Thursday Cartoons: A note about cartoons going forward.

Hello, there has been a controversy over at Washington Post about a cartoon that was published a few days ago. Now, I saw this particular cartoon and made the decision to not include it into my post on Tuesday. I do edit my choices on which cartoons to post here on the blog. Sometimes…I know, I pick cartoons that tread the line on commentary. That is what editorial and political cartoons are supposed to do! I have never felt the need to issue a disclaimer about any of the cartoons before…and you all are aware that I have been more than vocal when it comes to cartoons that support LGBTQIA+ and the like. But this is the first time I feel I need to mention… not all the ideas or opinions expressed in the cartoons posted here reflect the views of the blog’s writers.

That being said here is a few threads on the WaPo cartoon I mentioned up top:

Okay…so. I thought it was important to get this highlighted because it is something I felt needed to be addressed.

Here are the cartoons via Cagle:

I thought I’d show you a couple of cartoons I would not include…


All Republicans are assholes.

This is an open thread…

10 Comments on “Thursday Cartoons: A note about cartoons going forward.”

  1. Please stay safe today, and if you have TCM don’t forget it is John Waters night!

  2. dakinikat says:

  3. dakinikat says:

  4. Also this:

  5. dakinikat says: