The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville nine that day

Just a quick post before I go underground for a few days.  It’s a long way to November 2012 in political years, but what does this headline say to you and to Team Obama?  It looks like Mighty Barrack is up to bat to me.

Poll: Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney All Beat Obama

Here’s how much political trouble President Obama is in: A new poll by the authoritative Evolving Strategies firm finds that Herman Cain, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, and Mitt Romney would all beat Obama it the election were held today.

Worse for Obama: the poll, which showed some 1,000 Americans videos of both Obama and the candidates speaking on the economy, backed up recent analysis that the president has lost his mojo when it comes to tackling the deepening recession and blaming Republicans for standing in his way.

Evolving Strategies put the video spin on their poll because most of the Republican presidential candidates still aren’t known outside of Washington, the early primary and caucus states and to political junkies. Their idea was to show respondents a video clip and have them read a short 120-word biography.

From Evolving Stratgies and it’s from FOX so I apologize for the brain burn that logo will inflict.

You have to realize that none of these folks probably have been paying attention to some of the crazier things that folks like Herman Cain and Rick Perry have been saying.  Voters probably haven’t been attention to the debates, blogs, or Sunday Talk shows.  It’s foot ball season and the lead up to the World Series after all.  The one thing this shows is that Republicans are still trying to find some one other than Romney.

24 Comments on “The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville nine that day”

  1. bostonboomer says:

    While continuing to slowly read Confidence Men, I’ve come to the conclusion that it makes no difference which party is in the WH anymore. It might be a problem if Rick Perry wins, but even he will probably have the same Wall Street types advising him. There are very few people in government anymore who care anything about this country or it’s people. All they care about is dividing up the spoils.

    • Delphyne says:

      I agree with you, BB – I’ve been feeling this way since the primaries in 2008, particularly when my governor, Corzine, threw out my primary vote. Our system is broken and I don’t think it can be fixed, at least not at the polls. I keep thinking of Audre Lorde’s quote “the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house,” I remember feeling discouraged in the past, but never did I think my vote didn’t count. I was very suspicious in 2000 and 2004 about my vote counting, but 2008 was when the blinders were ripped off.

      This country is in serious, serious trouble and I wonder how we will get out of this mess.

    • northwestrain says:

      A Clinton type person could perhaps manage — but 0bowma is no Clinton.

      It takes a skilled politician who knows DC (or the village) — and has a deep support system of skilled politicians who CARE about this country. As BB says — all they seem to care about is dividing up the spoils.

  2. Delphyne says:

    Kat, good luck with the defense!!

  3. Branjor says:

    Yes, good luck with the defense!
    Do dissertation defenses normally take a few days?

    • bostonboomer says:

      It just takes about an hour, but she has to prepare and then this weekend she’s going to present a paper at a conference in Colorado.

      • Branjor says:

        Oh. Thank you, I had no idea. That’s a relief vis a vis the defense – better an hour than a few days!

        Good luck with the paper too, Dak!

  4. paper doll says:

    Good Luck! 🙂

  5. Minkoff Minx says:

    Yes Dak, wishing you the best…

  6. northwestrain says:

    Speaking of the economy — are the Republicans sabotaging the economy? It sort of looks deliberate to me — and several comments on this blog are trending toward that conclusion.

  7. northwestrain says:

    Cain’s economic adviser isn’t a trained Economist.

    Not surprising.

  8. David Mangan says:

    Cain ran his own business and then was Vice Chair & subsequently Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. Why would someone who’s a certified rocket scientist [a ballistics expert in the US Army] and Chairman of a Federal Bank need a “trained” economist? All Obungler’s “trained” economists know how to do is go fetch & get a treat and a “good doggy.”

    Why compare a rocket scientist with a guy who thinks there are 57 states?

    • Minkoff Minx says:

      I think Obama’s economist have either been shown the door or left on their own. Many have spoken out against Obama’s tendencies to ignore what advice there is…He has been listening to his own counsel on the economy…if he is listening to anyone it is the fat cats on Wall Street. As far as Cain is concerned, I will point you in the direction of Dakinikat’s highly readable post about the economic issues and problems with Cain and the other clowns who claim to know all the answers.

    • Minkoff Minx says:

      And I want to add, being a ballistics specialist does not make one a certified rocket scientist…that seems a bit of a stretch to me.

    • dakinikat says:

      That position at the kc fed is just symbolic. They put business people on their board to get feedback on what is going in with hiring and inventory etc. The branches BOD is a just a resume filler. They do nothing but have lunch and gossip. I know. I used to have to deal with the group down here when I worked for the fed. Its just the folks who represent the community in some way. Purely symbolic position. The dog catcher could do it if he had a large enough employee base.

    • dakinikat says:

      Oh and obama has very few actual economists and didn’t appear to listen to them when he did have them. Cain worked for pilsbury in what was basically a glorified marketing position. The godfather chain was willy theisan’s business.

  9. The Rock says:

    Good Luck Kat!!

  10. dakinikat says:

    Thanks every one for the best wishes! I’m a nervous wreck and I’m trying to convince myself ‘m not a poseur right now.