Live Blog: The CNN Tea Party Republican Debate

Jeeze, could things get any worse?
Republican presidential candidates, the Tea Party, and Wolf Blitzer as moderator. If you can stand it, please tune in or live stream the debate and join us to document the atrocities.

Rick Perry has been trying to walk back his claims that Social Security is a “ponzi scheme” and a “failure.” Mitt Romney will probably be on the offensive about that. As the The Caucus blog points out,

Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, warned during a debate last week that the Republican Party should nominate someone “who isn’t committed to abolishing Social Security, but who is committed to saving Social Security.”

And Mr. Romney has hardly let up since. In a biting e-mail last week titled “Rick Perry: Reckless, Wrong on Social Security,” Mr. Romney’s campaign alleged that Mr. Perry “believes Social Security should not exist.”

Over the weekend, Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota joined in, chiding Mr. Perry — without naming him directly — for using rhetoric about Social Security that scares seniors.

“That’s wrong for any candidate to make senior citizens believe that they should be nervous about something they have come to count on,” Mrs. Bachmann said in a radio interview in Iowa.

Of course both Romney and Bachmann have said unkind things about Social Security in the past, so they might have to answer for that.

At the Guardian, Richard Adams says that tonight is Michele Bachmann’s last chance to shine, after she was pretty much ignored at the Reagan Library debate last week.

With the Republican presidential contest rapidly devolving into a two-way race between Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, Monday night’s GOP debate in Tampa may represent Michele Bachmann’s last chance to keep up with the front-runners.

The latest opinion polls in the Republican presidential nomination contest make bitter reading for Bachmann and her supporters: since the entry of Perry, the Texas governor, her support has melted away like a popsicle on a barbeque.

The fire-breathing Tea Party favourite had threatened to up-end the nomination battle with her entry back in June. But she has wilted over summer and her evanescent campaign has seen its support collapse, even among the trenchant social conservatives that Bachmann was relying on.

Tonight should be fertile ground for Bachmann: the debate is co-hosted by the Tea Party Express group and is being billed as “the Tea Party debate” by CNN.

At CNN, Paul Steinhauser offers Five things to watch for in CNN/Tea Party Republican debate, and at the Christian Science Monitor Peter Grier offers three things we might see at tea party event tonight

Personally, I plan to watch the New England Patriots and Miami Dolphins on Monday Night Football, but I’ll check in periodically to see what’s happening. I’m hoping someone will watch this debate so I don’t have to!

114 Comments on “Live Blog: The CNN Tea Party Republican Debate”

  1. Minkoff Minx says:

    Well, here we go. I have some local insight in this debate. The fairgrounds, where this is taking place is out in the country part of the county…this is the area where some years back, the people who like to wear sheets and pointy hats put up a huge confederate flag…

    The Heritage foundation had a luncheon thing, and they played a clip, oh boy, that was just as bad as watching Erick Erickson.

  2. Minkoff Minx says:

    Oh this beginning bit is unbelievable, ugh…where is my bucket!

  3. Minkoff Minx says:

    Oh look at those people in the crowd, is there any other black faces other than Cain in that fairground convention center.

  4. Minkoff Minx says:

    Why did I just get an image of Cartman saying…”Screw, you guys, I’m going home!”

  5. Minkoff Minx says:

    Ooo, when does the swimsuit competition start?

  6. Minkoff Minx says:

    First question re: Social Security. Bachmann is repeating the same thing…

    Rick Perry is getting a chance and the rhetoric is the same, and still says SS is ponzi scheme

  7. Minkoff Minx says:

    Oh, Romney is striking Perry on SS.

    Perry: time to have a legit conversation…

    Each answer from perry sounds like a stump speech.

    • madamab says:

      It is almost worth it to see the other Repubs beating Perry up on Soc Sec. He richly deserves it. Too bad none of them can be trusted not to turn it over to their rich corporate buddies.

  8. Minkoff Minx says:

    Of course the redneck audience seems behind perry

  9. Minkoff Minx says:

    Football: New England: 14 Miami: 7

  10. Minkoff Minx says:

    Romney called Social Security fraud
    Perry called it ponzi scheme
    need to fix the problem…

    • Why are the funds that citizens paying in put in the general budget instead of being set aside. same with medicare to fix it make it so that Congress can’t spend it. you notice they don’t put their funds in the general budget they don’t participate in any programs that they vote in.

  11. Minkoff Minx says:

    Newt is on, he is making big his one liners…

  12. Minkoff Minx says:

    Santorum gets asked who is he with on SS, and he says that the real ? is who is with him.

  13. Minkoff Minx says:

    This debate is much more “juicier” than that one last week.

  14. still4hill says:

    The “one-size-fits-all that we should all have is what Congress has. They have a one-size-fits-all.

  15. Fannie says:

    Wanted to check in on the debate, but storm coming, so I am outta here.

  16. Minkoff Minx says:

    Would you repeal Prescription Drug program?

    Santorum: need to fix medicare and prescription drug programs so can have both

    Perry: No…Save money in Tx to combine 10 agency to 5 (aren’t they down at the bottom in health?)

    Romney: I did not catch if he would repeal, says to fix medicare, need to grow economy

    Paul: would not repeal prescription drug programs either…

    • one out of three don’t have insurance can’t get it or it is way over priced. what they need to do is open the borders for pharmaceuticals from other countries and insurance put regulations that if product a cost this amount that everyone pays the same price. Stop the open discrimination that they let go on and on.

