Santorum Lives Up to his Name


Republican candidate for president and religious extremist  Rick Santorum was on meet the Press today.  Here’s how that went. He’s also on record considering the morning after pill as murder.

QUESTION: Do you believe that there should be any legal exceptions for rape or incest when it comes to abortion?

SANTORUM: I believe that life begins at conception, and that that life should be guaranteed under the Constitution. That is a person.

QUESTION: So even in the case of rape or incest, that would be taking a life?

SANTORUM: That would be taking a life, and I believe that any doctor that performs an abortion, I would advocate that any doctor that performs an abortion, should be criminally charged for doing so.

9 Comments on “Santorum Lives Up to his Name”

  1. bostonboomer says:

    I didn’t see MTP, but I wonder which “human being” Santorum thinks should take precedence if having the baby will kill the mother? I assume he thinks the woman’s “life” is expendable.

    And what about liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I guess women don’t have those inalienable rights. Does Santorum want to repeal the 19th amendment?

    • bostonboomer says:

      Ugh! That man makes me sick.

    • dakinikat says:

      I never get politicians that think they know more than doctors and economists and psychologists. Santorum seems to think he just inherited superior knowledge on what takes most people years to learn.

  2. bostonboomer says:

    Santorum’s whole interview is here.

    He says Obama doesn’t think Americans can make decisions for themselves (because of Obamacare). So if you outlaw women’s free choice about reproduction, what is that?

    He wants tort reform, but check this out:

    Who makes the decision about an award for a medical malpractice or other tort victim? A jury of Americans. If the United States government passes a law putting caps on damages, the Federal Government (DC) is stepping in for the States and imposing a rule of law which overrides the decisions made by twelve Americans sitting on a jury and listening to the case. This hurts working Americans and helps corporate interests, especially malpractice insurance carriers.

    On top of all this, I did a little research on Senator Santorum. Apparently, his wife had a problem with a chiropractor in Pennsylvania and sued for malpractice. The verdict: $350,000.00. Did Senator Santorum and his wife agree to accept $250,000 (the proposed cap) instead of $350,000? NOT!

  3. Thursday's Child says:

    That man ought to be muzzled. Having to listen to him is cruel and unusual punishment.

  4. bostonboomer says:

    Harold Camping (the guy who predicted the rapture that didn’t happen) has had a stroke and is in the hospital.

  5. foxyladi14 says:

    these men that try to keep women down, just frosts my cookies 👿