Sunday Reads: Holly Jolly Shitmas


One more week until Shitmas…

Once again this post is delayed, because my lack of enthusiasm in getting the thing written.  After trying to find articles to share with you, the depression and outright disturbed feelings make my fingers linger on the keypad as the minutes pass. So here are a few links to get by today.

Starting with the video clips from last night’s SNL episode:


SNL‘s Hillary Clinton Goes Full Love Actually on an Elector | Mediaite

Instead of Andrew Lincoln holding up cue cards to express his love for Keira Knightley, though, McKinnon holds up the cards in an appeal to an elector who might be able to vote against Donald Trump when the Electoral College meets next week.

“But bish… he cray,” proclaims the cards. Later, they read, “You don’t even have to vote for me. I’m coo.”



Now some links from Sarah Kendzior:

Welcome to the Authoritarian Kleptocracy – bibliobiography

Welcome to the Authoritarian Kleptocracy | Sarah Kendzior

Welcome to the Authoritarian Kleptocracy Part II | Sarah Kendzior

img_2243Well, it looks like this post is becoming nothing more than a link dump. So, let the full dump commence.

Huma says she never received FBI warrants for email searches | New York Post

Okay? Another article from Reuters via Newsweek: Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Seeks to Review Emails Search Warrant

But back to the matter at hand.

Three professors of psychiatry call for ‘neuropsychiatric evaluation’ of Trump out of fears he’s mentally ill

letter addressed to President Barack Obama, three professors of psychiatry — including one from Harvard Medical School — expressed fears that President-elect Donald Trump’s exhibits signs he may not be mentally fit to assume the presidency.

img_2224In the letter, which can be found at The Huffington Post, Judith Herman, M.D. a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School — along with two professors who taught at the University of California, San Francisco — made the appeal to Obama based upon their “grave concern” after watching Trump’s antics.

“We are writing to express our grave concern regarding the mental stability of our President-Elect,” the letter reads. “Professional standards do not permit us to venture a diagnosis for a public figure whom we have not evaluated personally.”

“His widely reported symptoms of mental instability — including grandiosity, impulsivity, hypersensitivity to slights or criticism, and an apparent inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality — lead us to question his fitness for the immense responsibilities of the office,” it continues. “We strongly recommend that, in preparation for assuming these responsibilities, he receive a full medical and neuropsychiatric evaluation by an impartial team of investigators.”

img_2216I don’t think a letter to Obama is going to do much good…

There are four ways Donald Trump may be guilty of treason, says law expert

Former Assistant Secretary of State and international human rights expert John Shattuck said this week that President-elect Donald Trump must welcome a thorough investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election because the questions it raises leave him vulnerable to charges of treason.

“A specter of treason hovers over Donald Trump,” Shattuck wrote in the Boston Globe. “He has brought it on himself by dismissing a bipartisan call for an investigation of Russia’s hacking of the Democratic National Committee as a ‘ridiculous’ political attack on the legitimacy of his election as president.”

Legitimacy? Aren’t we past this point? I think after Obama’s press conference we certainly are…if there was anything I took away from that presser earlier this week, it was that Obama seemed to accept whatever fraudulent efforts and hacks occurred via the Russians and their traitorous partners in the US. (I am including the PEOTUS and other GOP elected officials, FBI heads, etc.) Why else would he be talking about tRump’s Foreign Policies going forward after he leaves office? The whole thing stinks.


Fascism is good for ratings

by digby

One scary ad:

Trump’s lunacy is compelling. But the media should be careful about using it as a sales pitch for “the news.”

Fuck yeah!!!!!

And please note, it is MSNBC.

In line with that observation of Digby’s….Give this a look over:

How Journalists Covered the Rise of Mussolini and Hitler | History | Smithsonian

Reports on the rise of fascism in Europe was not the American media’s finest hour

How to cover the rise of a political leader who’s left a paper trail of anti-constitutionalism, racism and the encouragement of violence? Does the press take the position that its subject acts outside the norms of society? Or does it take the position that someone who wins a fair election is by definition “normal,” because his leadership reflects the will of the people?

These are the questions that confronted the U.S. press after the ascendance of fascist leaders in Italy and Germany in the 1920s and 1930s.




Oh, have you seen these?










