Monday Reads: Sing! Sing! Sing! Sweet Fat Lady!


Good Afternoon!

We’re beginning to make that transition from primary season to the lull before the General Election.  I thought I’d celebrate the shift with some reads that signal the shift or should signal the shift.   I’ve really been struck by the number of people that really don’t understand how parties choose their candidates and seem to be following the overall results on a state by state basis even when that state basically doesn’t add much to the delegate count.  The other thing that’s rather astounding is the number of people that seem to think that a party sponsored election for delegates is akin to a normal election. This is when I really feel the irony of the situation.

We have two outsider populist candidates running for election within a party system. Neither of them has been either active or genuine members of that party.  Their followers are apoplectic by the scent of cigars in the backrooms and conventions of the state and national parties. I’m being somewhat cynical in that I think both of these candidates had to realize at some point that the parties were not going to be all that accommodating to them running amok.  Their voters, however, appear to be completely stumped and angered because it’s pretty much the kind of behavior that has driven them straight to the arms of populist charlatans.

So by now, you’ve figured out that it’s Bernie and Trump and their voters with the lack of knowledge and understanding of primary and party dynamics.  Let me get started by saying that I’ve always supported a national set of primaries with openness to any party that can get to some kind of threshold TBD.  I have felt that they should be regulated by the Feds to ensure that no one is disenfranchised and that they should be in keeping with the spirit of the Voting Rights Act.  So this viewpoint is not in the interest of the duopoly that is our two party system,  It’s also not in keeping with the philosophy of the party that loves “local control” and “states’ rights”.

Irony is not lost on me when I read that Trump is talking about suing the State of Louisiana over the tricks that the Cruz campaign pulledyogi-art1 at the party convention.  His voters tend to hate big gubermint, yet it’s federal control of primary elections that would eliminate these back channel deals. The problem in Louisiana is basically the delegates won by Marco Rubio. Rubio suspended his campaign. He has delegates that were basically elected but they now have a dead candidate. They’ve essentially become free agents as zombie delegates.

Following a report that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) may win more delegates in Louisiana’s primary than Donald Trump, even though Trump won the state, the Republican presidential frontrunner threatened to file a lawsuit on Sunday.

Trump complained about the “rotten political system” during a Sunday interview on ABC’s “This Week.”

“The Republican tabulation system is a broken system. It’s not fair,” he said.

“I won Louisiana and now I hear he’s trying to steal delegates,” Trump added, referring to Cruz. “What’s going on in the Republican Party is a disgrace. I have so many more votes and so many more delegates.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, Republican in Louisiana expect the five unbound delegates that had been awarded to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to back Cruz now that the Florida senator is out of the race. Cruz’s supporters have also secured key positions on convention committees, which could help the Texas senator at a contested convention, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Jason Doré, the executive director of the Louisiana Republican primary, told the Times-Picayune that the party is “really confident in the rules” and is prepared for a lawsuit from Trump.

Doré said that any disagreement over Rubio’s delegates is “is between Mr. Trump and those guys,” and added that the delegates have not yet made any final decision.

Zombie delegates may also wind up being very important should Trump not achieve the proper amount prior to the Republican National Convention.   If Trump can’t win on the first ballot, then Zombie delegates can go anywhere.

“Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd took on the issue Sunday of why Donald Trump needs to score a first-ballot win at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this summer.

The reason?

Delegates who may support Trump on the first ballot, but could abandon him after that.

Here’s the transript from the show:


Donald Trump is in a race to 1,237. It’s a number now we’re all getting used to and familiar with. And he can’t afford to miss hitting that magic number. And here’s why. Because there’s already an effort underway to stop him on a second ballot at the convention in Cleveland. Right now, Trump has 752 delegates and a 282 delegate lead over Ted Cruz.

In order to hit the magic 1,237 majority number and earn that glide path the nomination, Trump has to win 54 percent of the remaining delegates. And he has some favorable contests coming up, like his home state of New York, which has 95 delegates up for grabs, and a winner-take-all state of New Jersey, where maybe his buddy Chris Christie can help him win those 51 delegates.

But, the race is already on to create sort of delegate double agents. If Trump fails to win that majority on the first ballot these are people who will promise to dump Trump on the second ballot. And then there’s an effort underway to mobilize zombie delegates. These are delegates who are pledged to candidates who have dropped out of the race.

