Sunday Cartoons: What the Fuckity Fuck is this Shit?

Good morning. Please. Make. It. Stop.

That’s enough!

Cartoons please.

Via Cagle:

This last video is something Boston Boomer sent Dak and me…it is hilarious.

Have a safe Sunday everyone.

5 Comments on “Sunday Cartoons: What the Fuckity Fuck is this Shit?”

  1. quixote says:

    The “Make it stop” theme? That’s the thing, isn’t it. The forces of darkness on the march everyhwere. But what we don’t know: is this the low point? Or the sliding scree at the start of the avalanche?


    (Loved the Abridged Classics 😀 )

  2. bostonboomer says:

    I love the abridged classics cartoon!