Kucinich asks Scott Walker Some Good Questions

Walker  admits that stripping workers of collective bargaining has nothing to do with saving money but has everything to do with “giving people the right to choose”.  Congressman Dennis Kucinich asks a series of questions that puts Walker on the spot.  Notice that there’s an irregular move by the committee chair to block evidence placed into the hearing records also.  Stripping people’s rights appears to be the Republican way these days.

Update:  I got this posted before the MSM had anything to say. Thought I’d add  some links since they finally got wind of the situation.

From the WSJ:  Gov. Walker Gets Some Awkward Questions

In addition to questions about the state’s budget, Mr. Walker faced questions on his ties to the Koch brothers, his staffing decisions and whether his policies were designed to sabotage President Barack Obama‘s re-election efforts.

In one heated exchange, Rep. Bruce Braley (D., Iowa), pressed Mr. Walker to denounce undisclosed outside money and asked the Oversight Committee look into “cronyism” and whether it influences state finances.

Mr. Walker said he attended the hearing to discuss state debt, adding “You want to do a political stunt, go ahead.”

The Hill Reports that there are protesters around for the hearing including People for the American Way, Common Cause, and Public Campaign.

A coalition of liberal groups including People for the American Way, Common Cause and Public Campaign is scheduled to give a press conference outside the hearing room before Walker testifies, and union members are traveling in from Wisconsin to attend.

 BTW, this is Issa’s committee and it’s not going as planned

Walker is a Republican-invited witness at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the panel’s chairman, will praise Walker for his “courageous efforts” at cutting spending in his state’s budget, according to a statement.

“To understand impediments to reform and what it takes to climb out of a deep fiscal hole, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will testify about how he successfully championed sweeping reforms that will keep his state solvent. Moody’s, a credit rating agency, recently announced that the reforms will have a positive impact on Wisconsin’s credit rating, a further testament to the merits of Gov. Walker’s courageous efforts,” Issa is expected to say in his opening statement.

I’ll try to update this as information comes in.