They could switch their vote over to someone else in the race, maybe even on the first ballot. Maybe it’s Cruz, maybe it’s Trump. So to discuss all of this, I’m joined by our resident zombie expert, Ben Ginsberg, Republican delegate guru, who served, of course, as lead counsel to the Bush/Cheney campaign of 2000 and he was Mitt Romney’s lawyer in 2012. So the zombie apocalypse will hit Cleveland.

So we have free-agent delegates, we have zombie delegates. I want to talk about the free-agent delegates first, because we have Donald Trump this morning already angry about this. Louisiana, he wins the primary big, he should get a lion’s share of the delegates. The Cruz campaign claims they actually are going to have more delegates out of Louisiana, a state they lost, than Trump. How did they do it? Explain.


The way they managed to do it is that 44 of the 56 states and territories give the candidates no role in choosing who the delegates will pick.


Who the individuals are.


Who the individuals are. And so a well-organized campaign will go into all these state conventions and state executive committee meetings and manage to get supporters of theirs. They’ll be bound on the first ballot to the winner of their state primary, but not for any of the procedural rules issues, and not for the second ballot.


All right. So they’re the double agents. Now, let’s talk about zombie delegates. These are the people, and I want to put up a graphic here. There are a group of unbound delegates. We know there were always going to be over about a hundred, we’ve done the math here, over about a hundred of them, 169 of them come from states that have chosen not to hold a contest, Colorado chief among them. And then there’s another 175 of the zombie delegates. These are people, mostly Marco Rubio delegates out of Virginia and Minnesota, but there a handful of Carson, maybe one or two Jeb Bush’s. What is their role in all of this?

So basically, this is a problem with free delegates, zombie delegates and double agents.   I learned about all of this from Ginsberg and Todd on Sunday.

Bernie’s issues are different.  He’s way behind but his campaign has decided to try to hype up his supporters, continue fundraising, and fat-lady2whine about the delegate math set up by the Democratic Party.  We’ve been seeing the Deadenders for Bernie for some time now.   It’s been basically over since the Steel Magnolias of the South Sung.  But, we’ve been seeing all kinds of attempts by the campaign to spin a different tune.   Sanders–who was once berating superdelegates–has been actively courting them.  However, that’s backfiring according to Reuters. It seems that we have more instances of BernieBro Bullying.

Interviews with 10 of the 505 super delegates supporting Clinton Reuters has reached show that nine of them have been approached by people purporting to back Sanders, and nearly all were displeased by the tone of the outreach.

Isabel Framer of Ohio, a superdelegate for Clinton, for example, got a voice mail last week urging her to vote for Sanders “in accordance with the will of the people.”

On the voice mail, heard by Reuters, the anonymous male caller says: “I think it’s crap that you get to vote whichever way you want… I’ll be watching your vote.”

“I’m not easily frightened,” Framer told Reuters. “I’m not going to change a vote over threats.”

Akilah Ensley, a North Carolina superdelegate, said she started hearing more often from Sanders supporters after her name appeared on a Wikipedia list noting her support for Clinton. “Some of them were nice, and some were rather abrasive,” she said, adding “attacking my decisions is probably not the best way” to change her mind.

Luis Heredia, an Arizona superdelegate for Clinton, said he has received over 30 phone calls, emails and instant messages from Sanders supporters. “The majority of them are more angry, and the tone is more demanding,” Heredia said.

Lacy Johnson, an Indiana superdelegate backing Clinton, meanwhile, said he had received a mix of messages, including one that he said threatened: “we will make you pay.”

Andres Ramirez, a political consultant in Las Vegas, Nevada, and a superdelegate supporting Clinton, said in the past campaigns would typically try to soft-sell their candidates rather than use pressure tactics.

“The way this has gone down, in my experience, has never happened before,” said.

Sanders continues to attack the party which probably isn’t the best approach when wooing party insiders.

 “Bernie’s campaign is focused on reaching out to all voters and earning delegates at primaries and caucuses,” he said in a statement, stressing that the Sanders campaign was not coordinating with supporters to contact superdelegates.

However, the unofficial push could complicate the U.S. Senator from Vermont’s efforts to woo the critical bloc in the coming months.

The effort has at times taken an angry tone, some of the messages reviewed by Reuters showed, reflecting the anti-establishment tinge of the 2016 presidential race where many voters are unhappy with Washington insiders.

