Presidential Debate: Live Blog Part 2

Mitt just admitted he wants to replace the current medicare system with a voucher system.  WHOA.   He wants to makes sure that the elderly understand that they can throw their kids and grandchildren under the bus and keep the better deal!

ABC has a debate transcript going up at this location.  (updated every 15 minutes)


I think we can all agree the real loser tonight is Jim Lehrer.  Mitt Romney’s trying to end his job and do it at the same time.

166 Comments on “Presidential Debate: Live Blog Part 2”

  1. mablue2 says:

    Who are these women always coming to Romney?

  2. bostonboomer says:

    Okay, now Romney is looking rattled. Romneycare did it. Keep on him, Obama!

  3. dakinikat says:

    Romney’s changed his tune again on regulation and taxes.

  4. bostonboomer says:

    I think Romney is starting to lose it a bit. He did his weird hahaha laugh when Obama said Romneycare.

  5. My cold is starting to get worse again…I think my immune system is actually affected by this debate… I’m not kidding.

    • bostonboomer says:

      I wouldn’t be at all surprised. I’m getting a headache from it.

    • Beata says:

      I have developed a massive headache. I can barely see and the sound of Romney’s voice is painful. I’m not kidding either.

  6. Romney you lose on healthcare, shaddup

  7. bostonboomer says:

    Uh oh… Romney asked to describe his plan. He lies and then changes the subject. Obama needs to hold his feet to the fire. Lehrer is useless.

  8. “I used to consult to businesses, excuse me I mean hospitals”


  9. RalphB says:

    Romney seems over prepared and racing to get all his talking points in.

  10. jawbone says:

    Why won’t Obama just say that Medicare uses 3% or less for overhead? And private insurers take a “only” 20% under Obamacare?

    Has he said this??? Why not????

    Obviously the government does it far cheaper.

    Why can’t Obama just nail this lying fool?

  11. This is not a good debate for either of them…

  12. jawbone says:

    Is Obama afraid to praise Medicare too much since he refused to allow it to be used as a basis for extending care to all Americans????

    97% vs. 80%, which used to closer to 70% or even less from the privates. This is simple, dude!!!

    Why not hammer Ol’ Prof. Harold Romney with this???

  13. bostonboomer says:

    How much longer is Lehrer going to let Romney talk? This is ridiculous.

  14. Fannie says:

    Let him talk, the more he does, the more we know he does NOT have a plan…………No Plan from Romney, and that’s the big difference JIM.

  15. RalphB says:

    “Trust me” went over like a lead balloon.

  16. ANonOMouse says:

    I think Mitt just admitted he HAS NO PLAN. He just wants to talk it over with legislators, AFTER ELECTED, and see what happens. HE’S SUCH A IDIOT

    • jawbone says:

      And he wants to let some states just set their sick and elderly out to die somewhere. That’s the state by state approach. And if you travel in the large nation, you might find yourself in a state where your plan doesn’t cover you for an illness or accident. Wowser. What a damn fool.

  17. bostonboomer says:

    Charlie Pierce just said this one is going to Romney.

    • RalphB says:

      Charlie also thought Brown won the first debate against Warren. It’s his sports side coming out/

    • jawbone says:

      He sounds smoother, and it’s not necessary to make sense as long as the words flow. Uh, oh. now he’s on the god track.

    • dakinikat says:

      I would agree. He was on the attack and kept it up. He also kept saying the same things that were basically not possible but he said it with a straight face. Plus, he managed to contradict his earlier policy statements in earlier debates and he went unchallenged.

  18. Trickle Down Government?!

  19. Beata says:

    Mit loves great schools but not for your frigging kids. Teachers are union-controlled leaches, my friend.

  20. Fannie says:

    Who the fuck is “We”………………………….Romney,life and liberty, and freedom and dreams……We believe…………….who is WE?

  21. janicen says:

    Okay all, I’m tuning out. This is so bad. Lehrer sucks, the debate sucks, and I don’t give a damn. I’m still voting for Obama. Good night all.

  22. jawbone says:

    Ryan voted against Simpson-Bowles — has this been pounded on?

    Except I hate the Obama even is bringing it up….

  23. jawbone says:

    WOW, Romney just walks all over Romney!

  24. mablue2 says:

    Another zinger!

