Friday Reads Scandal and Conspiracy Theory Rag Edition

Good Afternoon!BadGirls-Gwaltney-182x300

Outrageous and untrue conspiracy theories have followed wherever Hillary Clinton has ventured.  This week appears to be one major attack of the killer gossip for nearly all our usual suspects.  For once, Hillary is not the center of any of them.  I’m just going to go with all of this even though my better wisdom beings tell me that it’s a lot of idle chatter.

So who doesn’t like a good scandal every once and a while?

The National Enquirer which is well known for breaking the seal on famous extra marital adventures of pols like John Edwards started following the adventures of lying–and possibly cheating–Ted. Yesterday’s headlines spun stories of five women who could actually hold their noses long enough to have sex with this really sorry excuse for a human being.  The most self-righteous “family values” pols are frequently the biggest hypocrites when it comes to adventurous sex lives.  So, while Cruz is so vile it’s hard to believe he could get one woman let alone a number of them, I’m going to go with the story here.  Now, the author of this is like 1 degree of separation from a Trump crony but still, the intrepid Enquirer usually brings home the bacon and Ted Cruz is a pig among men.  How much money does it take to get a lady to bed this dud?

“Private detectives are digging into at least five affairs Ted Cruz supposedly had,” claimed a Washington insider.

“The leaked details are an attempt to destroy what’s left of his White House campaign!”

The ENQUIRER reports that Cruz’s claimed mistresses include a foxy political consultant and a high-placed D.C. attorney!

There are also whispers of other intimate late-night sessions Ted has had in Washington — and even a wild sex worker makes the cut!

7531628154_58bc3b9b8e_o1.jpg.scaled600There’s actually names and pix!

Despite being partially-obscured, three of the five women alleged to have been involved with Cruz have already been identified: Katrina Pierson, Sarah Isgur Flores and Amanda Carpenter. This story was already in the works at Breitbart, as Allum Bokhari had it back in February but was not permitted to run with it. The current timing strikes me as intriguing given the fact that Donald Trump already warned the Cruz campaign that there would be reprisals for their advertised attack on his wife Melania.

It also looks as if the Rubio campaign had the dirt on Cruz, but sat on it in order to keep him viable against Donald Trump.

So, what would this kind of story be without a link to a right wing conspiracy site?  Uh, you can go there if you want because it’s rather interesting actually.

Interestingly Sarah Isgur Flores, in addition to being a well known political operative, was also the campaign manager for Carly Fiorina.  And that little factoid brings an earlier discovery into question; where the Super-PAC for Ted Cruz (Keep the Promise) actually sent the Super-PAC for Carly Fiorina (Carly for America “CfA”) $500,000 (link).

7486498168_1583b63829_o1.jpg.scaled1000Alabama’s governor has also be caught up in a sex scandal.  More-Pious-than-Thou Republican Governor Robert Bentley’s wife has filed for divorce over the release of a some what juicy but not as juicy as Anthony Wiener’s sexting audio tape.  Ah, a Republican, their dick, and their mistress!  What could be more apropos during the election season!

A day after shocking audio tapes revealed Gov. Robert Bentley made inappropriate comments of a sexual nature to his chief political advisor, questions over the future of the Alabama governor remain.

In the wake of accusations by former Alabama Law Enforcement Agency chief Spencer Collier, who Bentley fired Tuesday, the governor apologized for comments made to advisor Rebekah Caldwell Mason but denied having a physical affair with the married mother and his former communications director.

On Tuesday, Bentley announced the firing of ALEA chief Collier, who said he learned of his dismissal on social media. Collier later announced he had seen and heard evidence of an affair between the married governor and Mason. Collier’s statements were the first on-the-record comments regarding the governor’s relationship with his advisor. Rumors of the affair began circulating shortly after Dianne, Gov. Bentley’s wife of 50 years, filed for divorce in the summer of 2015.

Bentley held a Wednesday press conference to deny a sexual relationship with Mason but apologized for what he described as “inappropriate comments.”

“I am truly sorry and I accept full responsibility,” Bentley said, adding, however, he had broken no laws.

Donald Trump continues his absolute scandalous behavior with women.  He can’t stop saying sexist and misogynist things.  His Twitter _Les_Pulp_-_MP_unashamedaccount is a trifecta of terror against women.  He’s said horrid things about Hillary Clinton already.  It can only get worse as the election wears on and wears on all of us.

The altercation underscores the striking nastiness of the GOP primary race and the uncomfortable gender politics surrounding Trump, who has a long history of making incendiary remarks about women and their appearance. Trump has shown little reluctance in attacking his female rivals — or some of his rivals’ spouses — in ways that strike many as sexist or demeaning, and many fear that the insults are a harbinger of the gutter rhetoric to come if he faces Clinton in November.

