor and prostitutes were present in abundance, according to leaked dispatches, behind the heavily-guarded villa gates.

    The party was thrown by a wealthy prince from the large Al-Thunayan family. The diplomats said his identity should be kept secret. A US energy drinks company also put up some of the finance.

    “Alcohol, though strictly prohibited by Saudi law and custom, was plentiful at the party’s well-stocked bar. The hired Filipino bartenders served a cocktail punch using sadiqi, a locally-made moonshine,” the cable said. “It was also learned through word-of-mouth that a number of the guests were in fact ‘working girls’, not uncommon for such parties.”

    This kind of leak could get Assange killed.

      • dakinikat says:

        Oh, that company should be SHUT down.

        • Woman Voter says:

          That is not Senator Joe Lieberman’s priority as he is busy censoring everyone including trying to prosecute the New York Times. NoQuarter is in the Aurtralian papers, and well, we know Larry Johnson who is being interviewed here:

          Revenge attacks on website ‘directed by White House’

          The public face of the reprisals is Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, who has pressured companies to sever ties with WikiLeaks, called for Mr Assange to be prosecuted in the US, and yesterday added The New York Times to the list of those who should be facing investigation, for its publication of diplomatic cables.

          President Barack Obama has not yet said a word about WikiLeaks but Larry Johnson, a former CIA analyst who also worked in the state department’s counter-terrorism section, believes the campaign against WikiLeaks is being run from the top. ”It is being directed by the White House,” he said. ”This is not just each individual department doing its own thing.”

          US prosecutors have used the Espionage Act to convict officials who leaked classified information.

          They have never successfully convicted any leak recipient who then passed the information along, however, and the Justice Department has never tried to prosecute a journalist under either a Republican or a Democratic administration.

          They are going to have to do a series, this is simply too complicated for a 3 hour movie and still it continues to take more turns, that one couldn’t have dreamed of.

          • dakinikat says:

            Assange isn’t an American and we’re not at war with Australia. What the heck are they going to prosecute him for?

          • Minkoff Minx says:

            Exactly, how can they charge him with espionage?

          • Woman Voter says:

            Well, thus far, Joe Leiberman is just telling companies what to do, but isn’t offering what laws he is backing it up with.

            Audio of :

            The Brian Lehrer Show

            In Defense of WikiLeaks
            Glenn Greenwald, Salon.com columnist, former constitutional law and civil rights litigator in New York and the author of Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics, discusses why critics of WikiLeaks are wrong.

            PM Kevin Rudd of Australia is now back peddling and is now saying the breach responsibility is with the US security and not with Assange. The Australian public is beginning to get pitch forkie about the government in essence leaving him without a country and counselor support.

            Julian Assange: Sex criminal or political prisoner – ABC 101208

      • Woman Voter says:

        Gosh, I wonder if our tax dollars were used to commit these horrid crimes against children.

  11. Sima says:

    I know watching law being made is like watching sausage being made, but really, this is so depressing.

    The new food safety bill, which is not as favorable to small farmers as I thought even with the Tester amendment, got tacked onto the House extension of funding bill, or whatever it was. It just boggles the mind. A hugely important bill, having to do with our food supply and our autonomy, just arbitrarily tacked onto whatever was around.

    Ohh well, I’ll try to remember to get depressed about it after Christmas instead of now. Heh.

    As for the other stuff, why do they do this? They have months and months to debate, but they shove these important bills to the back and then rush them through. It’s like teenagers finishing a report deadline. No wonder it’s so dysfunctional and we are told we’ll know what is in the bill after its passed.

    • Minkoff Minx says:

      They do this so that they can hold out for the best payoff from lobbyist and big money donors.

      • Sima says:

        And it’s all kabuki, or bunraku, I know. Because the lobbyists control all sides. So it’s really not Reps against Dems, it’s everyone else against them.

        Funny, I got an email from caldem.org which is entitled, ‘Capitulation’. In it it says that we have to stop capitulating to the Reps on taxes, we don’t capitulate to terrorists, do we? And then it asks us to sign a petition thanking Pelosi and Reid for standing strong!

        Wet toilet paper in the wind stands stronger!

    • Woman Voter says:

      Yes, I really should pay more attention to the food Bill. I will try and catch up, on it, via your post and do some exploring.

  12. Minkoff Minx says:

    Update: okay, I just watched Mythbusters. And do you know what the big myth was? Get this, Obama wanted them to redo a myth that they did in some episode where the myth was busted. So…the guys put all this work and effort and money into redoing the myth, and guess what. It still was busted. Typical indeed. All that smoke and mirrors, with a big production, and the dang thing was busted. Sounds like O’s campaign, which stuck us with an administration busted as well.

    • Sima says:

      Heh. What a waste of viewing time. It’s funny how Teh One was sure that mythbusters was wrong, because he, Teh One, thought so. Yea, his instinct is SO good.

    • Seriously says:

      I’m sure it’s because he wants to convince the Mythbusters audience that he’s “one of them” by referencing past shows. God, he’s pathetic. It wasn’t the one where they dropped pennies off the Empire State Building, was it? That’s all we need, Obama standing up there with the Mint’s entire penny stash, with the CIA on alert feeding him intelligence as to when his enemies wil be strolling by. Get ready, sir, here comes the Constitution!

  13. Minkoff Minx says:

    This just came through on Memorandum: Michael Bloomberg: I'm Not Running for President. Period. – Political Hotsheet – CBS News “I’m not going to run for president, period,” he said. “End of story.”

    • dakinikat says:

      Well, in a way that’s reassuring because he’s not what I’d want. Now, the next question is who will run and is desirable? Just like you asked this morning?