The Press finally Fact Checks, Right Wing Propaganda Outlets get Mad

We’ve been moaning around here about  how so many right wingers get to go on the Fox Right Wing Propaganda Network and spew lies with impunity.  In fact, the hosts themselves spew things that just aren’t factual.  CNN’s Soledad O’Brien is being attacked by Rush Limbaugh and other angry righties for calling shenanigans on John Sununu .  It’s a continuing saga now with Limbaugh stirring up the angry racist and sexist mob.  O’Brien has now responded to his attacks that she might as well wear an Obama Campaign sticker on her forehead because she chose not to accept his taking a CBO report sentence completely out of context. O’Brien shot back with a video that documented her statements and questions using the research of  independent fact check groups.

CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien struck back at critics who objected to her reading from a document printed from what they called a liberal website — yet not citing her source — while interviewing an operative for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on the topic of Medicare.

Conservative Media Beating Up on CNN’s Soledad O’Brien (Video)

O’Brien was substitute-hosting on Anderson Cooper 360 on Monday when she was seen flipping through a story from the website Talking Points Memo during a segment with Romney campaign adviser Barbara Comstock. Conservative media, most notably Rush Limbaugh, mocked the news anchor for what they perceived to be a journalistic transgression.

“She never cited it. She just used its contents,” Limbaugh fumed Tuesday. “When she talks to a Democrat, she has no pieces of paper, she needs no guidance.”

O’Brien didn’t deny referring to a TPM document during the show but said she only did so in order to read a quote from Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, a perfectly benign journalistic practice. She also gets information from conservative sources, like, she said.

“Editorially, I was not reading off the Talking Points Memo,” she told The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday. “The memo had an accurate, verbatim quote of what Sen. Wyden said, and when I was talking to Ms. Comstock, she was saying something that was patently untrue.”

O’Brien also answered critics who complain about what they perceive to be a left-wing bias in her reporting.

“I don’t think I show bias in my TV show. I think I am aggressive with people about trying to find the facts behind what they say,” O’Brien said. “Am I a liberal or conservative? I’m neither. Like most Americans, I find politics very frustrating. Like most Americans, I’d like to hear from politicians the facts. That is what drives me.”

You can watch O’Brien’s video at her site.

Yesterday on “Starting Point”, former New Hampshire Governor and senior Romney Campaign advisor John Sununu said this: “When Obama gutted Medicare by taking $717 billion out of it…It’s a reduction in services a reduction in support for Medicare Advantage. That is taking money from the program.”

He added his voice to a growing chorus of Romney supporters, and the candidate himself, making similar claims against President Obama on Medicare.

* RNC Chairman Reince Priebus on “Meet the Press” last Sunday says President Obama “stole $700 billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare. If any person in this entire debate has blood on their hands in regard to Medicare, it’s Barack Obama. He is the one that’s destroying Medicare.”

* On AC36, Senior Romney adviser Barbara Comstock says “We are not stealing the $719 billion that Barack Obama took away from Medicare, from current seniors, from my parents who are retired.”

* And yesterday, Governor Romney says “He cuts the payments that go to Medicare by $700 billion and he uses that to pay for Obamacare.”

But where is this idea that the president’s health care plan guts billions of dollars from Medicare coming from?

A Congressional Budget Office report says “If the Affordable Care Act is repealed, “[s]pending for Medicare would increase by an estimated $716 billion over that 2013-2022 period.”

But that same CBO report says keeping “Obamacare” would not mean a $716 billion decrease in Medicare funding. The cost of Medicare would continue to rise, just not as rapidly. The CBO says this money – Democrats call it savings, Republicans call it cuts – would be achieved mostly through cutbacks in payments to providers and by changes to payment rates in private Medicare plans.

The Romney campaign argues all of this will ultimately lead to reduced access to health care.

“The fact is that he reduces services to Medicare beneficiaries currently on the package,” Gov. Sununu claims in my interview with him yesterday on “Starting Point.”

Independent fact checker says that’s not true. The site says:

“The law stipulates that guaranteed Medicare benefits won’t be reduced, and it adds some new benefits, such as improved coverage for pharmaceuticals.”

