Breaking: Deal Reached, Gov’t Shutdown Averted, Details TBA

According to Dana Bash on Anderson Cooper’s show, a deal has been reached to fund the government for the rest of the year. As I find out more, I’ll add to this post. Please post anything you’re hearing in the comments.

David Gergen is saying the Republicans got $40 billion in cuts. Unbelievable! They were 1-1/2 hour from the deadline.

MSNBC First Read: Budget negotiators think they have a deal.. now what?

Press conference, Boehner talking now. A continuing resolution until the deal is hammered out. No details, but Boehner is happy and celebrating.

Defunding Title 10 women’s health provisions (Planned Parenthood) will not be in the deal. Dana Bash says there will be a separate vote on that, but it is not expected to pass.

Now Obama is talking. Ugh… Why can’t he see a speech therapist to get rid of those whistling s’s?

He’s saying the cuts will be painful, but we have to learn to live within our means. Aaarrrrrrghhhh!

Additional updates in comments.

39 Comments on “Breaking: Deal Reached, Gov’t Shutdown Averted, Details TBA”

  1. boogieman7167 says:

    are you sure its a deal or that there just talking about what they think might happend

    • bostonboomer says:

      Turn on your TV and judge for yourself. Boehner just said there’s a deal.

  2. gxm17 says:

    I don’t like the sound of “Boehner is happy and celebrating.”

    • bostonboomer says:

      No. I don’t like the sound of $40 billion in cuts either. Next up, the fight over raising the debt ceiling.

  3. bostonboomer says:

    Obama is spouting major bullshit about schoolchildren who will now be able to take their school trip because he brokered a deal (actually gave away the store).

    • Seriously says:

      Obama’s motto is it’s never too early for generational warfare. Charming.

    • dakinikat says:

      Why does he always tell goofy stories like this? Can’t he just day I waited too long to get involved like usual so then we had to cave before it was too late to really accomplish any thing?

  4. bostonboomer says:

    David Gergen is once again saying the WH needed to “tackle entitilements.”

    Yes, of course the poor and the elderly must suffer so that the rich can avoid paying taxes. That makes sooooo much sense.

    • Fannie says:

      and so the rich can have a nice environment in which to live, that makes sooo much sense too.

  5. bostonboomer says:

    Now Harry Reid is talking. He just said they will cut $78 billion from this year’s budget.

    Did I hear that right? Am I hallucinating?

    I guess it’s 38 billion. I hope I did hear wrong.

    • boogieman7167 says:

      AC just said its far from a done deal yet

      • bostonboomer says:


        I don’t know what you’re talking about. The continuing resolution just passed the Senate. Obama, Boehner, and Harry Reid all announced the deal at a press conference. Believe what you want. I’m don’t have the energy to argue with you. I’m just reporting what I hear.

  6. bostonboomer says:

    Boehner just made a threatening-sounding comment about raising the debt ceiling. I think we can expect women’s rights and women’s health to be on the table again for that one.

    Let’s hope Obama doesn’t buy into Ryan’s plan to end Medicare.

  7. bostonboomer says:

    OK, I figured it out. They have cut 79 billion from Obama’s original budget. I’m getting this from MSNBC. It’s 39 billion from the latest version.

    Planned Parenthood funding will get an up or down vote in the Senate. There will also be an up or down vote on repealing Obamacare.

  8. bostonboomer says:

    There will be an up or down vote next week on the Ryan plan?! According to MSNBC. We are so f’d.

  9. boogieman7167 says:

    ok im lockinging AC360 and one of these talking heads just say BO’s speach should be studied for years to come . ohhhh god here we go again

  10. Minkoff Minx says:

    From CNN
    Democrats, Republicans agree on a budget deal –

    “The government will be open for business,” President Barack Obama said.

    “In the final hours before our government would have been forced to shut down, leaders in both parties reached an agreement that will allow our small businesses to get the loans they need, our families to get the mortgages they applied for, and hundreds of thousands of Americans to show up at work and take home their paychecks on time.”

    No mention of women getting their health care huh?

    • bostonboomer says:

      It was mentioned. I listened to all the speeches.

      Keep in mind that the only demographic that still supports Dems is white educated women. They will fight in the Senate for that reason–they don’t want to lose their jobs.

