Hillary says No

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer has released an interview with SOS Hillary Clinton. Blitzer asked if she was going to either serve a second term or run for President in 2012.  This is pretty clear evidence the Clinton is planning on returning to private life shortly. Blitzer interviewed Clinton during her visit to the U.S. Embassy in Cairo on March 16, 2011.

Q- If the president is reelected, do you want to serve a second term as secretary of state?


Q- Would you like to serve as secretary of defense?


Q- Would you like to be vice president of the United States?


Q- Would you like to be president of the United States?


Q- Why not?

Because I have the best job I could ever have. This is a moment in history where it is almost hard to catch your breath. There are both the tragedies and disasters that we have seen from Haiti to Japan and there are the extraordinary opportunities and challenges that we see right here in Egypt and in the rest of the region. So I want to be part of helping to represent the United States at this critical moment in time, to do everything I can in support of the president and our government and the people of our country to stand for our values and our ideals, to stand up for our security, which has to remain first and foremost in my mind and to advance America’s interests. And there isn’t anything that I can imagine doing after this that would be as demanding, as challenging or rewarding.

Q- President of the United States?

You know, I had a wonderful experience running and I am very proud of the support I had and very grateful for the opportunity, but I’m going to be, you know, moving on.

Q- I asked my viewers and followers on Twitter to send questions and a lot of them said, “Ask her if she’ll run in 2016 for the presidency.” A lot of folks would like to you to do that.

Well that’s very kind, but I am doing what I want to do right now and I have no intention or any idea even of running again. I’m going to do the best I can at this job for the next two years.

Clinton also spoke of democratic reforms in Egypt while visiting that nation and Tunisia. She was greeted with protests in Tunisia.

Clinton toured Cairo’s Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the pro-democracy uprising that led to last month’s resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

Clinton said visiting the square was a “great reminder of the power of the human spirit and desire for freedom and human rights and democracy.”

She was welcomed by Egyptian citizens and shook hands with passersby in the square before meeting with Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf.

Before leaving for Tunisia on Wednesday, Clinton was set to meet with Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa. Moussa, 74, is a veteran Egyptian diplomat and has announced his candidacy for the country’s presidency.

Clinton also met with pro-democracy activists and members of Egypt’s civil society. She is the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit Egypt since the anti-government protests.

Clinton arrived in Cairo Tuesday after attending a Group of Eight foreign ministers’ meeting in Paris.

After wrapping up talks in Egypt, she travels to Tunisia – the starting point of the pro-democracy movement that has swept through much of the Middle East and North Africa this year.

Dozens of Tunisians took to the streets in Tunis on Wednesday to protest against Clinton’s visit.  The demonstrators said they oppose foreign intervention in their country.

There appears to be no break through in her meetings with the G8 in terms of backing a no-fly zone for Libya.  While she met with Egypt’s Prime Minister, some details of their meeting have not been released.

On Tuesday, Clinton issued a strong statement of praise for Egypt’s political revolution, declaring she was “deeply inspired” by the dramatic change and promising new assistance for America’s longtime Middle East ally.

Clinton pledged $90 million in emergency economic assistance during a meeting in Cairo with Foreign Minister Nabil Al-Araby. She is the highest ranking U.S. official to visit Egypt since the overthrow of Mubarak.

“The United States will work to ensure that the economic gains Egypt has forged in recent years continue, and that all parts of Egyptian society benefit from these gains,” a State Department statement noted.

She’s not yet discussed her plans after she retires from the position of US Secretary of State.

25 Comments on “Hillary says No”

  1. dakinikat says:

    Meanwhile, here’s the latest headline for the President.

    President main attraction at fourth party event this month

    President Barack Obama headlines a Democratic party event Wednesday night, the second time this week and fourth time this month he’s been the main attraction at a party gathering.

    The official White House schedule says that the president delivers remarks at a Democratic National Committee event at a hotel in the nation’s capital. A source with knowledge of the gathering tells CNN that Obama will speak to members of the DNC’s national advisory board and national finance committee.

    Monday night the president attended another DNC event in Washington, meeting with approximately 50 supporters and potential supporters of his 2012 re-election bid. Obama raised a record breaking $750 million dollars in his 2008 campaign for president and could bring in up to $1 billion for his re-election bid.

  2. bostonboomer says:

    I’m just glad Hillary isn’t going to continue in the Obama administration. She has taken enough blame for his dithering indecisiveness and cold-hearted lack of empathy for people in need.