Trump has called Clinton “very shrill,” belittles her for a lack of stamina and energy, and late last year jabbed her and husband, Bill Clinton, for the latter’s marital indiscretions while he was president. In another instance, Trump said Hillary Clinton “got schlonged” in her 2008 primary fight against then-Sen. Barack Obama.

“I have some very real concerns should he become the nominee. I think it would be catastrophic for our party,” said GOP strategist Katie Packer, who leads the Our Principles PAC, an anti-Trump super PAC. “Half of the reason why I’m fighting so hard to stop Donald Trump is because I think he’s a walking, talking stereotype of a sexist misogynistic pig.”

Polling shows Trump sliding among women in recent months, hurting the GOP’s already shaky position with that demographic. Trump’s favorability numbers have decreased 10 points among women nationwide since November, to 23 percent, while his unfavorable number among women has jumped to 75 percent from 64 percent, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll taken this month.

7719d9b4a7d8994f0f3b4b049043c197Ben Carson continues to amaze his with statements that seem to come from a parallel universe. He’s taking credit now for Trump “seeming more presidential”.  I’m not sure what’s the bigger lie. Is it his characterization of his role or Trump?

Ben Carson says he’s rubbing off on Donald Trump and has convinced him — at least in flashes — to act more presidential.

“I’ve had talks about being presidential, about toning it down a bit, appealing to a broader group of people,” Carson said in a phone interview on Friday morning. “You did notice that he wasn’t nearly as caustic in the last debate. People appreciated that. It’s a matter of cultivating and capitalizing on that.”

But Carson acknowledged he couldn’t hold back Trump’s instincts forever. Trump provoked another food fight this week when he accused Ted Cruz of disseminating a racy magazine photo of Trump’s wife, Melania, and threatened to “spill the beans” on Cruz’s wife, Heidi. He went further, retweeting a supporter’s unflattering photo of Heidi Cruz, prompting Cruz to lash out and call Trump a “sniveling coward.”

Carson said the moment is part of a broader craving by the public for gladiatorial combat among politicians.

“You know, when I was in the race, that was what I complained about constantly, the fact that it was getting into personalities,” he said. “We have all these serious things. Nobody wanted to hear that. We want to hear juicy stuff … Maybe it’s just human nature.”

This is the same pious dude that’s under suspicion of a quid pro quo for throwing his support behind STrump.  STrump also appears to have plagiarized an Op Ed of Carson.  I guess cheating is all in the Republican Family.

After Ben Carson on Monday said that he discussed with Donald Trump a possible role in his administration, Carson on Wednesday said that the two “did not discuss any quid pro quo.”

CNN’s Erin Burnett asked Carson on Wednesday about his discussions with Trump and what kind of role he would expect in the administration if Trump were elected president.

“First of all, we did not discuss any quid pro quo. There seems to be a great desire by many people to try and make it seem that way,” Carson said in response. “But we did agree that we’re both extremely interested in saving America — particularly for the next generations, and that we will continue to work together in the process of doing that.”

During a Monday interview with Newsmax’s Steve Malzberg, Carson said he would be involved in an “advisory capacity” when Malzberg asked if he would be part of Trump’s administration. When pressed for details, Carson said he could not share more since nothing was final.

Burnett also asked Carson about a report showing that Trump appeared to plagiarize parts of an op-ed written by Carson. The retired neurosurgeon seemed unfazed by the potential plagiarism.

“I would say that many of the people who worked for me previously are now working for Donald Trump, so that doesn’t surprise me at all,” Carson said. “Let me put it this way: it doesn’t bother me at all.”

Well, at least it gets our minds off Benghazi!!!! and Email!!!!

So, let’s look at a scandal here of the Bernmeister.  He’s not to be left off our hypocrite of the day list.judashour-front

Dozens of veterans died while waiting for medical care at Phoenix Veterans Health Administration facilities, a scandal CNN broke in the spring of 2014. The imbroglio spread with reports of secret waiting lists at other VA hospitals, possibly leading to dozens more preventable deaths.

He held one-sixth of the hearings on oversight that his House of Representatives counterpart held. Republicans griped that they had made multiple requests for more oversight hearings, but received no response. A news host even challenged Sanders as the scandal erupted, saying he sounded more like a lawyer for the VA than the man responsible for overseeing it.

“We feel that he did not live up to his responsibilities as SVAC chairman to provide oversight into this. He keeps hiding behind the mantle [of the title]. And yes, he did pass the $15 billion piece of legislation, but that’s… akin to closing the barn door after the chickens have escaped,” said Matthew Miller, the chief policy officer of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.