  25. RalphB says:

    Romney had a lot of energy and talking points but very few facts. Wonder if anyone will fact check this debate? If they do, his ass is under water big time.

  26. Fannie says:

    Romney getting dirty…………Obama stay above it, thought I like to see you jump his ass.

  27. pdgrey says:

    well my prediction is no one on MSNBC is going to be happy. Because I’m not. I guess we can say President Obama looked and acted like the president. Romney looked like he had to say everything in two minutes because the damn place was on fire. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a candidate that was so desperate to be President without a reason. I swear if this guy is elected I might start watching Honey Boo Boo.
    my comment from below.

    • Really, pd? I see what you’re saying, though I actually think Obama is acting like he is NOT the president…he’s being too deferential to Romney by default/by not being on the offensive… he’s not even playing good defense. Very weak.

      • Silent Kate says:

        I disagree with that. I think Obama looks presidential because he isn’t rude. Romney is overbearing. He says he will work with people but he can’t stand people. He doesn’t want to hear their ideas. He doesn’t want to even let them talk!

      • pdgrey says:

        I meant Obama’s not acting like a lunatic like Romney. Because that’s what I just saw. Of course I wanted Obama to call him on all the lies.

      • I agree with y’all… that Obama wasn’t rude… I wish he was rude though. Romney controlled the entire debate.

  28. Fannie says:

    Say what he worked and got along with everyone in Mass…………freakin liar, he didn’t. We don’t have to fact check, BB’s been on it for over a year.

  29. mablue2 says:

    Where do I get my sleep back? I shouldn’t have stayed up for this.

    The moderator needs to rain Romney in and ask him to specify his plan.

  30. Did Romney actually thank Obama for tuning in tonight? The frig?

  31. bostonboomer says:

    Did anyone else hear Mitt say to Obama, you can have your own plane, and your own house, but not your own facts? That was bizarre.

    • dakinikat says:

      Yup … that’s what I was just thinking … Obama should have said that … NO immigration or women’s rights … tons of stuff left out even though he kept hammering away at how much power the states should have …

  32. bostonboomer says:

    No one brought up the “47 percent!”

    • dakinikat says:

      Obama should’ve said you’re treating the moderator like you say you want to treat the 47%

    • Yup, that is right!

    • Oh yeah, no one brought up the 51% either…51% being women!

    • Fannie says:

      Yeah, I had to eat crow………..I said earlier he would say that he would help everybody, and then brand Romney with 47%………………….I guess I’ve got to “get over it”. The other thing we will never know, being the president, maybe some serious shit went on today and he was hit with it, and it showed up in the debate.

      • Beata says:

        Michelle looked quite worried before the debate. I wondered at the time if something bad had happened during the day. Maybe we will find out later.

      • Beata says:

        I need to get some sleep, but I’m too damn upset. All the missed opportunities Obama had! He may have lost the election tonight.

  33. The quintessential Obamaphile himself–Andrew Sullivan–thinks Obama LOST tonight? Oh that is bad…

    • Seriously says:

      Somebody needs to break through his narcissism and make him actually do some real prep. That closing was pathetic and Jesus, at least that he should have had down.

  34. dakinikat says:

    Tweetie’s leg is not tingling … whoa! MSNBC crowd thinks Obama was ‘disappointing’.

  35. bostonboomer says:

    Chris Matthews is losing it.

  36. NW Luna says:

    I just got back home. Worked late, and caught the last 20 min of the debate in the car driving home. Haven’t read the comments yet.

    But I hate to say that Obama sounded somewhat unprepared, and missed some obvious comebacks. Romney, that lying zygote-worshiping nutcase, sounded smooth and concerned. Obama was too gentlemanly.

    I could not stop myself from imagining Hillary debating, with her confident plans and arsenal of facts.

    • “I could not stop myself from imagining Hillary debating, with her confident plans and arsenal of facts.” –NW Luna

      That’s in fact why Obama probably tanked… he had no Hillary debate pro to copy off of…and make digs at…

  37. dakinikat says:

    Obama’s got an ad made from heaven over those Medicare Vouchers Romney supported.

  38. dakinikat says:

    I guess he Obama needs a relief debater… wonder which clinton is available?

  39. ANonOMouse says:

    I don’t know about y’all, but I was screaming out retorts that Obama should have been making against Romney, but wasn’t.