  3. boogieman7167 says:

    well of course shes going to say no to running in 2012 or even 2016 as long as shes SOS anyway . but as soon as she retires
    then its a different story . then the game changes

    • madamab says:

      I agree, boogieman.

      I see that there is a lot of tension between her and Obama. She and her staff and allies are making him look very bad by simply being correct in their assessments of both the situation in Egypt, and the inexcusable torture of Bradley Manning. I think it is unlikely, but not impossible, that she would run in 2012 – but if she were planning to do so, she would hardly announce it now.

      Interestingly enough, as a member of HillaryClinton.com, I received an email asking for my support for a National Popular Vote, which would “fix” the electoral college and declare the winner of the National Popular Vote, the President of the United States. It’s actually something I would like to investigate more, no matter who runs for President.


      • TheRock says:

        I asked that question in another thread. What do you make of this movement? Since Hillary is for it (based completely on the fact that I received it from her), then so am I. But why now? Why this tactic? Why this political fight? Could she be preparing the way for someone else? Could she be preparing the way for herself?

        Hillary 2012

      • madamab says:

        I wish I knew, The Rock! I just find it odd that email was sent out now. What is behind it?

      • Dario says:

        At the moment, the only one who would benefit from the removal of the electoral college is Obama. I think that’s what that email is about. GOP benefit the most with the electoral college in that they can carry most states and its possible to win the presidency, but not the popular vote.

        I’m against the movement to get rid of the electoral college because it destroys the importance of the federation. I’m hoping for a decrease in power from Washington, and more state rights. It sounds like what a Southerner would say, but I’m fed up with Washington.

    • TheRock says:

      I sincerely hope so. And I am not giving up all hope. Yet.

      Hillary 2012

  4. paper doll says:

    Hillary would have to get the green light from the over lords to become President much less run. We saw how far she got, calling in 30 years of amazing Hillary markers and all the dollars she could amass….it’s even less likely to happen now….as the system is even more broken. She would get the green light if things got so bad,( for THEM) they were afraid for themselves and they allowed her to gain her victories in order to salvage the system they smashed…but we aren’t nearly there.

    2012 cannot happen in the normal way..it’s too late…I believe she does not want to be VP( I mean who does? ) simply because that would place her back in domestic politics…not where she wants to be as long as Obama Inc is in charge…because she would be expected to help them destroy this nation and she will not do that.

    I believe the firing of her right hand guy , really hurt…her big thing is protecting her people… and being sent a WH cop to watch her every move /word will not sit well. Obama Inc is just idiotic enough to push Hill out. And it takes alot to push Hillary away from a job…you have to work at it hard. Just imo

    • boogieman7167 says:

      the over lords time is limted and i think they know that they may have had there way in 08 but it going its only a matter of time .

      • paper doll says:

        The over lords are in even greater control now and are insisting the people take street action to oppose them since they have blocked every other avenue of political expression . Hill’s not running because she cannot. They won’t let her. It’s that simple She’s not allowed her own right hand guy anymore..just the white house cop

        However ,I grant you…it’s when they are pushing so hard, one knows they are in a state of collapse. Their greed is causing them to implode before our eyes

  5. Sophie says:

    Damn. I want her as my President. Is it too much to want someone who works hard for ordinary people? There is no one else doing that, no one saying they’re gonna do that, and no one even pretending to be doing that.

    We’re going to need to get her drafted. Maybe when the Rs put up Jeb Bush, the Ds will have their come to Jesus moment and then…?

  6. Lu4Puma says:

    I sure do want HRC for President. It was the American People, no, it was the world that lost the 2008 Democratic Primary. Hillary is doing fine.

    The future looks dim with BO or any Republican wingnut that they may come up with. It is kind of like the Bush years. One can only hope the BO disaster is not continued in 2012.

  7. Dario says:

    I think Hillary is already working on her phase of her life: Full citizenship of women all over the world. It’s been her signature as SoS.

    She’s not interested in being president because that job no longer gives her the forum to do what she wants to do. Washington is too broken after Dubya and Obama. All a president can do now is either fold, like Obama or fight every minute with the two parties.

    • Dario says:

      I meant to say: her next phase of her life.

    • paper doll says:

      I so agreed…Hillary is ahead of the curve as always. Obama… sending that WH cop to replace her right hand guy…wow?! Who does he think Hill is? Kerry? Obama Inc knows about the planned tea party high jinks ahead, planned and paid for to make him look sane and a Dem, so he’s not even mailing it in . The extent of the rot , is mind blowing. No one is home