By the time the scandal broke, Sanders had been chairman for more than a year. While the House VA committee held 42 hearings on VA oversight, the Senate VA committee chaired by Sanders held only about seven hearings on the matter.

“The House needed a partner in the Senate to help flesh out the problems at the VA, and unfortunately Bernie Sanders was not that partner. Jeff Miller and his committee were the ones who pursued this and ultimately uncovered [the VA scandal]… only when the VA scandal broke was when [Sanders] ultimately decided to do oversight hearings,” said Dan Caldwell, the vice president for political and legislative action of Concerned Veterans for America.

Ah, Saint Bernie!  We know ye far too well!

Well, that’s something completely different from me!

What’s on your reading and blogging list today?


74 Comments on “Friday Reads Scandal and Conspiracy Theory Rag Edition”

  1. janicen says:

    Ted Cruz’s sex scandals remind me of Bill Clinton’s bimbo eruptions with paid operatives claiming to have had an affair with the candidate. Sounds like the handiwork of Roger Stone, again.

    As for Bernie, his followers believe nothing bad about him or if they do, they overlook it because Hillary did some bullshit, pick from the list, Benghazi, emails, Iraq war vote, accepted campaign contributions, blah blah blah. Bernie can do no wrong and if he does it’s overlooked. Hillary can do no right. I’m really getting tired of it. When’s the convention? 😀

    • ANonOMouse says:

      Ratfucking: Ratfucking is an American slang term for political sabotage or dirty tricks. It was first brought to public attention by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in their book All the President’s Men.

    • janicen says:

      Ratfucker? Cruz using the term to mean dirty trickster? That’s my best guess.

    • bostonboomer says:

      Yes, the what does that have to do with “copulating?”

      • Sweet Sue says:

        Nixon’s gang of crooks considered Democrats rats; hence ratfucking.
        Fucking with the minds of rats.
        They were real charmers.

        • bostonboomer says:

          Yes, I know. But there’s something very bizarre about the way Cruz referenced it.

          • jackyt says:

            He’s too godly to use the ‘F’ word, don’tcha know… he’ll do it, but he will not say it! After all, he has principles!!

          • NW Luna says:

            Yeah, he’s stepping around the word trying to imply it but not say it and it sure doesn’t sound right. Or does he mean that he, Cruz, is not a ratfucker? It doesn’t matter — they are all crazy.

    • Dak,

      Remember the G.W. Bush ad that had a subliminal message of ‘Gore is a Rat’…works on one’s basic instincts. So, Neil Bush is on Ted Cruz’s campaign and so “RAT” reappears.

    • janicen says:

      I watched it and I am not only shocked at the behavior (although at this point in this campaign season nothing should shock me) of the Trump supporter, but I am also shocked at the wording of the link, …”trump-supporter-stuns-cruz-ally…”. She wasn’t stunned, she shot right back. It’s interesting how they try to spin stuff.

  2. Peter Adrastos Athas says:

    Love the pulp covers. I may be rubbing off on you; poor dear.

  3. Sweet Sue says:

    Wow, Cruz may have to drop out if the adultery story has legs.
    I don’t think that- after Edwards- the old “I’ve caused pain in my marriage” Sixty Minute interview will cut it in 2016.

  4. janicen says:

    Heaven knows I hate the Republicans with every cell in my body but I have to say I hope extramarital affair(s) isn’t what causes Cruz’s downfall. It’s so unseemly to be throwing that accusation around whether it’s true or not. So what if it’s true? His wife probably knows or suspects and has reconciled with it so the rest is nobody else’s business. I know people will say it’s because of the hypocrisy but I wish we could get this kind of nonsense out of the discussion and get back to issues.

    • ANonOMouse says:

      “Heaven knows I hate the Republicans with every cell in my body but I have to say I hope extramarital affair(s) isn’t what causes Cruz’s downfall.”

      For me, if these rumors turn out to be true, it is about the hypocrisy. What people do in their private lives is none of my business. I’ve never cared about the sexual lives of others. I’m a live and let live person as long as what is happening is between consenting adults, but Cruz sets himself up as a paragon of virtue who crusades against everything in our society he considers “sinful”. His father has billed Ted as chosen by god. He’s been a very outspoken opponent of Choice. He has crusaded against LGBT rights and marriage equality. He believes the government should be whittled down to a nub which means that all of the social compacts would be destroyed. Still Cruz bills himself as the consummate christian values family man when every thing about him screams bullshit. From the beginning I’ve said that I see him as a televangelist type who is in it for nothing but power, money and glory. Whether this story is true or not I think he is a demagogue of the highest order, a total phony and I hope that something is revealed before the GOP primary ends that takes him off of the political stage for good. To my mind he is far and away the MOST dangerous of all the GOP candidates.

