SDB Evening News Reads for 063011: Free Trade Abortions and Stupid Spectators

NARAL Pro-Choice America

Kansas Planned Parenthood Update below!

Anyone wonder if and when young women will realize just how bad these new PLUB laws are for their Reproductive Health.  Kansas no longer has on demand abortion services, I can’t believe it has come to this:  Kansas Denies Abortion License For Planned Parenthood : NPR

A Planned Parenthood clinic in Kansas has been denied a state license to allow it to continue performing abortions as of Friday.

That means Kansas will become the only state without a clinic or doctor’s office performing abortions, at least temporarily.

There is more info at this link below, but since it is an AP article, I won’t quote from it…just go and read it yourself.

The Associated Press: Planned Parenthood denied Kan. abortion license

***Updated AP article*** I have a link to Atlanta Journal Constitution here:

APNewsBreak: Kan.: Abortion clinic to get license  |

The Kansas health department now says that one of its three abortion providers will receive a license to continue performing abortions.

Joseph Kroll, right, director of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment bureau that wrote new rules for abortion clinics, talks with Kathy Ostrowski, left, in white, the legislative director of Kansans for Life, Thursday, June 30, 2011, at the Statehouse in Topeka, Kan. They are speaking after a state board allowed the rules to take effect, as of July 1, 2011. Planned Parenthood disclosed Thursday that its Kansas clinic had been denied a state license to continue performing abortions as the group filed its own lawsuit to block new state rules that will make Kansas the first state in the nation without an abortion provider. (AP Photo/John Hanna)

Kansas Secretary of Administration Dennis Taylor, left, and Secretary of State Kris Kobach, right, listen to a presentation on new regulations for abortion clinics, Thursday, June 30, 2011, at the Statehouse in Topeka, Kan. Taylor and Kobach are members of the State Rules and Regulations Board, which is allowing the regulations to take effect on Friday, July 1, 2011. Planned Parenthood disclosed Thursday that its Kansas clinic had been denied a state license to continue performing abortions as the group filed its own lawsuit to block new state rules that will make Kansas the first state in the nation without an abortion provider. (AP Photo/JohnThe Kansas Department of Health and Environment did not name the provider Thursday.

But Planned Parenthood officials said that state inspectors returned to its Kansas City area clinic for a second visit Thursday after denying it a license previously.

The state’s two other clinics have not been inspected for licensing under a new law taking effect Friday, along with health regulations for the providers. If none of the clinics were to receive a license, Kansas would become the first state in the country without an abortion provider.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP’s earlier story is below.

And hey, check out what Senator Orrin Hatch (R) is trying to pull now:  Hatch Aims To Tack Abortion Ban on to Trade Pact | Mother Jones

What does the Korean free trade agreement have to do with abortion? You got me. But Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) plans to offer an amendment in today’s markup of a handful of trade bills in the Senate Finance Committee that would bar Medicaid funding for abortions.

The amendment is described as seeking “to close the loophole that sends taxpayer dollars to fund operational costs for abortions.” It would block Medicaid dollars from being used at “any entity that performs abortions or maintains or operates a facility where abortions are performed.” It’s hard to begin on how bad this would be. Basically, any facility that offered abortion for any reason—even a hospital providing it as life-saving emergency care for a woman—would not be able to accept Medicaid payment. The effect would be that hospitals and clinics that currently offer abortion would likely stop doing so in order to be able to continue accepting Medicaid money, and the low-income women who rely on Medicaid would be effectively denied abortion coverage entirely.

The article goes on to say it will more than likely not pass, but what the hell? The fact that it was even put into this Korean free trade agreement is proof enough that these PLUBs will try anything to get their anti-woman agenda passed.

Whitey Bulger was assigned a defense attorney today, and not just any suit in the Public Defender’s office:  Judge taps high-profile defender for mob boss Bulger | Reuters

Former Boston mob boss and accused murderer James “Whitey” Bulger will have a high-profile criminal defense attorney, J. W. Carney, represent him at public expense, a federal judge ruled on Thursday.

Magistrate Judge Marianne Bowler rejected the prosecution’s argument that Bulger should not get publicly funded counsel in his pending trial for racketeering, 19 counts of murder and other crimes.

There was no evidence that Bulger had the means to pay for his defense, Bowler said, setting his arraignment for July 6.

As far as the $800,000 in cash they found on Bulger when he was taken into custody last week:  Bulger victim wins lien freezing mobster’s $800k – CBS News

In other criminal news, the Defense rest in the Casey Anthony trial.  Not much more to say about the trial, this headline pretty much does it…

Casey Anthony Won’t Testify – The Daily Beast

Since the defense rested today, closing arguments will probably be heard on Saturday…then comes the media’s jury watch that may rival the one when OJ was on trial. Back when the jury was deliberating whether OJ did it or not, social networks were not as prevalent or ingrained into our society as it is now.