Some 85 percent of the 4,763 delegate votes to the Democratic National Convention that will decide who will face a Republican rival in the November election are determined by the results of states’ nominating contests. But the remaining 15 percent are held by superdelegates, who get to vote however they like – meaning they could hold the key to a tight contest.

Superdelegates are made up of party leaders and elected Senators, members of Congress, and governors. The Democratic party adopted the system in the early 1980s as a way of giving party leaders more control over the nominating process, though they have yet to play a decisive role in a nomination.

“The idea there is that you’ve got people who have a long view … who have, arguably, the best interests of the party at heart,” said Terri Fine, a professor of political science at the University of Central Florida.

fat-lady-singing-warningBernie’s folks continue to see all states and all primary efforts as equal.  The Michigan win may have been meaningful, but this weekend’s Western Caucuses were not.  I’ve had to continually remind my Bernie friends that the Washington Caucus gave the state win to Howard Dean AFTER he’d lost the election.  But, hope and not math, springs eternal with these folks who still keep pouring money down the Bernie Drain.  It is going to give us about a week of insufferable Bernie worship.

Hillary’s popular vote lead was almost identical before and after Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii voted.

According to the website RealClearPolitics, 15.3 million Democratic primary voters had cast their ballots prior to Saturday. Of those voters, 8.9 million had voted for Hillary, and 6.4 million had voted for Bernie. This amounts to a margin of 58% vs. 42% — a blowout margin by most electoral standards.

Saturday’s voters preferred Bernie by a large margin, but these were small states. As of Sunday, official reports only showed about 60 thousand total votes in the three states, while the higher estimates of party officials still indicated fewer than 300 thousand total votes. This means that the overall popular vote remains basically unchanged: Hillary has roughly 9 million votes, while Bernie still has roughly 6 and a half million. Translated into percentages, the total effect of Bernie’s “landslide” victories was that Hillary is still winning 58% to 42%. Only if you add a decimal point does Bernie’s Western sweep even change the percentages.

The Donald has a huge woman voter problem that he may be sharing with Sanders now.  Sanders may be catching up to Trump quickly because he gave his wife a rude, public brush off with a condescending wave and a few brusque words.  Twitter was agog yesterday feeling the Bern bullying his wife. No woman whose been a wife could miss it.

There’s an awkward video of Bernie Sanders and Bernie’s interaction with his wife Jane Sanders that’s making the rounds, and it’s not a good look for Bernie. Senator Sanders was speaking in Madison, Wisconsin, when the “snub” against Jane happened. The Democratic presidential candidate spoke at a campaign stop on Saturday, March 26, with Bernie being exuberant over his recent victory — however, during that celebration, Sanders made a move against Jane that isn’t going down well over the Interwebs.

Additionally, Bernie is spending a ton of money on those huge rallies.fat-lady-sings

Bernie Sanders’ revolution may be growing directly from the grass roots, but he’s paying top dollar for the places where it’s coming together.

In February, the Sanders campaign, flush with cash from its small-donor network, spent $1.6 million on site rentals, ticketing and “sound/stage/lighting,” pursuing ever-larger venues for his followers to gather in, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

And the spending this month may well exceed February. On Friday, for instance, the Sanders campaign is staging a pep rally for the Washington state caucuses at Safeco Field in Seattle, the Mariners’ baseball stadium that holds up to 54,000 people.

It’s a sign that the Sanders campaign plans to keep spending big as it works to compete with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton across the board.

Meanwhile, the Beltway Press has moved on.  This is from The Hill today:  Who will be the 2016 running mates?  Bernie may be holding huge vanity rallies but his name is missing from this piece.

Now that GOP front-runner Donald Trump has released the names of some of his foreign policy advisers, it’s only a matter of time before pundits, reporters and voters start demanding to know whom he intends to pick as his vice presidential running mate.

When politely asked now, Trump responds, “I need to win the nomination first. After that, I’ll think about it.”

To the untrained eye, this seems like a reasonable answer; however, no insider I know believes The Donald hasn’t already begun to create a short list of possible candidates.

Ditto Hillary Clinton. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has been around the block too many times not to have several running mates in mind, even if it still is March.

Here are some more examples of folks telling Bernie to listen to that singing lady.  From the LATIMES: As California primary nears, state Democrats are uniting behind Clinton and against a common enemy: Trumpimages (8)

Most of Sen. Bernie Sanders‘ supporters in California say they expect that come November, Hillary Clinton will be elected president — and, by and large, they’re OK with that.