Senior citizen advocacy group AARP, which generally opposes any policies that would negatively affect seniors, tells its members this:

“The health care law strengthens Medicare by protecting and improving your guaranteed benefits and cracking down on waste, fraud and inefficiency. “

And we have the health care law itself, which clearly states this:

“Nothing in the provisions of, or amendments made by, this Act shall result in a reduction of guaranteed benefits under title XVIII of the Social Security Act.”

Chuck Todd also caught the Romney Camp in another lie on so-called cuts to welfare to work provisions.  This time it’s Iowa Governor Terry Branstad doing the lying.

MSNBC host Chuck Todd and Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (R) butted heads on Wednesday after Branstad accused President Barack Obama of undermining welfare reform.

“The biggest problem I think a lot of people have is the massive expansion of the food stamp program,” Branstad said. “We have more people on food stamps than ever before. They’ve liberalized the rules and a lot of people think they need to tighten that up — just like we reformed welfare in the 1990s, now the Obama administration is trying to undo the work requirement. We think that we need to, instead of trying to put more people on –”

“Well, wait a minute,” Todd interrupted. “Gov. Branstad, I can’t let that go. They haven’t done that. They haven’t undone the work requirements… Where did you get your information?”

But Branstad insisted it was “absolutely true” that the Obama administration had waived the work requirement in the Temporary Assistant for Needy Families (TANF) program. He said liberals and President Barack Obama had “always hated” the work requirement in the law.

“Every charge that has been leveled about this welfare reform order that this President signed — every accusation that has been leveled by some Republicans have been proven to be not true,” Todd said.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) last month encouraged states to experiment with better ways to administer the TANF program, informing state officials that the department was willing to grant waivers to states that wished to opt-out of provisions of the welfare law.

Romney and other Republicans have claimed that the waivers were an attempt to undermine the welfare program’s work requirement. But PolitiFact rated those claims “Pants on Fire,” noting that the waivers were actually “designed to improve employment outcomes.”

Dave Johnson at Alternet suggests that the Romney Campaign actually has a strategy of lying that relies on the press just letting them say what they want to. Read: “Romney’s Campaign Strategy: Lie, Lie, and Lie Some More — Can Democracy Survive with 0% Media Accountability?”.

 The Romney campaign has turned to a strategy of swamping the public with flat-out, blatant lies, one after another, again and again, endlessly and lavishly repeated. They do this because they are making a calculation that it will work! So what is going on? And can democracy survive this assault?The Growing List Of Lies

This week’s lie is the “Obama gutted welfare reform” nonsense. See Bill Scher’s must-read response,  Romney’s Welfare Lie: A Betrayal Of Conservatism . The reporting conveys the Romney message, like this:  Romney accuses Obama of dismantling welfare reform . The lie is driven home by a massive $$-driven carpet bombing of ads.

The next-most recent lies was  the “Obama is trying to keep military families from voting” lie . This lie, repeated over and over, coordinated with outside groups, reinforces the “Democrats are anti-military” narrative.

Before that was  the “You didn’t build that” lie , where the Romney campaign doctored audio  to make it sound as though President Obama said something he didn’t say. (And  got away with it .) This lie, repeated over and over, reinforces the “Democrats are anti-business” narrative.

This one on welfare reinforces the “Democrats take your money and give it to black people” narrative. “We will end a culture of dependency and restore a culture of good, hard work,”  said Romney , promising to make them work good and hard.

Rachel Maddow’s blog has been keeping track of the Romney lies , and it is a loooooong list.

They’ve gone less after Todd however since the race-baiting and misogyny strategy is clearly enhanced through picking on woman and minority O’Brien.  That’s why Limbaugh is having a total hate-filled hey day with what’s clearly a distortion and lie on Sununu’s part. They love hating on the gay and well educated Rachel Maddow.

Ryan Cooper–writing at Washington Monthly-takes note of Romney’s lies and the press response.

On the one hand, the political media has been remarkably susceptible to bullying from the right. Ginned-up hysteria and a gullible, cowardly, lazy press has gotten enormous mileage from the right.

