Thursday Cartoons: Sir Donald

Good morning.

That cartoon is not funny. It’s reality. Or what will be reality.

In Dak’s state of Louisiana, they are voting to make a law that will make it illegal to have abortion drugs…treating the abortion drugs like heroin.

Look, I have a migraine. And it is painful as hell. But my anxiety about the Republicans and tRump is causing even more problems.

I’m writing this post on Wednesday afternoon around 3pm. I haven’t read Boston Boomers thread yet because of my headache…so hopefully this is not a repeat. I don’t think it will be, I’m just posting cartoons.

Starting with

You know the reason I embed instagram post is because I hate to put Xitter in my threads…because of Musk. I hate that fucker. It is so difficult for me to go on the Xitter site.I am still waiting on WordPress to make it possible for Threads post to be embedded.

That’s a makeover!

And that’s all. Please be safe and enjoy your Thursday.

2 Comments on “Thursday Cartoons: Sir Donald”

  1. dakinikat says:

    Even the funnies aren’t cheering me up today.

  2. bostonboomer says:

    Things are getting scary.