While both Democratic camps prepare for a final battle in the state’s June 7 primary, the latest USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times statewide poll found that just over half of Sanders’ supporters said they expected Clinton to be the next president. About a third of Sanders’ backers said they expected the Vermont senator to emerge the winner, and 12% said they thought Donald Trump would prevail.

Close to 8 in 10 Sanders supporters said in the survey that they would vote for Clinton in a race against Trump, although many said they would do so reluctantly.

Those findings show the reality underlying the still-heated rhetoric of the Democratic primaries: By contrast with the civil war that divides Republicans,Democrats in the country’s largest state have begun to coalesce behind their front-runner.

Harshaw_Bruennhilde[1]Meanwhile, Bernie is dying for more debates.  The Clinton Campaign is beginning to pushback. They have little to gain if Bernie continues to attack her while each debate brings no new information to the table.

Hillary Clinton’s chief campaign strategist laid into Bernie Sanders’ camp on Monday for its insistence upon a debate before the April 19 primary in New York, remarking that the Vermont senator has reneged on his promise to avoid running a negative campaign and therefore does not get to dictate the terms of any future debates.

Appearing on CNN, Joel Benenson was asked about comments from the Sanders campaign over the weekend calling for another debate before the New York primary, though he said he did not see that as the most notable story out of the weekend. Instead, he referred to a Washington Post story in which Sanders’ campaign discussed possible efforts to sharpen rhetoric against the former secretary of state. “They’re talking about running harsher negatives now,” Benenson said, responding that he was not distracting from the issue but explaining the campaign’s stance.

“Because I think the real question is what kind of campaign is Sen. Sanders going to run going forward,” Benenson remarked. “He pumped $4 million in the weekend before March 15, and he lost all five states on March 15. They spent about $4 million running negative ads.”

“This is a man who said he’d never run a negative ad ever. He’s now running them, they’re now planning to run more,” he continued. “Let’s see the tone of the campaign he wants to run before we get to any other questions.”

CNN’s Kate Bolduan then inquired why the campaign would not agree to debate in New York despite agreeing in January to more debates. Benenson responded, “Because we agreed to debates up to a certain point. We’re now out campaigning in these states.”

“What’s the risk?” Bolduan asked.

“There’s no risk. She’s done very well in the debates. The debates have been very good, but Sen. Sanders doesn’t get to decide when we debate, particularly when he’s running a very negative campaign against us. Let’s see if he goes back to the kind of tone he said he was going to set early on. If he does that, then we’ll talk about debates,” Benenson said.

It seems that everyone but the Bernie Bros is getting tired of Bernie the Bully.  Listen to the chorus of singing fat ladies instead of the songs of angry men for a change!!

What’s on your reading and blogging list today?

64 Comments on “Monday Reads: Sing! Sing! Sing! Sweet Fat Lady!”

  1. dakinikat says:

    Nicholas Confessore / New York Times:

    How the G.O.P. Elite Lost Its Voters to Donald Trump — The manufacturing executives had gathered in an Atlanta conference room last year to honor their senior United States senator, Johnny Isakson, for his tireless efforts on their behalf in Washington. But as the luncheon wound down …

  2. NW Luna says:

    What was caucusing on Capitol Hill like for Dr. Daughter and her husband?

    I kept hearing about Bernie’s “momentum” last Saturday. (shakes head remembering the pathetic eagerness) 2% of the population does not translate into momentum.

  3. NW Luna says:

    Seattle’s Rainier Beach neighborhood and Rainier Beach High School had a lot to be proud of last week, with Hillary Clinton holding a rally at the school Tuesday. The Democratic presidential candidate began a speech that made national headlines by praising the school’s academic turnaround and boys’ basketball team.

    “I like how she’s showing the neighborhood love,” Qiana Redd, 35, who went to the high school and still lives nearby, remarked while standing in line for the event. …

    Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, who introduced and endorsed Clinton at the rally, suggested Rainier Beach after her campaign asked for a high-school venue, he said.

    The neighborhood is diverse, Murray said, noting Clinton has done well with voters of color. The school, he added, is a success story, having improved its graduation rates and test scores since adopting the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. Murray wants to plan a better future for the neighborhood, where jobless and crime rates remain challenges despite recent capital investments by the city, he said.