But as I was saying this morning, the Romney camp has been caught somewhat flatfooted already by the newly minted power of the left to influence the discourse. Watch Anderson Cooper pin down Newt Gingrich on this Romney ad. Gingrich does the usual squirming, subject changing, and putting forth a squid-ink fog of misdirection, but when Cooper just keeps bearing down on the fact that the ad is blatantly lying, even Newt is forced to say that the ad is okay because, as Paul says, “Barack Obama and those who work for him are, in Newt’s opinion, the kind of people who would gut work requirements if they could, so therefore it’s OK to say that they are actually doing it, even though they aren’t.” Gingrich ends up sounding like a snake.

In politics, moral arguments are powerful, and true moral arguments even more so. The left will be at their strongest handed this sort of red meat on a platter. And Romney’s straight-up bald-faced lying pushes the Republican ability to strong-arm mainstream journalists to the very limit. It’s a slap in the face whose arrogant contempt couldn’t be more obvious. Romney is saying to the press, “You’re stupid, and gullible, and I dare you to call a spade a spade.”

Now, someone betting on journalistic integrity in this country would lose a lot of money. But a lot of people watch Anderson Cooper. Even Brian Williams couldn’t stomach the ad which edited out the part where Obama was quoting a McCain staffer.

Seems to me that we have a decent shot of getting these lies covered for what they are. Worth a shot, anyway.

I’m going to hit a lecture at a USF just to review  the traditional idea that the media should function as a Fourth Estate.

Access to information is essential to the health of democracy for at least two reasons. First, it ensures that citizens make responsible, informed choices rather than acting out of ignorance or misinformation. Second, information serves a “checking function” by ensuring that elected representatives uphold their oaths of office and carry out the wishes of those who elected them.

In the United States, the media is often called the fourth branch of government (or “fourth estate”). That’s because it monitors the political process in order to ensure that political players don’t abuse the democratic process.

Others call the media the fourth branch of government because it plays such an important role in the fortunes of political candidates and issues. This is where the role of the media can become controversial.

Here’s a chapter from a Harvard Text called “Driving Democracy”.

In particular, Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” The positive relationship between the growth of the free press and the process of democratization is thought to be reciprocal. The core claim is that, in the first stage, the initial transition from autocracy opens up the state control of the media to private ownership, diffuses access, and reduces official censorship and government control of information. The public thereby receives greater exposure to a wider variety of cultural products and ideas through access to multiple radio and TV channels, as well as the diffusion of new technologies such as the Internet and mobile telephones. Once media liberalization has commenced, in the second stage democratic consolidation is strengthened where journalists in
independent newspapers, radio and television stations facilitate greater transparency and accountability in governance, by serving in their watch-dog roles to deter corruption and malfeasance, as well as providing a civic forum for multiple voices.

In other words, O’Brien, Todd, and Maddow are all doing their jobs which is basically the function of a healthy democracy.  The tools of right wing propaganda can spew whatever they want and have the right to do so.  However, it is the roll of a journalist in democracy to call a misstatement of fact what it is; a lie in servitude to a growing and dangerous plutocracy.

32 Comments on “The Press finally Fact Checks, Right Wing Propaganda Outlets get Mad”

  1. roofingbird says:

    I repeat: Bain owns Clear Channel. Clear Channel pays 50 million a year to Limbaugh to spew hate speech.

  2. bostonboomer says:

    Great post, Dak! I thought Chuck Todd standing his ground was a sign that even the shameless MSM can’t overlook Romney’s lies any longer. O’Brien has done this before. She deserves a lot of credit.

    • RalphB says:

      O’Brien has been great and I don’t think they can intimidate her. What’s needed is for her courage and integrity to spread to the bigger names in the MSM.

  3. RalphB says:

    Even Dana Milbank gets one mostly right. Though it doesn’t call out the lies, at least it puts blame where it should. If the Obama campaign and the Democrats are going to survive, they have to fight fire with fire and not back down ever.

    The ugly presidential campaign

    The umbrage industry is working overtime this week.
    Forgive me, but I’m not prepared to join this walk down Great Umbrage Street just yet. Yes, it’s ugly out there. But is this worse than four years ago, when Obama was accused by the GOP vice presidential nominee of “palling around with terrorists”? Or eight years ago, when Democratic nominee John Kerry was accused of falsifying his Vietnam War record?

