Thursday Cartoons: Duh! 🖐🏼

Good morning…it’s debate night…🤮

Ok…show of hands. Who thinks Trump is a petulant asshole? I do!

This will be short because I am having a little crisis at home. See, I also live with petulant assholes. So my mind is not in a good place.

Man, fuck these assholes:

I know I posted this in the comments the other day, but it needs to be seen:

My state of Georgia is one of those states…

Some other sad stories:

For your Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈…some history:

See you all later tonight…if we can stand it.

This is an open thread.

5 Comments on “Thursday Cartoons: Duh! 🖐🏼”

    • quixote says:

      Marcotte makes very good points. If tRump is ridiculed and ‘losered’ he’ll go off. And the good news is Biden’s as sharp as a whip. He knows that.

      I’ll be surprised if, in the nicest possible Everybody’s-Grandad sort of way, Biden doesn’t roast him to a charred lump of grease. Fact-checking would just get in the way, as Marcotte says.

  1. bostonboomer says:

    Hahaha! It would be so funny if he lost his liquor licenses for being convicted felon.

  2. Anonymous says:

    We may have been whisltling past the grave yard on the whole ae thing.

    Biden is preferable to Trump in every way, but he may not be able to oercome the optics.

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