I will end with this nugget of stupidity that was seen at the end of court today.  Matthew Bartlett, a 28-year-old waiter at TGIFriday’s flipped a bird at Prosecutor Ashton while the jury was in court…fortunately they did not see it!

Ashleigh Banfield

He has to also pay $223 court cost, so a total of $623 in fines and 6 days in the county jail…for this,

OSCaseyAnthony‎ Pix of spectator Matthew Bartlett busted for busting out middle finger to Ashton. #CaseyAnthony

What a dumb ass…

Well, that is all I can say about that.

If you have any news links you want to post, please do so in the comment section below.

12 Comments on “SDB Evening News Reads for 063011: Free Trade Abortions and Stupid Spectators”

  1. Minkoff Minx says:

    Here is a news link on the spectator…idiot.

    Casey Anthony trial spectator arrested: Spectator Matthew Bartlett arrested for giving attorney Ashton middle finger –

    Perry warned Bartlett that his action could have jeopardized the entire case because the jury was in the courtroom at the time.

    As has been typical of the case, the social media response to this latest incident was immediate. Bartlett’s first and last names, his employer and the words “spectator” and “contempt” were quickly top Twitter trends in Orlando, and within hours several Facebook pages had been created in his honor.

    When this goes to the jury, imagine the buzz on twitter and facebook when they reach a verdict.

  2. Minkoff Minx says:

    Geithner to Consider Leaving After Debt Debate – Bloomberg

    Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner has signaled to White House officials that he’s considering leaving the administration after President Barack Obama reaches an agreement with Congress to raise the federal debt limit, according to three people familiar with the matter.

    Geithner hasn’t made a final decision and won’t do so until the debt-ceiling issue has been resolved, according to one of the people. All spoke on condition of anonymity to talk about private discussions.

  3. jillforhill says:

    Here are some of Hillary’s comments in a speech at Women Enhancing Democracy

    “According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, 20 percent of seats in parliaments worldwide are now held by women. I would add that’s a higher percentage than in my own country. And with one-half the population, there is simply no reason women should only be represented at one-fifth of the seats at the table. In too many places, still today, and in too many discussions affecting the futures of entire societies, women’s voices, their vital voices are underrepresented or absent altogether.”

    “We want to do more to figure out what it is women themselves want, because we don’t want to be in a position of imposing or trying to sell ideas that may or may not be responsive to the needs that women themselves have. Through the Gender Equality Working Group, we partnered with The Netherlands to put together dialogues with female civil society leaders. The first meeting was in Tunisia in May; it brought together women from Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen, Egypt, Iraq, and Lebanon.

    So our work is to help empower and enable, to convene and then to support. Our struggle is not just about the choices people make in the voting booth, it’s about all the choices that should be available to women today – to study, to take out a loan, to inherit money, to win custody of children, to start a business, to drive.

    Sometimes dignity means nothing more profound than to walk safely to fetch water or visit a friend without fear that you’ll be beaten, harassed, or kidnapped. But for too many women in too many places, even these most basic rights remain a distant dream. Whether you are a woman in downtown Cairo or a mother in a small Indian village or a girl growing up right here in Vilnius or in New York City, we have to send a clear, unmistakable message that young women, just like young men, have the right to their dreams and their dignity in the 21st century.

    When you look back at the last 300 years of history, you can see a pattern. You can see that the 19th century, the great human rights struggle was against organized slavery; the 20th century, the great struggle was against totalitarianism; the great struggle of the 21st century is to ensure that women are fully given the rights they have as human beings – in their families, in their societies, and in the world.

    So let us work together, day by day, to make sure that when we meet again 10 years from now, we will be able to look back on progress, not only continuing progress in my country, which someday, perhaps, will match Finland and Lithuania with having a woman president – (laughter) – but in every country everywhere – (applause). And particularly, let those of us who enjoy the benefits of freedom, for whom legal restrictions and barriers have been broken down, and what remains are more internal, more psychological – let us be sure that we keep opening doors for those elsewhere. We cannot take any solace in our own freedoms when women elsewhere are denied those same rights.’

  4. paper doll says:

    Greek austerity package: Social counterrevolution in Europe

    Now an additional €28 billion is to be saved by 2015. This represents 12 percent of the gross domestic product of this country of 11 million people. In Germany, equivalent cuts would amount to €300 billion, and in the US to $1.7 trillion. A further €50 billion will be raised through the privatisation of state enterprises.

    Even Wolfgang Münchau, a leading columnist for the Financial Times and, until now, an advocate of austerity has come to the conclusion that such austerity measures are “financially reckless and politically irresponsible.” “The program, as it stands, is politically, morally and economically hard to justify,” he writes.

  5. dakinikat says:

    AJEnglish Al Jazeera English
    Hugo Chavez admits cancerous tumor

  6. dakinikat says:

    StateDept StateDept
    Join #SecClinton for a live webcast as she honors #TechWomen 12:00 PM EDT July 6.