    What’s different this time is that the Democrats are employing the same harsh tactics that have been used against them for so long, with so much success. They have ceased their traditional response of assuming the fetal position when attacked, and Obama’s campaign is giving as good as it gets — and then some.
    Stephanie Cutter, Obama’s deputy campaign manager, said the campaign had “no problem” with Biden’s chains claim and said Obama “probably agrees with Joe Biden’s sentiments.” She derided the Romney side’s “faux outrage” and called the Republicans “hypocritical.”

    Eight years ago, Cutter was a staffer on the Kerry campaign when the candidate was undone by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth attacks on his war record. Cutter, like other Democrats, learned a hard truth back then: Umbrage doesn’t win elections. Ruthlessness does.

    • ecocatwoman says:

      Isn’t this, once again, a false equivalency? The Republicans have their talking points and all of them repeat the Lie over & over again. The Democrats are calling out the lies and speaking, for the most part, the truth. How is that “Ruthlessness” on the Democrats part? Am I missing something in Milbank’s critique?

      • RalphB says:

        That’s why I said he was only “mostly” right. However, what’s different this time is the Democrats fighting back without quarter or apology. If Obama is to win, that’s necessary and I only hope he can raise enough money to not be completely blown out by Super PAC spending.

  4. dakinikat says:

    From Balloon Juice:

    There are a few things going on here that are worth discussing. First, O’Brien’s show is CNN’s version of Today or GMA. She’s not on a political beat, which means that her job doesn’t rely on access, and she’s not marinated in the conventional wisdom. It’s pretty clear that she and her producers were well-prepped with actual facts, and that she didn’t give a shit whether she offended the delicate feelings of John Sununu. When he acted like a dick, she pushed back hard without worrying about the next time they run into each other at some DC bar. Second, I really do think the coddling they get on Fox is hurting the average Republican shill’s ability to appear reasonable on regular TV. Sununu just keeps repeating his weak-ass talking points instead of coming back with a follow-up, because Fox only expects its Republican guests to memorize and repeat what’s on the sheet that Sununu was waving around when he was trying to smack O’Brien down. Finally, there’s some limit to the number of lies the media will tolerate and that limit is probably being reached with the Romney campaign. There’s a general air of disrespect from the Romney people, they campaign almost totally on falsehoods, and they do so arrogantly. I think it’s the arrogance that finally triggered María de la Soledad Teresa O’Brien, and it’s going to be interesting to see who’s next.

    • RalphB says:

      Did you catch Soledad beating up Pawlenty the next day? It was lovely!

      • dakinikat says:

        Yup … I might even get up early to watch her live occasionally

      • ANonOMouse says:

        I’ve really been impressed with Soledad taking on the Liars. She did a great job with Pawlenty who was paticularly obnoxious when accusing her of not knowing English saying “do you know what that is in english?” I almost jumped through TV screen when he said that. Pawlenty was basically ball-less when dealing with his male GOP adversaries during the debates, but he’s found enough courage to be a butt-wipe to Soledad now that he’s been relegated to the big ZERO by the Romney Campaign! Apparently he’s trying to prove something to the GOP/TP, but he’s doing it about 10 months to late. What a LOSER!

    • bostonboomer says:

      I think the MSM reporters are reaching their limit with the lies, but I think the big mistake the Romney people are making is being so nasty to the press. They allow hardly any press access, and the reporters are getting mad about it. That will cause them to hit Romney harder than they would if he were more available and open. But to Romney, the media are just part of “the help,” and they don’t deserve to be treated with respect.

    • RalphB says:

      Charlie is great as always!

      • pdgrey says:

        This was a great comment on Charles’ Jan Brewer post.
        When Jan Brewer finishes speaking I always experience a little mental pause because I expect her to finish with, “…and your little doggie too!” Maybe she’ll use that line in Tampa. It’s hard to imagine anyone being that mean-spirited and vindictive. Of course, now she can have them locked in one of the for-profit prisons Arizona has found it convenient and lucrative to use, if they’re caught driving without a license.

        If they’ll stand for her, they’ll stand for pretty much anything.

