Forty Years Ago Today, Jim Morrison “Broke on Through to the Other Side”

Forty years ago on June 3, 1971, Jim Morrison, lead singer of The Doors, died in Paris at age 27. He was buried in Pere Lachaise cemetery. Two former members of the band were at the grave site earlier today to mark the occasion.

“James Douglas Morrison, 1943-1971,” reads a plaque on the gravestone erected in the 1990s by the singer-poet’s father, who added a Greek phrase often interpreted as “true to his own spirit”.

Band members Ray Manzarek, the keyboardist, and guitarist Robby Krieger, lit candles at the grave of Morrison, who was known by the nickname the “lizard king”.

Fans of Morrison also paid homage at his grave by leaving flowers there. Some wore black T-shirts with a white drawing of Morrison’s face and the words “40th anniversary.”

I discovered The Doors first album when I was in college in 1967. I had never heard their music and simply bought the record on a whim because I liked the spooky cover art. I went home and put it on my turntable and listened. I was completely blown away. It honestly isn’t over the top to say that the music changed the way I experienced the world. It was that powerful for me.

So here’s to Jim and the great music and performances he shared with us during his brief time on this earth. Here are a couple of my favorites.



13 Comments on “Forty Years Ago Today, Jim Morrison “Broke on Through to the Other Side””

  1. bostonboomer says:

    Friend claimed to know how Morrison really died. There was no autopsy.

  2. AliceP. says:

    I just finished reading Danny Sugerman’s “Wonderland Avenue” Jim was incredibly talented. He was also a victim of the excesses of the times.

    I hadn’t really intended to read this book and found it sad. It had been sitting around here for ages and the timing seemed right. There are some interesting tidbits in there. One is Pam telling Danny that indeed it was a heroin overdose that killed Jim Morrison. Her heroin.

    One other thing mentioned was that Jim hated being called “Lizard King”

    The entire book exposes the good the bad and ugly about the drug culture.

    It is heartening that Jim’s father finally recognized his son’s genius.

    Ray has a forum I believe or used thing is certain, the music of The Doors is still alive influencing and inspiring people today.

  3. Fannie says:

    Thanks for the memories – I never did see him in concert, and know he played all over the country, the world. I can say that his girlfriend Pam Courson was from Weed, Siskiyou Co. Ca.
    We always joked that she put the town on the map. It’s located near Mt. Shasta.

    I loved him, but Janis was number one.

  4. Fannie says:

    PS, you can see Weed from my back door. Ha Ha.

  5. bostonboomer says:

    The Doors – Break on Through, live in Boston

  6. boogieman7167 says:

    happy 4th everone

  7. okasha says:

    Does anyone know what’s become of Patricia Kenneally? She wrote several good books–her “Kelts in Space” series, including an Athurian trilogy–then the quality fell off drastically and she seems to have just disappeared.

  8. Wendy Bailey says:

    I love your pics and story of Jim.. He likes it as well!

  9. AliceP. says:

    Patricia Kenneally had a website for the longest time still claiming she was the rightful wife of Jim Morrison. She didn’t write much about anything else there. I don’t know if she’s still up and going but, many people weren’t very fond of some of her later tactics.

    You might be able to find out by going to Ray’s forum and asking. The last time I peeked in there about two months ago she was still a topic of conversation.

  10. AliceP. says: She’s on FB too Okasha.