Sunday Cartoons: Dirty Pillows

Good morning…yesterday we lost one of the best actors ever! Rest in power Piper Laurie:

On to some other things…

As you can see I’m avoiding all news about the war….in Israel. If you want updates just turn on any news media channel or check out any social network. I mean, just going to Twitter/X for an article on Piper Laurie and I saw two dead babies…and I wasn’t even looking for news on the war. It is fucking sick.

Here is the cartoons and memes:

Meh…I just fucking feel like crap. Hope everyone stays safe. This is an open thread.

4 Comments on “Sunday Cartoons: Dirty Pillows”

    • bostonboomer says:

      I love October. It is the in-between time–nice weather, trees changing color, and spooky Halloween.