    Obama looked docile. He could have come at him over outsourcing, over Mitt’s suggestion that uninsured to the ER, over the plans to privatize SS and he had several opportunities to retaliate using the 47% comment.

    He looked flat, almost uninterested. If he doens’t get off the pot he’ll lose to the overbearing robot.

    • bostonboomer says:

      Obama should have just said, Mr. Romney, you are lying.

      • ANonOMouse says:

        Absolutely. Or at the very least look at Romney and say “that’s not what you’ve been saying”.

        Needless to say, I’m pissed!

  40. bostonboomer says:

    Lawrence O’Donnell says Obama used a “presidential strategy” tonight and he might have to review that decision. Ya think?

    • pdgrey says:

      Yea, I think some one needs to make Obama watch that debate 24/7 until the next debate. Do you think they have some kind of strategy of letting Biden be the bull dog?

  41. roofingbird says:

    Here I was complaining that in 2008 I missed all this because most of the debates were on pay TV. Clearly nothing is clear.

    The transcripts will tell the tale.

    I wonder how this played to the crowd by gender?

  42. ANonOMouse says:

    Has anyone heard the numbers on how many people watched the debate? Obama said 40 million.

    Another thing that bothered me was Obama shaking his head yes as Romney was ticking off points and using the phrase “Gov. Romney and I agree” on this or that. WTF sort of debate tactic is that? Goddam I could have done a better job, but probably not without CURSING!!!

  43. bostonboomer says:

    OMG! They just said that Obama talked four mins. longer than Romney.

  44. I’m very unhappy and mucusy, but yet happy to have had blog communications with my Sky Dancing community! XO Night all.

  45. NW Luna says:

    I was yelling at Romney a fair amount during that drive home, after an 11-hr day.

    “We’re all children of the same god,” or some such drivel. No.We’re.Not. And spouting on about the Constitution. Separation of church & state, eh, forgot about that Mitt? That’s in there, you idiot.

  46. bostonboomer says:

    Ed Schultz went nuts too. And he was making more sense than Chris Matthews.

  47. ANonOMouse says:

    Good night sky dancers, thanks for being here so I could blow off some steam. Now I will try to sleep, which may require drugs

    • Beata says:

      Same here.

      ‘Night, everybody.

    • NW Luna says:

      Oh, definitely tonight, Mouse. Too long a day for me working with too many patients who need more care and resources, and cutbacks everywhere but Wall Street.

      I was in no mood to listen to Romney’s bald-faced lies. Obama was missing obvious zinger comebacks. He’d better get in shape fast.

      Night all.

  48. Ron4Hills says:

    Does Obama know that Derval Patrick is Governor of MA? Romney took so much credit for MA that I think he thinks he is still the Governor. Most of the pundits seem convinced that Mittens won. I think it was a lackluster tie. Romney is a liar and Obama is weak. Pathetic all the way around.

  49. Pat Johnson says:

    Romney just “debated” the Empty Chair! Was Obama even there tonight?

    He allowed Romney to stand there and basically take over the stage, chanting one lie after another while he did little beyond looking down as if he was sorry about something.

    As for Lerher: what an asshole! He let Romney take over and only interrpted Obama who took it like a rookie.

    I am so angry I sound like Ed Schultze who is close to losing it.

    • NW Luna says:

      Yeah, I was pounding the dash in my car at Romney’s lies and blatant fake concerns, and at Obama’s hesitancy. He talks about fights that need to be fought, but he wasn’t convincing.

      Can we get Obama a remote controll device to feed him Hillary’s answers?

  50. pdgrey says:


    @FiredBigBird and they say GOP won’t have any death panels?

    • NW Luna says:

      Romney and his not wanting government to tell you what health care you can have. But it’s OK for fat blood-sucking insurance corporations to tell you what health care you can have? And it’s OK for callous nutwings to tell you what health care you can’t have?

      Oh, the comeback lines we were all saying in our heads — or yelling out loud, in my case.

  51. pdgrey says:

    You know, we all know Obama blew it tonight but i can’t for the life of me understand how people can’t hear the word Private and get what that means.

    • Pat Johnson says:

      They will award Romney the “win” because the moderator allowed him to take over the stage, talk over the prompts, and interrupt whenever he felt like it.

      But Obama lost every opportunity to take him on by appearing to agree with him knowing full well that Romney was lying through his teeth.