    “When we drove up (to the school Tuesday), there were blocks and blocks of people lined up waiting to get in and they looked like Seattle,” Murray said. “Too many people in the media are coming to this city and using the backdrop of South Lake Union and the Space Needle, the hipsters on Capitol Hill. The city is much more than that.”

    Not to put down Capitol Hill at all, of course! Rainier Beach has a high percentage of African-Americans. It’s one of several areas in Seattle which average less income and amenities than the areas favored by the techies. Hillary has detailed plans for how to improve education and schools. Bernie has generalized promises.

  4. Sweet Sue says:

    That last line of yours is a beaut, Dak! The song of angry (white) men, indeed.

    • ANonOMouse says:

      Oh!!!! The boyz are getting louder by the minute. Just looking around the blogosphere today, after the dust of what amounts to 3 meaningless caucuses has settled, you can see their frustration. I don’t think it’s quite time for the Fat Lady to Sing, but I do think that if Hilllary wins WI, NY, MD & PA, the Boyz may set themselves on fire with rage.

      • Sweet Sue says:

        ‘Tis a consummation to be devoutly wished.

      • Valhalla says:

        Yes, perhaps not quite the miracle they were hoping for.

      • bostonboomer says:

        Rachel Maddow said this weekend was amazing and consequential. Said Bernie was expected to win but not by those huge margins. She probably went on, but I had to shut her off.

        • ANonOMouse says:

          What’s “consequential” to Rachel and what’s “consequential” to the rest of humanity are more often than not, two different things. His weekend revolution didn’t even turn out 70k voters, so there you go!!!

  5. ANonOMouse says:

    Great post!!! Great numbers for Hillary!!!! Thank you for making my day brighter. 🙂

  6. purplefinn says:

    I like this line: “Sanders doesn’t get to decide when we debate, particularly when he’s running a very negative campaign against us.” That makes sense. He thinks he can dismiss Clinton and the Democratic Party in the fall, and get to dictate how the primary will proceed now. No team player.

    • ANonOMouse says:

      There have already been too many debates IMHO!!! We all know what both candidates are about. I don’t think she should accommodate him in any way. If she wants to debate, fine, if not let him go on Rachel Maddow and whine for an hour!!!

      • bostonboomer says:

        I’m sick of the debates. I don’t think I can stand to watch another one.

        • NW Luna says:

          Same here. Hillary runs circles around Bernie, who wags his finger, waves his arm at her, and repeats “Wall Street,” and there’s a sleazy trust question from some male kid barely old enough to vote. They can just play a tape of one of the previous umpteen debates.

          • dakinikat says:

            I feel like I’m in the presence of an abuser when I listen and watch him. He triggers some kind of PTSD reaction in me any more.

          • bostonboomer says:

            You’re right, Dak. I can’t stand to watch or listen to him. After what he did to his own wife, I’m convinced he’s contemptuous of all women.

          • NW Luna says:

            If he treats her that way on stage, I don’t want to think of what their relationship is like in private.

    • joanelle says:

      Yes, the way he dismissed his wife, Jane

  7. Fannie says:

    Bernie Sanders has been on every single Sunday Morning, Sunday Afternoon, and Sunday Night shows. Let him stick to his babble.

    We have a total of 18 states left. Wyoming is the only caucus, and not much in delegates. Hillary is favored in Wis. (86 delegates), NY (247), Maryland (95), Penn. (189)……….All of this ends around April 26th……………

    Hillary has already song. Bernie is just making babble for tv news.

  8. Valhalla says:

    So I think about half of Clinton’s 9M voters just flooded Twitter to post this Gallup poll showing Clinton supporters are more enthusiastic about her than him. LMAO!

    • NW Luna says:

      Love and compassion. The Bernie kids don’t recognize enthusiasm for anyone but their idol.

      • ANonOMouse says:

        Well, he’s giving them entertainment prior to his stump speech, so he’s way cooler doncha know?

        • ANonOMouse says:

          You know most of Hollywood is supporting Hillary. Maybe she should have Beyonce open for her at a big arena and we’ll see how many people show up. I know she’s saving that for the GE, but I personally want to see her do some of that Grandstanding NOW and rub it in Bernie Fife’s face.

          • joanelle says:

            Beyonce? Ugh

          • ANonOMouse says:

            I want to chap Bernie’s ass and the GOP’s ass as badly as possible, Who better than Beyonce to do that?

          • janicen says:

            I happen to love Beyonce. Jay-Z too.

