Have We Died and Gone to Heaven?

Just read a heads-up from OpEd News that Tammy Baldwin [WI] has proposed H.Con Res. 85 for consideration to prevent any Wall Street settlement[s] and/or immunity against criminal or civil charges, where fraud [aka criminal activity] is indicated, requiring investigation and subsequent prosecution by Federal and state authorities.


This is in addition to the investigations that Attorney Generals Eric Schneiderman [NY], Beau Biden [DE], Martha Coakley [MA], Catherine Cortez Masto [NV] and Karmala D. Harris [CA] are pursuing in the mortgage foreclosure crisis, namely robosigning, origination and securities fraud, as well as NY District Court Judge Jed Rakoff, who notably [and bravely] refused to sign off on a ‘deal’ between the SEC and Citigroup in another case involving securities fraud.

Forty-eight representatives have signed to co-sponsor the proposed bill. I think it’s safe to say that the Occupy Wall St. Movement has had an impact, voicing the concerns and anger of the 99%, the ordinary citizen, all of us, who would be thrown into the clink for breaking the law.  Particularly for brazen theft.  Yet bank CEOs and managers, mortgage servicers, realtors, accountants, lawyers and variety of regulators and auditors have been routinely given a pass [get out of jail card[.

Dare I say our lawmakers are finally listening?  Let’s hope so because unless the Rule of Law is re-established unequivocally there can be no faith in the system. The Law applies to all or it is invalidated, applying to none.

Thumbs up to Congresswoman Baldwin [who is running for the Wisconsin Senate seat in 2012] and her colleagues listed below.  If one of these gentlemen or gentlewomen represent your district, an appreciative email might be in order.  If your representative’s name does not appear you may want to send a questioning email or pick up the phone–just to say ‘hello’ and btw why aren’t you supporting The Rule of Law?

Those of us not in the streets, still have our voices.

Let them be heard.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer [OR]

Rep. Michael Capuano  [MA]

Rep. Andre Carson [IN]

Rep. David Cicilline [RI]

Rep. Steve Cohen [TN]

Rep. John Conyers [MI]

Rep. Elijah Cummings [MD]

Rep. Danny Davis [IL]

Rep. Peter DeFazio [OR]

Rep. Keith Ellison[MN]

Rep. Bob Filner[CA]

Rep. Marcia Fudge [OH]

Rep. Raul Grijalva [AZ]

Rep. Luis Gutierrez [AZ]

Rep. Janice Hahn [CA]

Rep. Alcee Hastings [FL]

Rep. Brian Higgins [NY]

Rep. Rep. Maurice Hinchey [NY]

Rep. Rush Holt [NJ]

Rep. Michael Honda [CA]

Rep. Jay Inslee [WA]

Rep. Jesse Jackson [IL]

Rep. Henry Johnson [GA]

Rep. Marcy Kaptur [OH]

Rep. Dennis Kucinich [OH]

Rep. James Langevin [RI]

Rep. John Larson [CT]

Rep. Barbara Lee [CA]

Rep. Edward Markey [MA]

Rep. Doris Matsui [CA]

Rep. James McDermott [WA]

Rep. James McGovern [MA]

Rep. Gwen Moore [WI]

Rep. Grace Napolitano [CA]

Del.   Eleanor Norton [DC]

Rep. John Olver [MA]

Rep. Mike Quigley [IL]

Rep. Bobby Rush [IL]

Rep. Loretta Sanchez [CA]

Rep. Janice Schakowsky [IL]

Rep. Louise Slaughter [NY]

Rep. Fortney Stark [CA]

Rep. Michael Thompson [CA]

Rep. John Tierney [MA]

Rep. Edolphus Towns [NY]

Rep. Niki Tsongas [MA]

Rep. Maxine Waters [CA]

Rep. Lynn Woolsy [CA]

UPDATE: Just received an email indicating that cosponsors now number 50 [don’t have the additional names].

5 Comments on “Have We Died and Gone to Heaven?”

  1. northwestrain says:

    My Congressional rep — Jay Inslee is one of the good guys. Jim McDermott is another one.

    Inslee is running for Governor.

  2. fiscalliberal says:

    Is there a law aginst Fraud? Why is Holder not prosecuting. Why does it take new legisltaion to prod the people who are supposed to be upholding out laws

    Yesterday at the Senate Agriculture hearing on MF Global, Senator Debbie Stabenow opend up with the question with why did they sign the SARBOX statement that they were in control. SARBOX makes the CEO. COO and board responsible for statements of risk. One month later they are in bankrupcy court, Criminal and civil penalties are possible, MF Global is providing an opportunity for more detail on what goes on in the Investment banks.

    Their senior leadership at times looked incompetent.

  3. peggysue22 says:

    Just dashed in between appointments [Today is crazy]. Is there a law against fraud? Yes. Financial fraud is a crime but instead of having a thorough investigation of these companies and their management, Obama and his handlers have decided that a ‘quick’ settlement is the way to go. There are plenty of laws and rules on the books but frankly they’re worthless if we’re not going to enforce them. The agencies that presumably protect the public’s interest have been basically fining guilty parties and not even requiring that those participating in fraudulent practices admit guilt.

    The present business model in the financial district is all about profit, anyway you can take it. The fines are figured into the business model–pay a fine and walk free. No admission of guilt just a few hours of aggravation and paper work and it’s business as usual.

    It has to stop!

    And the only way we stop it is enforcing the law and having guilty parties walk a perp walk. We jail a couple high profile CEO’s, we’ll see accountability come back in fashion. Remember ENRON. William Black took a forensic audit team in, investigated, prosecuted and sent bankers to jail.

    So, it’s not like it can’t be done. But the will has to be there. That’s why I applaud Baldwin in getting this legislation together and cosponsors to sign on. This should ‘not’ be a partisan issue. Every single one of our legislators should be fighting to sign this proposal.

    Because without the Rule of Law, we’re done as a society. Stick a fork in it!