Live Blog: Republican Town Hall Zone Extreme Wrestling Edition The Talkie in Milwaukee!!!!


Good Evening and Welcome to yet another Live Blog!

 What exactly will happen when Donald Trump and  Ted Cruz get a chance to air the acrimony between them in a town hall setting tonight in Milwaukee is any one’s guess,  My guess it that it will be Extreme Wisconsin!  Yes, it’s a live blog on The Talkie in Milwaukee!  CNN’S Anderson Cooper will moderate. Ohio Governor John Kasich–card boy for the evening–also continues his attempts to remain relevant.  The Town Hall comes a week before Wisconsin’s April 5th primary.
Trump and Cruz are in the midst of the campaign’s most bitter, personal fight. It started when Trump blamed Cruz for an unaffiliated super PAC’s ad featuring a nearly naked Melania Trump, without any evidence that Cruz was behind it. Then Trump attacked Heidi Cruz.
It’s gotten bad enough that Cruz wouldn’t say in an interview with CNN’s Sunlen Serfaty on Monday whether he’ll still back Trump if he wins the Republican nomination.
I’m not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my family,” Cruz said. “Donald Trump is not gonna be the nominee. We are gonna beat him for this nomination.”
Trump, meanwhile, has threatened lawsuits over the Cruz campaign’s success in picking up 10 extra delegates in Louisiana, even though Trump actually won the state.
 cruzjpeg-6080818af218b6feThere are several issues that will be looming in the air. The question is if the topic will come up.  Topic number 1 is the National Enquirer rumors about Cruz’s extramarital romps.donald-trump-sumo-300x170

The National Enquirer accused Ted Cruz of having five mistresses, John Kasich somehow managed to offend both the overeducated and the undereducated, and Donald Trump’s campaign manager has been charged with assaulting a journalist. Expect roughly zero of those things to be mentioned tonight if all goes according to plan.

 Tonight’s questions will be coming from The People™ so we can safely bet on three things: 1) Donald Trump will accuse anyone giving him anything approximating a tough question as being a Republican establishment plant, 2) Cruz will answer the question he wished he was asked rather than the one he’s actually asked, and 3) Kasich’s answers will be roughly 80 percent less exciting than the list of side effects you hear during tonight’s drug commercials.
cruz-wwf-FILLIBUSTER-1Topic Number 2 is the misdemeanor battery charge against Trump Campaign Aid Corey Lewandowski.  Will this story have legs?

Nearly a month of jousting on social media culminated Tuesday in the arrest of a top Donald Trump presidential campaign aide on misdemeanor battery charges following a March 8 incident involving a reporter.

Michelle Fields, then with the online Breitbart News Service, alleges that Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski forcefully grabbed her at a news conference at Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter.

Lewandowski — who has denied wrongdoing and who the Trump campaign said will plead not guilty — turned himself in to town police just before 8 a.m. Tuesday, in what Jupiter Police Chief Frank Kitzerow described as “a very straightforward procedure.”

Lewandowski was issued a notice to appear on a misdemeanor battery charge. The New York City resident is expected in Palm Beach County Circuit Court May 4.

Fields filed a report with police within a week of the incident. On Tuesday, town police released surveillance footage of the alleged battery they said corroborated Fields’ claims, prompting them to file the battery charges.

Hang in here with us if you can stomach it!   We’ll bring the smelling salts.  They’ll bring the EXTREME!!!

29 Comments on “Live Blog: Republican Town Hall Zone Extreme Wrestling Edition The Talkie in Milwaukee!!!!”

  1. Fannie says:

    Checking in. Let’s see what Trumphy does. It’s gonna suck.

  2. Fannie says:

    Each one of them get an hour at the townhall. I wanted to see them all together.

  3. dakinikat says:

    Cruz first and Corey’s the first question. Next question on his path.

  4. Fannie says:

    Cruz says Obama is always out their golfing, and telling people he doesn’t offer Americans any protections. Notice that he will not answer the question about policing the Muslim community.

    Anybody remember what George W. Bush told us after 9/11: “go shopping”.

  5. Riverbird says:

    I’m here, but won’t be watching CNN.

  6. Fannie says:

    Cruz on faith, being a Christian is most important, and American second. He just said that last week. Now this week he is being a hypocrite, saying he doesn’t wear his religion on his sleeve. Liar.

  7. Fannie says:

    Cruz would you send more troops into Syria…………..HE is not answering the question. Not at all.

  8. Fannie says:

    He keeps beating around the bush, and I keep looking down at his shiny boots, talk about American Shinola.

  9. Fannie says:

    What’s your biggest failure that you have done………….he’s talking about everything under the sun, and under Cuba.

  10. Fannie says:

    I don’t know what the hell is wrong with Cruz, he must have some kind of wind up key implanted in the back of his head. He just will answer the question about Latinos milking cows.

  11. Fannie says:

    I really had a good dinner, and if I listen to anymore of this, I’ll lose it for sure.

  12. dakinikat says:

    Well an hour of Ted Cruz is boring!

  13. Valhalla says:

    Love the title of this post!

    It is definitely the only good thing about this TH event. The only thing I have EVER agreed with Trump on was when he said they didn’t need any more debates.

  14. dakinikat says:

    I’m officially confused by this answer …. Fed government responsible for security, healthcare, education? That’s gonna piss off the movement conservatives.

    • NW Luna says:

      LOL! Well, who would have thought to find him on there 😀

    • janicen says:

      Wow. Well, affairs are one thing but prostitutes will end a campaign fast. Once Cruz falls, who’s up next? lol!