      • janicen says:

        Yes and if I’m being honest, when I said the part the hypocrisy I had you in mind because I suspected that would be your issue. Still, I don’t like the idea of bringing up morality unless it involves something illegal. Morality is the argument used against extramarital affairs, homosexuality, transsexuality, birth control and hell, let’s throw in masturbation. I don’t want to get into a morality argument with anybody because it’s ridiculous and is only used to oppress people. As Democrats, are we going to point our moral fingers at Ted Cruz but say we’re okay with Bill Clinton? Not me.

        • dakinikat says:

          The only thing here is that Ted is a family values law pusher

          • janicen says:

            Yes but. I just don’t want to go there. I’m really uncomfortable with pointing fingers and calling people witches.

          • babama says:

            Yes. It is about vastly more than his hypocrisy for me. Be a hypocrite, have at it, that is not unique. But, Ted Cruz wants to make his theocratic beliefs the law of the land. A legislated morality that I would be forced to suffer. I don’t forget for one nanosecond that there are influential people in his Dominionist, Christian Reconstructionist circle that say in public that I, and all lesbians and gays should be put to death. Who in other parts of the world promote laws to bring that about.


            I do not trust his distancing from this at all, he apologized because he got caught, plain and simple. He says he is a Dominionist and believes he is “anointed”. I believe he means it. “When people tell you who they are, believe them”. Thank you, Dr. Maya.

            Given his upbringing, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was sadly sexually messed up, but my sympathy ends where his hate speech and attempts to oppress others begins. I have a limited amount of tolerance for the intolerant, and a whole lot less for those who threaten my right to live.

        • ANonOMouse says:

          I respect your opinion Janicen, but I’m still hoping his ass gets busted! 🙂

          • ANonOMouse says:

            Maybe he’ll get a serving of very ripe green eggs and ham.

            That might shut him up for a while.

        • William says:

          I agree with you, Janice. Cruz is an awful person in many respects. But as intriguing as this story may be, it really doesn’t do us any good. It might get Kasich the nomination, and that would be a problem. And as far as the hypocrisy goes, I always figure that many of the politicians who preach morality, are probably hypocrites. Sometimes they are unmasked, but it does not seem to have any real effect, except occasionally it damages their career. But there are plenty more of them to take their place.

          And then, as you imply, this kind of thing can always pop up to damage someone whose virtues outweigh this particular vice. I would prefer that the candidates I like and admire lived exemplary lives, but that is rare enough, particularly among politicians. And having affairs seems to be commonplace for the “alpha males” who succeed at politics. And turning another campaign into some kind of soap opera is a dangerous thing. Going back to Kasich, the fact that he seems to have a nice family, and does not say inane things, is going to be considered a major plus by many voters, and it shouldn’t be, not with his social darwinist economic policies. The same goes for Ryan. This is not entertainment like “Survivor” or”Game of Thrones” (not that I have watched those, but I have the general idea). It’s about which candidate is the most competent, the most perceptive, and is on the right side of issues that matter.

  5. quixote says:

    I’m kind of afraid some of the garbage on the mental midgets is coming out too soon. I’m thinking it would have been better if one of them had been safely nominated first.

    This way the Repubs could make it vaguely plausible to pull, say, a Paul Ryan rabbit out of a hat in July.

    As a man with good hair, he’d probably get elected if the competition is only the best candidate the country has seen since FDR. The toxic misogyny against Clinton has to be seen to be believed and, honestly, it seems awfully widespread (although not as deep everywhere).

    I’m afraid that unless she’s running against an obvious and clearly labelled monster, the general election is going to be way more difficult than it has any right to be. Overly paranoid? Or do others here have similar nightmares?

    • Riverbird says:

      You’re not overly paranoid. I won’t relax until the votes have been counted in November. I’d think Hillary could beat anyone the Republicans throw at her, but if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that life is full of surprises.

    • NW Luna says:

      Well, here in the middle of Berning delusion land, I am worried that far too many refuse to be made uncomfortable by awareness of their sexism. You’d think that by looking at the Republican threat they’d realize they need to pull in behind an experienced, smart, strong candidate. Then I hear of the delusional women who support Trump and like him because he “speaks his mind” — although I think when Trump speaks he reveals a very small mind.