          • ANonOMouse says:

            Beyonce is a super star and especially beloved in the AA community. I loved her SB performance. I don’t think anyone would pull the sheet off the heads of Trump and the GOP faster than Beyonce. As for Bernie, Let’s see him try to match a Killer Mike or a Danny DeVito or a Susan SaranWrap introduction with a Beyonce introduction of Hillary. NO CONTEST!!!!! The list of Hillary supporters in the entertainment industry, elected officials, and among professional organizations buries Bernie. Yet I’m having to listen to Susan SaranWrap on Chris Hayes “All In” saying she can’t vote for Hillary????? Really, Hillary needs to get more people with name and face recognition OUT FRONT and UP FRONT.

  9. janicen says:

    If there is another Dem debate, Hillz should insist it’s exclusively about foreign policy. Make Bernie have to do some prep.

    • NW Luna says:

      Heh! Too funny. That’s a great idea.

    • ANonOMouse says:

      Foreign Policy? Is that anything like the top 1 tenth of 1% own more wealth than the bottom 99%. If it isn’t then he’s not going to fucking do it because it’s irrelevant. On a more serious note I heard him on one of the Sunday talk shows trying to explain how he’s going to get rid of ISIS. It was very entertaining to watch. I could almost hear him whiffing.

      Bernie Fife’s gonna Nip Isis in the Bud

      • NW Luna says:

        Thank Goddess we don’t have to find out how well Bernie’s finger-wagging works on ISIL!

        • ANonOMouse says:

          Isn’t that the truth. I can’t even imagine him being POTUS with the threat of ISIL hanging over us.

      • janicen says:

        It would just be interesting to see if he could get through one debate without using the words “billionaires” and “Wall Street”.

        • ANonOMouse says:

          He can’t go to the men’s room without complaining about how the billionaires make bad toilet paper.

    • Fannie says:

      Alright now.

  10. ANonOMouse says:

  11. NW Luna says:

    Writing in the New York Times on Monday, Yamiche Alcindor describes a recent phone call from Sanders in which he told the political reporter: “I don’t want to disturb the media narrative too much, but don’t write us off.”

    Is that a threat or a plea? I’m laughing either way!

  12. NW Luna says:

    This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest

    Apparently lots of us know that already, judging by the votes. Sigh.Not safe to go back to reading the Guardian yet. OTOH, it’s about damn time they opened their eyes to the evidence.

    • janicen says:

      Interesting article but of course, it will be ignored. It doesn’t fit their narrative.

      • purplefinn says:

        Well it’s facts will be ignored. The comments section shows that the article is not being ignored. I think the trigger words are “Hillary” and “Clinton”. The attack ants swarm. The only thing they’ve got is “sniper fire” which is so not a big deal. Let them wear themselves out while we get out the vote!

  13. babama says:

    Hillary Clinton speed today on SCOTUS nomination and more 3/28, Madison WI.
    Worth watching all the way through, including the Q & A.
    I’m even MORE enthusiastic after watching this!

    • ANonOMouse says:

      Thank you for sharing this video. I really enjoyed watching it. And like you it made me even more enthusiastic and proud of Hillary and her candidacy.

    • Ron4Hills says:

      This was amazing. Thanks.

  14. Riverbird says:

    I agree completely with what President Obama said last night:

    “The electorate would be better served if we didn’t focus so much on the he said-she said back and forth of our politics, because, while fairness is the hallmark of good journalism, a false equivalency all too often these days can be a fatal flaw,” Obama said. “If I say the world is round and someone else says its flat, that’s worth reporting. But you might also want to report on a bunch of scientific evidence that seems to support that the world is round. That shouldn’t be buried in paragraph five or six of the article.”

  15. MsMass says:

    Thanks babama- I just love to listen to her. Go, Hillary!!!

  16. janicen says:

    Susan Sarandon says (stop laughing, Sky Dancers) that Trump might be better for this country than Clinton. She also said (and I have trouble holding a straight face at this part) that Bernie, “…doesn’t have any ego in this thing…”.

  17. NW Luna says:

    the Washington Caucus gave the state win to Howard Dean AFTER he’d lost the election.

    In 2004 the WA state Dem caucus had Kerry first, Edward second, and Dean third. I was a Dean supporter in 2004 and called in my district’s results, which mirrored the overall state results, to the Seattle Dean headquarters. (e-results weren’t possible back then, lol) Dean may have gotten his largest # of individual votes out of Washington state, but not the first-place win.