  11. bostonboomer says:

    Ezra Klein is saying that Obama and Reid celebrating this is embarrassing, disgraceful. Taking this much money out of the economy is dangerous, and it’s probably going to end up really hurting Obama’s chances for re-election.

  12. jillforhill says:

    The tea party people are going nuts. They are going after everyone including Bachman and DeMint. They are leaving messages to congess calling them babykillers and you have blood on your hands. They are in meltdown mode.

    • boogieman7167 says:

      good let them melt down. in getting sick of these wingnut tea party pricks

    • Fannie says:

      Hee, Hee out the door Boehner…………

    • bostonboomer says:

      That’s fine with me….

    • Peggy Sue says:

      I heard the Tea Party considers this a sellout by Boehner. They’re threatening [collective tweeting] to primary him next year.

      But this is going to start all over again next week when they fight over the budget details for the rest of the year.

      Fun times ahead!

    • Minkoff Minx says:

      From the link:

      “We protected the investments we need to win the future,” President Obama said after the deal was struck. “

      Yup, WTF is right…

  13. jillforhill says:

    It is funny to witness the meltdown. They are saying this deal just killed Paul Ryan’s budget plan,they really wanted the 60 billion dollar cuts.

    • bostonboomer says:

      That’s not true. Ryan’s plan will still be pushed.

      Nancy Pelosi and Anthony Weiner are NOT happy with Obama.

      • Woman Voter says:

        Sorry, I don’t believe Nancy, she did everything in her power to get him elected. Sorry, but she even said ‘God’ sent him…

  14. jillforhill says:

    Per the Washington Post:

    “The spending deal agreed to Friday night to avert a government shutdown includes a provision banning the District from spending its own funds to provide abortions to low-income women as well as funding to continue a controversial school voucher program, according to Democratic and Republican sources familiar with the agreement.

    The inclusion of the abortion policy “rider” represents a victory for Republicans, who previously imposed such a ban when they controlled Congress and who included the provision in the version of the continuing resolution passed by the House in February. And it marks a sharp defeat for D.C. leaders, who fought to keep the ban out of a deal.

    (Excerpt) Read more at …

    • bostonboomer says:

      That figures.

      BTW, they are really ripping Obama up, down, and sideways on MSNBC.

      • Minkoff Minx says:

        Here is what Suzie has to say: Suburban Guerrilla » Blog Archive » He not only folds, he brags about it

        Because really, all Obama cares about is getting reelected. He doesn’t want to talk about the very real trail of human damage his lack of leadership leaves in his wake. He doesn’t care that he continues to empower the Tea Partiers and the fundie extremists by handing them whatever they want — apparently he’s too busy daydreaming about himself as the New Reagan. I don’t even think it’s incompetence. This piece of shit deal passed because these are the policies he wants:

  15. jillforhill says:

    I agree with you,bostonboomer. That is what is going on in crazy land. Now they love Bachmann because she will vote against this deal now. Boehner is so finished as speaker.

  16. TheRock says:

    Good morning all!! I’ve been ghost for the past week because of a virus on my computer and serious cutbacks at work. I feel like I’ve missed an entire year of news and I’m still catching up. It’s nice to finally see MSNBC telling the truth about their messiah. I never really felt there would be a shutdown because the Accomodator-in-Chief wants to stay in office. I guess he thinks this is the best way. I’m hearing alot of frustration from his sicophants now more than ever. Maybe this country is waking out of its slumber.

    Hillary 2012

  17. Dario says:

    From political wire:

    In negotiating a budget deal, the Wall Street Journal reports the White House hope “was that the president, having stepped in late in the game in a bid to break the impasse, could polish his self-styled image as the only adult in Washington. The aim also was to boost his standing with independent voters in the same week he kicked off his re-election effort.”

    “But a strategy that was largely hands-off until the last moments carried risks. It could alienate Democrats, some of whom felt Mr. Obama was keener to get a deal than stand up for their priorities. Others were irritated at being scolded like errant children. The strategy also exposed Mr. Obama to criticism that he waited too long to get engaged.”

    Obama has simply cemented the view that he’s not in charge, and always late at dealing with serious issues.

  18. dakinikat says:

    Good thing we didn’t have these visionless corporate drones during either the inception of this country or during World War 2. If we’d have lived within our means during the first, we’d all be British now and during the second, we’d all be NAZIs now.