      What tonight did was get a few more “undecideds” into Mitt’s camp based on nothing more than his ability to usurp the conversation that were littered with lies while the president looked bored out of his gourd and stood there like a potted plant.

      Who is fighting for us anyway? Anyone? Watch the poll numbers start to close in now that this debate has established that for the most part most of us are really “on our own”.

      • I just took a look on my Facebook and most of the Romney crowd was very pleased! It does not make me feel any more positive…Romney could pull this win out his robotic ass.

  52. ecocatwoman says:

    Loved the comments. I left the computer to watch the debate – simply can’t multitask on the debates. Like many of you, I too was screaming at the TV as Romney LIED, LIED, LIED. I really lost it when he said America has the best health care system in the world. How is 64th place the best? We pay more per person than any developed country.

    Obama’s performance didn’t surprise me. Personally, I thought Obama was lousy in the debates with Hillary. I think she wiped the floor with him so I didn’t expect much from him tonight. But, I totally agree with kat, if Obama got even slightly angry/miffed then he’d be labeled an angry black man. I think he should have laughed out loud at Romney’s most ridiculous statements. And I think that would have thrown Romney off his game.

    NIght all.

  53. RalphB says:

    Taegan Goddard: Reaction to the First Presidential Debate

    President Obama spent much of the debate acting like he was in trouble because he didn’t take his wife out on their 20th wedding anniversary. He was bored and clearly wanted to be someplace else.

    Mitt Romney did considerably better and was more aggressive but never really landed a big punch. He hit Obama regularly but the president played rope-a-dope and just waited for the bell to ring.

    Romney’s major misstep in this debate — and in this campaign — was being factually untrue about his plans and denying his own record. But Obama didn’t push back very hard at all.

    Jim Lehrer mostly stayed out of the way which allowed a much more substantive debate than we’ve seen in the past. He’ll take a lot of criticism for this approach, but the moderator should be invisible in a good debate.

    Overall, Romney was better prepared, stayed on message and was even more personable than the president. Obama missed a big chance tonight. While the fact checkers may ultimately side with the president in the end, Romney did a better job. His performance should calm many Republicans who have doubted him in recent weeks.

  54. Judith Auerbach says:

    I know Obama doesn’t like Bill Clinton, but he should ask Bill (or Hillary) to prepare him for the next debate. He was so lackluster There were a couple of moments near the end when he finally did seem to wake up and call Romney on a couple of things.

  55. bostonboomer says:

    Even the infamous Lori Montgomery is shocked by Romney’s lies.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. Mitt Romney needs to spend a little more time with his budget reports.

    “We are projected to have trillion dollar deficits for the next four years,” Romney claimed.

    It’s true, as Romney said, that Obama has not kept his promise to cut the deficit in half from the $1.3 trillion gap he inherited in 2009. The deficit for the fiscal year that ended last weekend was about $1.1 trillion. And the Obama administration is forecasting another deficit that nudges close to $1 trillion next year. But that assumes Congress approves various stimulus proposals that are unlikely to pass muster on Capitol Hill. And Obama projects that the deficit would fall to around $600 billion under his policies in 2014 and the next few years thereafter.

    Meanwhile, government spending eats up nowhere near 42 percent of the national economy, as Romney claimed. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says outlays are on track to fall to about 23 percent of gross domestic product this year, down from about 24 percent of GDP in 2011.

  56. pdgrey says:

    I just read a comment Next debate Mitt will pin O down and cut his hair.

    • bostonboomer says:

      LOL! Now that I’m listening to some of the replay, Mitt sounds so hyped up that he’s babbling. Very fast talker!

      • pdgrey says:

        Another comment At least with Mitt as President, we wouldn’t have to hear the politicians complain about the deficit anymore.

      • Beata says:

        Chris Matthews said it was like Romney was on some Mormon version of a caffeine high. I agree.

        • dakinikat says:

          I thought he sound frantic myself. Maybe he had coffee for the first time!

          BTW I put up a new post since this one is getting so long!!

  57. dbone says:

    The president needs to come hard on mit all he dose is backpedaling! He is strictly running on helping the wealthy. And that’s all fine & dandy.because we all wont to be wealthy!so where is his plan to let the middle class become wealthy so we can take advantage of the tax break. So far I haven’t heard 1 or seen any such plan.mitt is some sh*t!!