In other news….

img_2237Finland: Russian propaganda questioning our validity risks destabilising country | The Independent

Finnish government communications chief Markku Mantila said his officials had observed a barrage of state-sponsored media attacks ahead of the country’s celebrations marking 100 years of independence from Russia

Swedish towns told to ‘make preparations regarding the threat of war and conflict’ with Russia

Granted, that link above is from The Telegraph…but still…put it in perspective with this:

Russian warship escorted by Royal Navy frigate through English Channel | The Independent

It just makes for an image of Putin standing above a map of the world…with his dick swinging back and forth…you can be sure that the US is on that map too…maybe a little fat fingered orange faced troll mopping up behind Putin? Yeah…

We have enough swinging dicks here in the US, whether it is a fucking coup in North Carolina:

img_2245North Carolina Coup Is About Old Timey White Supremacy | Crooks and Liars

NAACP Announces Lawsuit Against North Carolina Coup | Crooks and Liars

Or assholes trampling women every chance they get, I mean…check it out, women in Oklahoma can’t even piss in peace…

Oklahoma requires health-care facilities — and restaurants — to display message about availability of adoption and prenatal care – The Washington Post

‘Women Of This World Are Constantly Fighting Against A Hatred That Men Do Not See’ | The Huffington Post

Hold Tight. The War On Women Has Only Just Begun

Women, poverty, and the gender pay gap

img_2244And let us not forget the other massive dickheads and cunts in the way of progress, or if we really want to get down to it, they are in the way of keeping things from going backwards further because things are getting worse everyday.

The hater next door: My interview with our local Aryan Nations

Most of America’s hate groups are rooted in white supremacy – Vox

And doesn’t that all kind of go back to the beginning?


Even before the election results, before Putin, at the very start of this shitfuck…tRump was given legitimacy from the press…the politicians…the people…everyone. We all saw it. Fucking Hell. Now it is too late to do anything. Except enjoy interactive sort of websites like this one below…

This map shows what would happen to you if a nuclear bomb was dropped where you live | indy100

Great way to spend a few minutes…in agony.


Merry fucking shitmas…this is an open thread.

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20 Comments on “Sunday Reads: Holly Jolly Shitmas”

  1. Minkoff Minx says:

    I’m in a bad mood, can you tell?

    • Minkoff Minx says:

      The doctors canceled my moms surgery for tomorrow. They do not think her liver will be able to handle it. So now we are not sure what is going on…or what is happening to my mom. She is unable to get a liver transplant. No Christmas tree this year. It is so fucking sickening how 2016 is ending. I have no spirit in…anything or anyone.

      • Sweet Sue says:

        I’m sorry.

      • NW Luna says:

        So if they didn’t think she had the liver function for surgery, why did they schedule it to begin with? Or maybe it was a last-minute lab value change? I’m sad to hear about all this bad luck, JJ. Gentle hugs for you.

      • bostonboomer says:

        I’m so sorry JJ. I hope you can get some answers from the doctors. How awful that they are just leaving you hanging.

  2. Sweet Sue says:

    I got to say, J J, I really like that Fuck Christmas and Fuck You, Too card.
    I wish I had the ovaries to send those.

    • NW Luna says:

      Me too! OTOH, I’m getting more comfortable with telling people when they spritely ask: “All ready for Christmas?” “I’m not a Christian and Christmas isn’t one of my religious holidays.” 😀

  3. Fannie says:

    Ho, Ho, Ho, and a White Christmas to you.

    • dakinikat says:

      It’s a cold wet thunderstorm holiday here. It’s really bone chilling dank here.

      • NW Luna says:

        Freezing here, which is unusual, but it’s a cold front from Canada coming in. When it’s freezing temps here it’s usually clear. When it warms up to our usual 40s it’s back to rainy/overcast.

        I need to start using my light box in the mornings to help my SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Plus I’m still having nightmares at night.

        • bostonboomer says:

          Freezing cold here too. And we haven’t seen much sun in weeks. Very unusual for Boston. It’s usually fairly mild here until January and we generally get lots of sunny days. Climate change, I guess.

    • NW Luna says:

      Not good. Yet more evidence of conflicts of interest involving foreign powers. Does #tRump have to print money in U.S. rubles before there’s a swell of bipartisan action to stop him?

  4. NW Luna says:

  5. NW Luna says:

    Larry Colburn, Who Helped Stop My Lai Massacre, Dies at 67

    ….Seymour M. Hersh, the independent journalist who later uncovered the My Lai massacre, said of Mr. Colburn in a phone interview on Friday that “for a door gunner in Vietnam to point his machine gun at an American officer” under those circumstances “was in the greatest tradition of American integrity.”

  6. bostonboomer says:

    On the letter about Trump’s mental state, Judith Herman is a famous expert on trauma and PTSD. She was instrumental in getting the diagnosis into the DSM IV. I’ve read a some of her books.

  7. Sweet Sue says:

    I just read that the Russian ambassador to Turkey was shot and badly wounded.

    So it begins.