      • dakinikat says:

        we’re the only nation that relies on employers to provide basic insurance … it’s a worse cost for them than taxes and many don’t provide it. Insurance only works when the pool is huge and every one is opted in. There has to be a public, national insurance program paid out people’s taxes. Insurance is not a normal product or service. It happens because of market dysfunction. It’s only necessary because something in the market creates unnecessary risk, uncertainty, market inefficiency, etc. There’s no such thing as a functional market that has a third party payer and it doesn’t make any difference who the third party payer is …

  17. Minkoff Minx says:

    ?: What would you do to improve economy and do you have a plan for jobs, if so what is it.

    • Minkoff Minx says:

      Huntsman: pushing his plan that WSJ approved. Regulatory Reform, need to do away with Obamacare and regulations…

      • madamab says:

        Huntsman’s plan is horrific. Once again, no actual jobs are created – it’s just a free-for-all for the high priests of Voodoo economics.

      • Minkoff Minx says:

        That is what I don’t get, why doesn’t Wolf call these people out on it!

      • madamab says:

        The media never does. These nutjobs are allowed to spread their lies without ever being called to account on them.

        This is why we’re in such a mess now. For far too long the right-wing bullsh*t artists have been ruling the airwaves with no one except partisans like Maddow and Schultz going beyond “he said/she said” reporting. There’s never a “Here’s what actually happened” or “In fact, this is not true” from reporter or pundit.

  18. Minkoff Minx says:

    Perry: He will not answer the question about tax cuts must offset spending cuts

  19. Minkoff Minx says:

    Oh, here goes the deficit shit…Bachmann, draw line no more spending…Dak, check out the BS that is flowing now!

  20. Minkoff Minx says:

    Cain: throw out entire tax code and put in his 999 plan

  21. Minkoff Minx says:

    I don’t think Romney and Huntsman are going to get anywhere with this crowd going towards the moderate (non-extremist) conservative route.

  22. Minkoff Minx says:

    Paul, from Texas does your Gov deserve credit for jobs?


  23. still4hill says:

    Perry’s pretending he didn’t want Texas to secede. Someone should bring that up.

  24. Minkoff Minx says:

    When Newt was speaker, they created more jobs than all the ones in Texas, Mass and Utah…

    (Who was prez when Newt was speaker?)

    Here comes the pizza bit from Cain.

  25. Minkoff Minx says:

    Santorum, Fed should be a single charter.

    Just gave a jab to Obama…

    His plan take corporate taxes to 0 and get manufacturing jobs here again.

    (didn’t GE pay 0 taxes?)

  26. Minkoff Minx says:

    Bernake should be charged with treason, crowd cheers…

    Bachmann: she would not keep Bernake.

    Fed needs to answer for there loans they give, need to be audited, and need to shrink fed

  27. Minkoff Minx says:

    Okay, Perry reiterates the treason remark…and Bachmann had a strange expression when he said it.

  28. Minkoff Minx says:

    Romney, needs to be oversight in Fed, but we need to have the Fed. Who is going to run currency, Congress?

  29. Minkoff Minx says:

    How much of each dollar that I earn do you think I deserve to keep?

    Huntsman tried to answer it, with 8, 14 and some other numbers/percent…I wandered a bit on that.

    Newt mention the GE no taxes…
    Eliminate loop holes.
    Wolf, but isn’t that raising taxes?
    Round about answer…no higher taxes.

  30. Minkoff Minx says:

    Fair tax ?

    Middle class will get hurt most from the fair tax, he got boos.

  31. dakinikat says:

    Opps, I think I’m watching WWE by mistake

  32. Minkoff Minx says:

    Executive Orders?

    Paul, should not use them to legislate.

    Perry, here comes the sex transmit disease…he says it was a mistake. (that was a mandate per executive order)

  33. dakinikat says:

    Wow. Bachmann is really going after Perry …

  34. dakinikat says:

    Looks like the only two black people in the room were stuck in the front row.

  35. bostonboomer says:

    Every time I check in to the debate, I see that no one is responding to Blitzer’s questions. They just start talking about whatever they want to talk about. These people are all horrible!

  36. Minkoff Minx says:

    Romney just slammed Obama, for cutting medicare…says this is a Democrat pres?

    • madamab says:

      Holy crap! I’m rooting for Romney to keep saying stuff like that. At the very least, it will put some pressure on Obama to stop going after Soc Sec.

  37. Minkoff Minx says:

    Wolf: ? about who pays for healthcare when someone does not have insurance.

    Paul: freedom is about taking own risk?
    Wolf: should just let him die?
    Paul: no churches should pay for it.

    • dakinikat says:

      what a moron! Some one should ask him how many churches paid his patient’s bills in the few years he actually did what he was trained to do?

  38. Minkoff Minx says:

    I gotta take a break, I have my sons teacher on the phone…

  39. bostonboomer says:

    Touchdown Pats!!

  40. Minkoff Minx says:

    Okay, I missed a bit of the knock em sock em war/defense/911 crap…

  41. ralphb says:

    Got my passport renewed before it expired. You never know when you might need to take flight!

  42. Edward Shaw says:

    I was really disappointed but not surprised by the cheers from the audience about letting the uninsured die. I was waiting for it break out into a full blown U-S-A chant.

  43. Woman Voter says:

    “I have 23 children”, “I have 5 children” and tonight; “I have 3 children” HPV, blah, blah, blah….

  44. Minkoff Minx says:

    Hey I missed this part:

    Rick Santorum Explains How GOP Can Attract ‘Illegal Vote — I Mean Latino — Voters’ (VIDEO) | Election 2012

    must have been when I was on the phone with the Boy’s teacher.

    And you have to look at the image on this post:

    Open Thread | Crooks and Liars