      However I also think of the moderate Republican women who were ready to vote for Hillary back in ’08. And of the huge wins she’s earned in even the “Confederate” states, indeed in nearly every state so far that has a primary rather than caucus. I know the primary season voters are not representative of the general electorate, but at least the GE is an election not a damned caucus. Plus with the winner-take-all Electoral College, I think her wins in big states along with the blue states and a few others should bring her to safety.

      And I will feel much better after the votes are counted and Madame President-elect is formally announced the winner.

      • quixote says:

        far too many refuse to be made uncomfortable by awareness of their sexism

        ^^^This. A big part — and cause! — of nightmares.

        The important thing I try to keep reminding myself is to soldier on, like Clinton herself.

    • janicen says:

      That Paul Ryan remark is very interesting, Quix. If there is a brokered convention, anybody could be put forward. Are the Republicans that clever? He would be a good candidate for them but the Trump people would tear the place apart. Very interesting idea, though.

  6. bostonboomer says:


  7. bostonboomer says:


  8. NW Luna says:

    OK, SkyDancers — send me some strong thoughts! I face the caucus ordeal tomorrow in Seattle.

    I’ll wear my Hillary button (saved in hope from ’08), probably a sticker that says “Feel the math” and probably one that says “Because there’s nothing that says ‘Sexism is dead’ like a woman voting for Bernie.” That last one may take the Bernie bros and gals a little while to process, lol. Printouts that summarize Hillary’s achievements, Senate work, and policies. Hmmm, might be a waste of time since the other side has obviously not shown an aptitude for seeking evidence.

    • dakinikat says:

      Deep breathing and meditation

    • janicen says:

      Oy, I don’t envy you. I miss a lot of things about the PNW but I don’t miss caucuses. Good luck Luna. Take as many buttons and signs as you can to share with other Hillary supporters who may be new to caucuses. It’s important to identify yourself to keep the zombies away. I’ll keep you in my thoughts but, better you than me. Gawd I hate caucusing.

      • dakinikat says:

        The kids are caucusing in Capitol Hill.

        • janicen says:

          Good for them. You have good kids.

        • NW Luna says:

          I hope they let you know their caucus stories! I want to hear what their experience was like. I’d expect Capitol Hill to have a lot of Berniebros, but then again there has long been a comfortable gay & lesbian community presence there, so Hillary could have a lot of supporters.

      • NW Luna says:

        I also plan to lobby the state Dem party officials there to drop this undemocratic caucus system in favor of a 1 person, 1 vote, secret ballot, regular primary. I hope that Hillary will get some action going in this direction for all the caucus states, once she is in office.

        • janicen says:

          Good luck with all of that. I remember talking to the head of the fifth district, Hank somebodyorother, and he was very protective of his caucus. That was back in ’08 so a lot may have changed since then.

          • NW Luna says:

            Yeah, I got the “Tough, that’s the way it’s going to stay” message back in ’08 too.

        • babama says:

          Thank you for this! And for braving the Berning field. You are a strong woman.

    • Riverbird says:

      Good luck to you!

  9. NW Luna says:

    Interesting. This was on my neighborhood news blog:

    GetOutTheCaucus! March 25, 2016 (1:39 pm) Reply

    Thank you so much for publishing this. Bernie’s team was out in my neighborhood (Delridge) yesterday hanging info on doors……with the wrong caucus locations. I’m hoping all my neighbors know their true caucus locations!

    andrewwantcookie March 25, 2016 (3:21 pm) Reply

    Haha…those were probably Hillary supporters handing out a little misdirection.

    She’s tricky that way!

    GetOutTheCaucus March 25, 2016 (4:27 pm) Reply

    Nope. It was Bernie’s people. I’m not suggesting it was malicious (that’s more of a Bernie’s people thing to do….accuse people of everything under the sun), but more of a simple mistake. Mistakes happen. Not everything is voter suppression or intimidation. These people are volunteers. Not sabotaging spies. Come on people.

  10. NW Luna says:

    I know most of you have already read the piece in the Rolling Stone about choosing Hillary, but this paragraph stood out for me:

    You get a sense of “authenticity” when you hear Sanders talking truth to power, but there is another kind of authenticity, which may not feel as good but is vitally important, when Clinton speaks honestly about what change really requires, about incremental progress, about building on what Obama has achieved in the arenas of health care, clean energy, the economy, the expansion of civil rights. There is an inauthenticity in appeals to anger rather than to reason, for simplified solutions rather than ones that stand a chance of working. This is true about Donald Trump, and lamentably also true about Sanders.

  11. List of X says:

    Since there is no Friday Nite Lite post today, you can check this out: Jimmy Kimmel mansplains to Hillary Clinton: