Tuesday Cartoons: You’re Outta Here

Good morning…First up a quick video:

With the horrors of late, I have to share some funny things…

And some beautiful things:

Because this shit is crazy:

This comes on the heels of Samual Alito’s taped comments.

In other Alito news:

Now for some cartoons.

That’s enough! Y’all have a safe day…this is an open thread.

10 Comments on “Tuesday Cartoons: You’re Outta Here”

  1. bostonboomer says:

    Verdict reached in Hunter Biden case

    • bostonboomer says:

      Guilty on all counts.

      • dakinikat says:

        Well that was quick. I wonder what the MAGOTs will say now.

        • darthvelma says:

          That Hunter Biden was found guilty to make it look like the system isn’t rigged against Trump.

          Seriously. That’s what they’re going with.

          • quixote says:

            /*dreams beautiful dream imagining a system that really was rigged against Trump*/

            Instead of letting him get away with being a one-man crime wave for DECADES.

      • trump will get away with murder…while Hunter rots in jail.

        • Anonymous says:

          Giant differential enforcement against Hunter. If it hadn’t been a way to harass Biden Sr., it wouldn’t even be on the map for the Repugs.

          And then there’s the shambling pile-o-crimes. Fraud, check kiting, tax fraud, assault, mysterious helicopter (? airplane?) crashes of people he needed to silence way back when, funding Iran’s Revolutionary Guard via revolting real estate “deals” in Central Asia, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.

        • quixote says:

          Giant differential enforcement against Hunter. If it hadn’t been a way to harass Biden Sr., it wouldn’t even be on the map for the Repugs.

          And then there’s the shambling pile-o-crimes. Fraud, check kiting, tax fraud, assault, mysterious helicopter (? airplane?) crashes of people he needed to silence way back when, funding Iran’s Revolutionary Guard via revolting real estate “deals” in Central Asia, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on

  2. dakinikat says:


    The Alitos are historical relics that should be sent on a permanent vacation to the Vatican basement where they hide all the other things they don’t want the public to learn about. These two are straight up fascists!

    Secret Recording Reveals Martha Ann Alito’s Fascist Frustrations

    Lauren Windsor caught Martha Ann Alito vowing vengeance on media and everyone else in her own words, including her promise that her German heritage justified her lust for revenge.

    And then she told a really kind of bizarre and creepy tale about a reporter who criticized her clothes.

    MAA: You know, I was denigrated early on when we first came to town and the woman then won a Pulitzer Prize. She was commenting on my clothes. She said that I wore a baby blanket one day and the next time I had on a Lazy Boy recliner patterned suit.

    And so when she won her Pulitzer, I called her up and I said, Hello, is this Robin Gavan of the New York Times? Yes, it is. I said, “oh, I’m so proud of you. You’re getting a Pulitzer Prize.

    I said, and will you be wearing Balanchaga?

    And she goes, no. I said, why not? She said, well, it doesn’t flatter me. I said, oh, come on. Such a high-end thing. It doesn’t flatter you?

    And then I said to her, you know, it’s a beautiful day.

    It’s April 2006.

    I said, maybe you want to go outside today in New York.

    It’s really beautiful.

    Take a walk and enjoy life.

    She never came after me again, but she went after Jane Roberts again.

    That’s when she got her Pulitzer between Jane and me, and the guys in the clothes that Jane had put the children in, and the clothes that we wore.

    Why does she think they’re coming after her? Why, the femmenazis, of course. Please tell me more about how this couple is just a pair of Fox-watching, Limbaugh listening shitposters at a charity party.

  3. dakinikat says:

    BREAKING: Trump may lose liquor license for Bedminster and his other New Jersey properties.Because he is a convicted felon.


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