      • RalphB says:

        Comments at Charlies’s are always excellent. Sometimes they are better than the posts.

    • ANonOMouse says:

      Charlie, as always, is excellent.

    • dakinikat says:

      The president is angry.

      The president is an angry man.

      The president is black.

      The president is an angry black man.

      That is the four-point plan on “the economy” on which Willard Romney apparently intends to run for president for a while. For the past week or so, beginning shortly after committing himself fully to zombie-eyed granny-starving while a baffled nation went, “whaaaaa?” in 300-million-part harmony, Romney has become more and more convinced that he is being treated shabbily by the political process and that, at the heart of this untoward disrespect from The Help, is that… person who currently has the job for which Willard has applied. He is simply not going to stand for this sort of thing anymore, and he is going to informthat… person that there are things that simply… are… not… done. And he is sure that the genuine folks among The Help — the ones that know their place, and that know what people like Willard Romney have done for them, and who are properly grateful for it — will rise to support him.

      • RalphB says:

        Great post and it would seem Willard is running based on a rather tenuous supposition.

      • dakinikat says:

        Some one else doesn’t like the Help checking into their Swiss bank accounts either …

        I guess Rafalca knows his place is just to dance under her and look good. Why can’t the rest of us be so supportive?

        I happened to see this clip at my vets office this afternoon and the reaction among the other patrons — all strangers — was surprisingly voluble and hostile. One woman made a face and said to her friend, “who does she thinks she is?” A man sitting on the other side of the room said, “if they didn’t do anything wrong, they shouldn’t be worried.” The girl behind the counter said, “she looks guilty about something.”


      • ANonOMouse says:

        I saw snippets of that interview and my perception was that Ann Romney could hardly control her condescension. She needs to tie a weight to her nose to keep it down. I could almost hear her thinking “You people need to get back to the kitchen and prepare some European White Truffles. Could someone bring up a bottle of Dom Pérignon?”

      • NW Luna says:

        while a baffled nation went, “whaaaaa?” in 300-million-part harmony

        I love that part!

  5. pdgrey says:

    Dullards gotta – dull…Nimrods gotta nim… Sung to “Can’t help loving that man of mine”. That’s what went through my mind when I read those two comments.

  6. pdgrey says:

    Dak, speaking of tax and Ann, Karoli at Crooks and liars.
    This one really struck me:
    “Ordinary people endure far more invasive inquiries for minimum wage jobs. You can get all high and mighty with us, but to get an $8.50 per hour job, many ordinary people have to endure (and authorize) a credit check, and in the case of government jobs, a background check. In many cases, they have to submit to a drug test, too. That drug test requirement isn’t because their potential employer believes every applicant is a drug addict. It’s because they want to make sure this applicant isn’t one”.

    • dakinikat says:

      You wouldn’t believe what I had to go through to work at the FED and get clearing to consult with the Navy, Marines and the Air Force.

      • northwestrain says:

        Even spouses need to undergo background checks. Just before my husband retired he was to undergo yet another security check. It was a background check on both of our parents — his were dead but they still wanted tons of paperwork. Then they wanted info on my dad — all of his military records. At that point I got pissed — and asked my spouse to tell the idiots that if they wanted my father’s military records they could get a copy on their own.

        We are all suspects — and if we must put up with the garbage and invasion of the government into all aspects of our lives. . . Ann and Mittens Romney can show us their tax returns for 10 years!

        Then they should be forced to go through TSA checkpoints at everyone of their campaign stops.

    • bostonboomer says:

      For some menial jobs, you even have to get fingerprinted.

    • northwestrain says:

      I’m wondering who is ironing the perfect creases in Romney’s “everyman” shirts and slacks?

  7. roofingbird says:

    So I went over to WND, which I won’t link seeing as how they are so often on the SPLC’s radar they lie and spend a lot of time quoting articles which quote them. Guess what, Romney isn’t even on the front page of the political section. I found an opinion article written in January by Michael Carl. They don’t like Romney either. They are still upset that he appointed “leftist” judges as Governor. They think he is a closet liberal. Judging by the articles on the front page the are sticking to tried and true racism and staying out of supporting Romney for now.